Mystic Dominator

Chapter 170: meal process

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Wait until the rescue of the cauliflower fails, and then the two deal with today's lunch.

The time has come to noon.

Because Nicole's house didn't have a special dining room, the two sat opposite each other on the chairs in the living room.


Taking a breath, Ronald took a closer look at the food in front of him.

Today's meal is not easy to eat...  

Nicole does see herself as a good friend, so the food she prepares today is quite rich, and most of them are high-quality ingredients.

But here's the problem.

What she buys is the real 'ingredients'!

Deep-sea fish bought a live one and put it in the pool, a rare pheasant was directly caged and thrown in the corner, and the plant ingredients that needed to be processed in advance were hardly processed.

The whole is a large exhibition of the original ecology of animals and plants!

Oh, right.

There is one that has been dealt with.

- Has been soaked in warm water for too long.

—to the point of cauliflower that completely loses its texture.

To sum up, Ronald was not at all excited when facing this sumptuous lunch.

At this moment, Nicole, who grabbed a piece of barbecue and was about to bite it, saw Ronald's expression, and immediately said:

"Ronald, what are you doing, hurry up and eat."


"All right."

Nodding his head, Ronald scooped a bowl of the boiled fish soup in front of him, and asked while eating:

"Nicole, let's talk about this organization now?"

Hearing Ronald's words, Nicole nodded immediately.

At this moment, the investigator girl's face completely disappeared from the previous excitement. She chewed a few bites of barbecue and swallowed her throat. She then said:

"After getting the hint of the prophecy, I quickly conducted a secret investigation into this organization. But unfortunately, they did not leave any clues that can be traced."

"Although I also asked some of my comrades at the Bureau of Investigation, it seems that only Mr. Yakin received such a cipher letter when he was young. I was wondering if only a particularly powerful young Junjie could get this organization's cipher letter. Unfortunately, there has been no way to verify it.”

Hearing this, Ronald pointed to himself with the spoon in his hand:

"So after I show up, you will suspect that the organization will contact me?"

Nicole nodded without thinking:

"That's right."

"Isn't the reason why I was so excited at the beginning today because you have a high probability of receiving a password letter?"

"Actually, in Burrenwich now, the only people I know are you, me, and Mr. Yakin who have received the encrypted letter."

"Besides that, even a veteran caster like Mr. Willard has never seen this thing in the first place!"

Ronald nodded, indicating that he understood the other party's mood:

"But since the number is so small..."

"That means you don't have much news here?"

Nicole stuck a piece of chicken into her mouth and chewed it while admitting:

"Well, that's right."

"However, my prophecy spell will never go wrong when looking for information, so this cipher letter is not just as simple as sending a message, it must also have the meaning of an invitation letter in it."

Ronald began to think about the key.

Nicole and herself are both quite young spellcasters, and Mr. Yakin, who is an investigation and special engraver, also received this kind of cipher letter when he was young.

An organization that only sends 'invitation letters' to young people...

What is the source of this restriction?

Are they actively controlling this range, or is there something affecting this condition?

And the password letter also means an invitation letter...

Perhaps cracking success is a necessary condition for passing the invitation?

Thinking of this, Ronald immediately asked:

"Nicole, those guys haven't touched you in any way since then?"

"And Mr. Yakin, who received a cipher letter when he was young, and nothing else has happened since?"

Hearing Ronald's question, Nicole shook her head forcefully:


"Mr. Yakin didn't pay much attention to the cipher letter he received when he was young. I reminded him about it, and he remembered it."

"As for me, it's only been a year since I received the password letter, and there really was no other contact after that. The screening mechanism for the invitation letter is probably not to crack the password. After all, the other party has never contacted me."

After speaking, Nicole's eyes drifted to her plate.

When she shook her head vigorously just now, she unfortunately threw her hair on top, and it seemed that it was already stained with the juice left by the barbecue.


After thinking for a few seconds, the investigator girl picked up her hair and quickly stroked it with her mouth.

And then tossed it behind his shoulder.

Sitting across from Nicole, Ronald's serious attitude, still thinking about things, was instantly shattered by the girl's action.

Seeing Ronald's expression, Nicole immediately explained:

"It's not what you think."

"I washed my hair before going to bed last night!"


Ronald tried his best to control his expression and nodded, then lowered his head and drank the fish soup he had just scooped up.

Deep-sea fish soup is unique.

The most important thing is that this fish does not yet have the thin spines that pierce its throat. UU reading

Enjoying your own lunch at this time can at least end the increasingly awkward atmosphere at the table.

The two ate in harmony for a while.

Nicole finally took the lead and spoke again:

"That's right, Ronald."

"For this organization, I actually have a little bit of doubts."

Ronald stopped at the same time, raised his head and asked:

"What do you mean?"

Nicole went on to explain:

"It's still about my spells."

"At that time, I was gambling my life to cast spells, and what I was fighting for was to get the teacher's news directly. However, in the end, I got a piece of information with a high degree of deviation."

"According to our school, this situation is quite peculiar."

Ronald raised his eyebrows, and there was a vague guess in his heart.

To be on the safe side, he began to ask again:

"What is the specific situation."

Nicole then explained:

"It is the strong interference of other scriptures."

"After all, this prophecy is the strongest spell involving many fields. If you want to deviate from the results of my prophecy, the other party must use the same level, involving fate, or the original book of karma and other attributes to defend."

"It's like I heard that there is the strongest sealing technique, which locks people at a time node and continues to experience reincarnation. Unless there is an original protection that also involves the nature of time, the power of this kind of magic can be resisted. Otherwise, only Honestly being locked in that time period forever, there is absolutely no possibility of escape."


Ronald tilted his head subconsciously, and glanced at his right hand holding the spoon.

Even if I haven't seen it, I haven't been hit by the sealing technique that Nicole said.

But he also felt a lot more at ease.

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