Mystic Dominator

Chapter 188: 1 false alarm

Walked out of the coffee shop alone.

Nicole paused for a few seconds at the door, and then walked towards the other party with a smile on her face as if she had just seen the little boy.

Naturally, she folded the note in her hand, and the investigator girl immediately walked up to the little boy and put on a rather gentle smile:

"Little guy, can you send me a letter?"

He was suddenly stopped by Nicole, and then heard that he got the business. Even if the pay for such a job would not be too high, the little boy dressed as a newsboy immediately nodded and replied:

"It's all right, miss."

"But where do you want to send the letter, do you have any other specific requirements?"

Nicole shook her head slightly, then replied:

"There's nothing too troublesome, you just need to help me with regular mailing."

"In the case of the post office, it is the Grid Letter Administration. Remember to mark me as a yellow-label letter. The specific mailing time is two days later, and the location is in the hands of the owner of the goldsmith shop at 26 Long Beach Street."

Hearing Nicole's explanation, the boy dressed as a newsboy changed his face and his tone was a little nervous:

"Ma'am, what do you mean?"

"Across Long Beach Street... it's not a good place over Long Beach Street."

"This letter won't cause me any trouble. Mastheads generally don't allow us to do such a thing."

Seeing that the newsboy's young face showed mature concerns that didn't match her age, Nicole took out coins from her pocket and handed them over, and at the same time she reached out and touched the little boy's hair.

Under the quick action of the investigator girl, the little boy had no time to react, just like a child next door, his hair was messed up by Nicole.

And with this action, Nicole continued to explain with a smile:

"Little guy, don't worry."

"I also work on Long Beach Street. This is not illegal, and it has nothing to do with the problems that happened with the Police Department some time ago."

"However, this is also an internal letter that involves more important news. I'm sure someone will come to you to inquire about it. In that case, can I ask you?"

As she said that, the investigator girl patted the little boy on the shoulder.

Hello everyone, our public account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, as long as you pay attention, you can get it. The last benefit at the end of the year, please seize the opportunity. Public account [Book Friends Base Camp]

Throughout the conversation, her actions revealed trust in the little guy.

In the face of such a girl's intimacy, the difference seemed to ease the tension in Nicole's heart.

Immediately, the little boy nodded vigorously:

"Okay, miss."

"I...I'll do this for you!"

Looking at the little boy whose emotions gradually eased, Nicole continued with a gentle smile on her face:

"Thank you so much, my little gentleman."

After speaking, you have to straighten your back and prepare to walk into the coffee shop.

However, after this very casual action, the investigator girl saw something different out of the corner of her eye.

It was at the corner in front of the street, and a carriage was slowly driving out from there.


At this moment, Nicole's pupils tightened.

The investigator girl recognized it, and it was undoubtedly the carriage of the warden's house.

Because of her work, Nicole often appears at some dinners or dances in Burrenwich, and disguises herself as a temporary security worker for the organizer.

During this process, she naturally saw the warden's carriage, which was obviously the one in front of her.

Without even a second of hesitation, Nicole squatted in front of the little boy again, and pulled out a newspaper from his hand:

"By the way, let me buy another copy of your newspaper."

The little boy immediately thanked him happily:

"Thank you... thank you, miss!"

"That's really helpful."

Although the little boy's emotions are very sincere, Nicole has absolutely no spare time to continue interacting with her.

Nodding quickly, the girl immediately stepped back with the newspaper in her hand, and then very naturally raised the newspaper in front of her, covering her face.

Go to the side of the street and lean against the wall.

Nicole looked like an ordinary citizen who had just finished a day's work, bought a newspaper after get off work, and was reading today's news by the roadside. There was nothing noticeable at all.

clap clap clap-

From far to near, the warden's carriage drove past the investigator girl.

Nicole, who was blocked by the newspaper, kept looking at the other person's figure carefully.

She could see that the man driving the carriage was the warden's coachman.

However, right next to the driver, there was a character that made Nicole very vigilant.

- It's the valet.

—At the same time, he is also the master of the mysterious scriptures in the home of the warden.

Just as the three of them had expected before, when Rumir was going to attend the social dance today, this guy really chose to **** him to the dance scene tonight.

However, although it has been expected, Nicole is still a little nervous now.

Dangerous tome masters pass by, and there is no doubt an adversarial relationship.

As long as she thought of this, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

If the other party happens to discover him, what should he do next? Will everything fall short?

Normally, when I encounter such a scene, I would have already preempted it.

But it happened that he couldn't alarm the other party today.

Nicole's heart is now a tight thread.

A little carelessness is the end of a stretch.

Fortunately everything was fine.

The master of the original script sitting on the carriage was not idle enough to look at a passerby reading a newspaper on the side of the road.

Not caring about Nicole's unremarkable figure at all, the warden's carriage just drifted away.

When the carriage drove past the street in front of him, he finally left his sight completely.

Nicole let out a sigh of relief.


She folded the newspaper and stuffed it in her pocket, and she decided to go back to the cafe.

But before taking a few steps, Nicole stopped.

Because right in front of him, Ronald and Swift in the coffee shop had already come out, and quickly walked to the investigator girl and asked:

"How are you, were you alright?"

With a smile on her face, Nicole immediately shook her head:

"To be honest, UU reading is a bit exciting."

"But it's fine now."

"The warden confirmed that he went to the city hall. Just now, Lumil also left the mansion with that man."

Looking at Nicole with a relaxed expression, Ronald continued:

"So, now is the time for us to act."

Swift on the side also nodded:

"That's right."

Outside the cafe on the street, the three looked at each other, and then walked in the direction of Linzhong Road in tacit understanding.

A quarter of an hour had passed since the three of them walked into the cafe. At this time, it is also when people start to get off work and the streets are the most crowded and complicated.

mixed in with this crowd.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

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