Mystic Dominator

Chapter 154: working day

Because the participants are all mysterious people, Everton gave priority to the concealment of the venue when it initially selected the venue.

So the actual location of the exhibition.

It was set up in a private estate four kilometers outside the city of Burrenwich.

It is said that the previous owner of the manor got a very satisfactory price here in Everton, and now the family has moved to the latest residential area in Springs, enjoying the good life in the capital.

On the Burrenwich side, under the influence of the influence, all the activities of Everton were very smooth until the time when the exhibition was suspended.

There were no unsightly guys making trouble near the manor. The Bureau of Investigation also dispatched personnel to carry out defense work as usual. At the same time, the personnel movement report was also regularly delivered to the recorder on the church side.

Everything that needs to be done is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Until the cult warlock made trouble, the manor had to be closed for half a month.

And then just today.

Ronald came to this manor outside the city, and questions about him followed.

Of course, there are special people to deal with things such as cleaning and rectifying the manor.

The first thing Ronald had to face was not how to carry out security work.

What he had to face was actually a list of visitors with dozens of pages and a triple-digit number.

He must keep all the visitor information of hundreds of people in his heart, and then make a classification according to the different status.

In a place like the Chamber of Commerce, not being able to remember people is a very serious accident.

And even if it's just out of his own selfishness, Ronald has to memorize the list.

This is not the information he can gather alone.


"It's amazing..."

So sitting in the office by the window on the second floor, Ronald was facing the roster in front of him, honing his memory ability.

I have to admit one thing.

That intelligence gathering capability is indeed powerful.

With a list of hundreds of people, although they can't figure out the specific school of the other party, they also have a rough guess about the type of spell the target has.

In addition, the records about the target's interpersonal relationship are even more detailed.

Even in advance according to political orientation, economic ability, greed for money, love of beauty and other factors, it has been quite detailed classification.


Well, even if the painting technology in this world has developed well.

Ronald, as a reading enthusiast, greatly appreciates the production level of the roster writers.

On the side of each person's name, the author of the book maker used the sketching technique to depict each face vividly, and the typesetting format was also concise and orderly, without the slightest clutter.

To make a division, this is a work with a very high degree of completion!

Said without hesitation.

The creative value of this booklet is definitely a level that ordinary people would not think about, not to mention the characters drawn on it are all guys with a certain status on the mysterious side.

Ronald can easily put this thing in front of him at this moment.

It is also thanks to the negotiation with Everton before.

The provision of information is one of the things that can be shown most directly.



Staring at the roster by rote alone, almost nine in the morning...

Of course, Ronald knew exactly that it was 9:05 am and 24 seconds in the Burrenwych time zone...

He let out a dull sigh of relief, then stood up from the chair.

He turned around and walked to the window and opened the window. From the pure white world outside, cold and fresh air immediately poured into the room on the second floor.

Outside is the earth wrapped in silver.

It's snowing again in Burrenwich.

Snow has been falling from the sky since before Ronald fell asleep last night.

One and a half months into the winter, Ronald also experienced several snowfalls.

But the snowfall from last night to today is far more exaggerated than any time he has seen this year.

The most direct feeling.

In just one night, when Ronald went out this morning, the snow covered his feet.

Even now, the snowflakes are still falling outside the window.


In this case, something interesting happens.

In this rather bad weather, how many people will come to the exhibition today?

At ten o'clock in the morning, the exhibition started.

It's almost an hour before the door opens.

Looking at the dazzling whiteness outside the window, Ronald stood for nearly a quarter of an hour before shaking his head in silence.

Let's continue to look at the list by myself...

Finally, he took a deep breath of the fresh air outside. Ronald's originally rigid thinking became more sensitive because of this refreshing winter wind.


With a soft sound, he closed the window.

It wasn't that Ronald didn't want to breathe the fresh air outside.

But that's the rule. UU reading

In order to ensure the safety of the exhibition, a spell was applied to the main building of this manor. Only by closing the windows can the defense system be kept intact and some unfriendly sight lines can be eliminated.

Since you've accepted someone else's entrustment, let's do it well.


Sitting back in the chair and continuing to forcibly memorize the list, Ronald gradually recovered his soul memory from school.

The basic learning ability brought by the nine-year compulsory education can bring out the benefits it deserves even in another world.

"Compulsory education is really good..."

Accompanied by the vague emotion in Ronald's house.

The heavy snow outside the window is also increasing its thickness from the ground on its own.

As time goes by, it will arrive at ten o'clock.

In order to facilitate movement and observation of visitors, Ronald's office is located just above the door.

So when the guard opened the door, he also vaguely heard movement.

There was no sign of the carriage coming during this period of time before, and in this weather, no one would be interested in walking out of the city.

Thinking of this, Ronald's eyes still stayed on the book on the desk.

At the same time, his right hand waved very casually.


The black fog created by the power of 'Rage' spreads along the shadows of the corners like this, as if spiritual life spreads all over the dark corners of the exhibition, providing protection for this suburban manor.

- Ronald's work time is up.

But it turns out that in this hellish weather, no one really

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