Mystic Dominator

Chapter 156: day 2 work

It's an unfamiliar ceiling...

When he woke up the next morning, the ceiling at the end of his vision was different from what he used to be telling Ronald that he was not in the comfortable bed in the apartment now.

Yes, he is at his estate on the outskirts of Burrenwich.

Provide security for the exhibition.

Maybe it's a bit inappropriate...

But honestly.

Compared with the pension run by Mrs. Hudson, the bed in this manor room is even more comfortable!


While yawning, Ronald rolled over and got up from the bed.

He silently apologized to Mrs. Hudson in his heart, and then he stepped aside and put on his coat.

Ronald slept in clothes last night.

After all, he was not at home, and he didn't bring anything like pajamas. He probably also considered that it would be easier to move around in case of an accident, so when he slept last night, he chose to lie on the bed with his shirt on.

And the time now is 6:47 in the morning.

It's time for Ronald to work.

Although the exhibition opens at ten o'clock, before that, Ronald has to patrol the exhibition grounds to check how well the various supplies were kept last night.

After finishing this, he will return to the office with the perfect location.

Start to continue today's name recitation study.

And if there are some new changes in the city, Everton will immediately send people to send new things here.

All this has to be done before ten o'clock.

In the early morning of winter, the sky has not yet lighted up at this time.

In Ronald's room, he could only see the outside scenery dimly.

In the dark sky, scattered white snowflakes are falling down with the cold wind of winter. Although the momentum of the snowfall has weakened, it is still not completely over.


So, Ronald called out of his hand.

"Its name is Styx,

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


The black mist that was re-invited crawled under his feet again, and quickly drilled out along the crack of the door of the room.

At the same time, Ronald raised the lantern beside him and lit it.

Then he pushed open the door unhurriedly and left.

Breathing in the cold morning air, he wandered alone in the exhibition manor.

The venue for the exhibition at this time didn't look much different from the real night. Ronald held a lantern to check around. Except for some night guards who were still working, the entire manor was surprisingly quiet.

And because of the strict control system, the guards only nodded to Ronald when he passed by.

Everything else is as quiet as the winter outside.

Rotating around the exhibition in turn, Ronald spent about half an hour to make sure that there was nothing wrong with the manor last night.

The guards of the vigil are all normal, and the protective techniques are also very complete. Even the document exhibits that the guests browsed yesterday afternoon were all reset under the work of the paperwork.

My first day at work was really smooth in every sense.

After such a round of confirmation, Ronald naturally returned upstairs and continued to spread out the booklet in his exclusive office. This morning, the process of reciting the name and picture booklet began again.

This feeling is like when he was in school.

It is as boring and fearless to memorize English words in early self-study.

And look at the snowflakes that are still falling outside.

The condition of the visitors today should be not much different from yesterday, and no one will come.


After that, the day's work was not much different from what Ronald envisioned.

After the whole day, it was still calm and no one came to the exhibition to make trouble.

In the two days of his first job, Ronald could almost be said to have netted Everton's intelligence, and he contributed very little.

Until night falls, the exhibition is ready to close its doors.

It also means the end of the week's work.

A new job just appeared in front of Ronald.

——Negotiate with the people of the church.

After the two-day business hours are over, people from the church will naturally come over to collect the list of personnel movements for the week and the corresponding report documents.

And Ronald is now a pretty important security guard.

When the documents are delivered, they naturally need to be accompanied on the spot.


Then Ronald saw the smiling lady nun.

The smiling nun Audrey is the church person who came to receive the documents today.

Even in such weather, the clergyman did not choose to take a carriage, but left Burrenwich on foot like Ronald, and then walked abruptly to this suburban manor.

Watching the nun holding a black umbrella appear at the entrance of the manor, before she walked into the main building, Ronald asked his colleagues in a low voice:

"The word of the church..."

"Does this nun usually come to get the information?"

"No matter how you think about this kind of thing, it should be more appropriate for the priest to do it, right?"

Hearing Ronald's question, the guard on the side simply shook his head, and replied with a somewhat puzzled tone:

"Who knows what happened."

"Usually, the priest is indeed here. It's still snowing today, but a nun was sent over instead."

"It's not a good thing, obviously..."

Here, Ronald received the expected news from the guard beside him.

At the same time, the nun also walked into the manor with her umbrella Shi Shiran.

However, when she came to the crowd, she ignored the manor clerk who was beside her. Instead, she gave Ronald a church salute The smile on her face did not change, and Audrit said:

"Mr. Ronald, we meet again."

Seeing that the other party showed such an attitude, Ronald had no choice but to nod in response:

"um, yes."

"Long time no see, Ms. Audrit."


After saying hello to Ronald.

The nun then turned to the clerical side and took the documents.

Following the lights near the gate, Audrit's eyes quickly swept across the document, and within a few minutes, she roughly read the report document in her hand.

"No problem, I will take this report back with you."

After confirming with the docking staff here, the nun turned around to face Ronald.

In the dark of night, she tilted her head slightly, pretending to be cute.

A barely cute smile appeared on his face:

"Mr. Ronald, let's go back together."

"If you remember the location of your residence in Burrenwich correctly, the two of us happened to be on the way."

That's true...

Ronald groaned inwardly.

Of course, the people in your church know your own residence, and they have already proved it when they went to review it not long ago.

Right now, I specially let people I know come, and I even sent the invitation directly to me...

Ronald felt that it would be better for him to agree to this invitation.

"In this case......"

"Then let's go together."

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