Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1554: "Hebrew Bible"

Stand up at this moment.

It was the caster who used the space code just now——Ley.

He was struck by Ronald's ability.

I wanted to assist my companions, break the seal in a hurry, and achieve the purpose of this trip.

But Lenny's strong support in front of him is really unbelievable, and can't be ignored.

"Costat? Adler's maid?"

Ley looked at the maid.

Immediately gave up the idea of ​​using space spells to throw Costa out of the holy capital.

Because the defeat against Ronald just now changed the caster's strategy.

He believed in his heart that the enemy in front of him would not be dominated by space spells, so he gave up this theoretical best way to deal with Costa.

"Location is something that is independent of space, but different from substance."

- Spell activation.

At this moment, replacing Lenny as a direct participant in the battle, Ley carefully used spells in the entire area to build a dense and irregular void entity.

They appear as if they do not exist in this world.

But if someone tried to get through, they would slam into it firmly.

Costat couldn't see the clue for the time being, and still chose to charge the enemy.


As expected.

In the next second, the maid's body collided with an invisible entity.

Although this kind of magical creation can't cause serious damage to Costa, its invisible and intangible, but also able to block the ability to move forward, can play a very good hindering effect.

The maid attacked several times in a row.

As a result, it was only confirmed that there were such things all over the surrounding environment.


In silence, Kostat let go of his right hand.

The gust of wind gathered around her suddenly dissipated, and she began to explore the changes in the surrounding space.

However, enemy spells do not respond to air currents.

If Costat wants to get close to the enemy, he can only forcibly smash the void entities to achieve his goal with brute force!

at the same time.

On the other side, the battlefield between Ronald and Lilya has also changed.

[Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] The president's spells are quite unique.

The spell he used to defend was not simply to transform the enemy's attack.

Rather, it is a kind of extremely versatile spell similar to [Invisible Hand]. It was only because of Ronald's strong melee pressure that the opponent could only focus on this defensive effect.

After several consecutive pursuits by Ronald, the building collapsed and fell from the ruins.

Lilya's defensive spells have almost reached their limit.

He seized the opportunity of Ronald passing through the ruins, and chanted a new incantation during the overwhelming pursuit:

"Go on, slob, tiptoe, pale face! Don't let me heel you! What are you doing between these two towers? You only go to the tower, and you should be shut in, a stronger than you Man, you're in his way!"

Under the spell, Ronald stopped immediately.

He only felt that everything around him was falling down except the ground under his feet.

It seemed that if he just took a step casually, he would fall into the bottomless abyss and fall to his death on the spot!

In fact, the library ruins do not change in any way in terms of terrain.

This is a conceptual impact.

Ronald hurriedly used his flying ability, ignoring the spells used by the other party.

But almost at the same time, [instinct] warning sounded in his heart.

Ronald understood immediately.

The opponent's spell has nothing to do with flying and ground, but a real conceptual impact.

Don't say he's flying in the air now.

Even if you dive into the water and swim, as long as you don't conform to the rules of the spell, you will fall to your death on flat ground and in the water!


"From the relationship to the whole earth and sky, we will start to form our cognition."

Ronald stared fixedly at the enemy on the opposite side, and uttered the incantation of "Almagest of Astronomy".

On the other side, Lilya wanted to use this to distance herself from Ronaldo.

As a result, before he could continue his action, he saw Ronald, who was still some distance away from him, waving the sword in the air with one hand.


Lilya immediately felt a powerful impact coming from the top of his head, directly knocking him to the ground who had just stood up.

""Alma mater of Astronomy"!"

This original book was held by the caster of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting], but it was snatched by Ronald.

At that moment, Lierya immediately recognized the source of the spell.

In fact, [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] also did some research on the original scriptures held by Ronald.

But what I never expected was that this man was obviously only a man who had started "Almagest of Astronomy" for a year. He actually quickly met the harsh requirements and mastered spells to such an extent!

Say it bluntly.

Compared with the people who once held this origin in the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting], Ronald is actually much stronger!

The battle situation entered a stalemate for a while.

Due to the opponent's strong defense ability, Ronald simply did not activate [Humanity Limit], but [Measuring Length] to lock the enemy and continue to consume the opponent's physical strength and mental state.

Lilya was able to move, but the continuous blows made him breathless, so he could only compete with Ronald for how much magic power he had.

Just when the battle fell into the stage of consumption, just waiting for one change to appear would affect the trend of the entire battlefield.

A sudden figure appeared on the battlefield.

"Ronald, the book! That book is the most important thing!"

Martha, who was wearing a monk's robe, suddenly crawled out of the ruins.

The young priest looked rather embarrassed.

He couldn't even maintain a balanced breathing rhythm, and he staggered every step of the way.

But her gaze was fixed on [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting].

Driving his body with great perseverance, he came to the battlefield.


Seeing the appearance of his companion, Ronald subconsciously wanted to use spell support.

As a result, before he could recite the incantation, Mirtha had already rushed towards Kostat's position, shouting:

"This original book is called the Hebrew Bible! It must not fall into the hands of the enemy!"

White light instantly emerged from the Holy Priest.

The nihilistic entity that could not be distinguished by the naked eye was suddenly revealed under the holy radiance.

Seeing this situation, Kostat immediately gathered up the storm that filled the ruins.

The whole person rushed towards the opponent like a sharp sword.

The three people who were still in a safe situation and planned to use the time to continue cracking the seal turned pale with shock.

Reaction speed, attack power, spell power.

None of them are Costart's opponents!

At this moment, the obstacles hindering the maid's actions are invisible, and their defeat is almost only a matter of time!

On the nick of time.

Lilya, the president of [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting], suddenly shouted:

"Ley, Kurt, you must not fail!"

"Don't forget our mission!"

hear this.

The performer of the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] who was at a loss was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, the expression on Ley's face changed from panic to steady and decisive.

He looked at the president who was struggling to get up from the ground, and then looked at his companion behind him.

Finally, he resolutely summoned the original scriptures in his hands.

At the moment when the enemy was about to arrive in front of him, UU Reading he shouted awe-inspiringly:

"Fake, you don't want to stop our cause!"

He held up the original text in his hand, pulled the pages of one side of the book with one hand, and then exerted force.


The ancient tome suddenly split in the hands of the holder, and the huge magic power ran away in an instant.

Almost the next second.

Under the intervention of the riot's magic power, the surrounding space began to crumble into pieces, and the caster himself was the first to be torn to pieces by this force.

In the most violent and direct way.

The original text, called On Nature, was destroyed.

(end of this chapter)

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