Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1538: unacceptable test



In fact, young men can move faster than they can speak.

Just as Ronald realized what he was going to encounter, this guy stepped forward in a few words.

He reached out and hugged the slender waist.

What a joke!

Before pushing the boat along the way, using words to control two enemies and following them, Ronald did not have any problems.

But if he is allowed to betray his female sex, and then obey the will of the enemy...

Regardless of personal dignity or other considerations, this is no longer acceptable to him.

Even if it is to defeat the enemy.

I gave up, and my eyes lingered from under the caster again, but turned my head to lead the way inside the monastery:

He wanted to give this guy a hard blow to the head.

"They came at a bad time. If you want to help you, it will be too late to settle that place before going to the president."

"After a day and two nights of groping, you have not confused the basic composition of that place. Now to decipher that thing, you only need a one-time infusion of a small amount of magic power."

It wasn't until Lenny who led the way said, "Brother, I have nothing to do with them." We stopped what we were doing and looked forward.

The gray and white tall and short buildings are elegant in appearance, and the common structure of wood and stone structures also has any characteristics.

We cracked the barrier together, and Pang Xiao's magic power met the requirement to remove it almost instantly.

"Your brother, we are still outside, cracking the church at the core. This place is not covered by an enchantment, and calling us from the inside may be too clear. Anyway, let's go and have a look together."

With the development of the line of sight, every few steps, the eyebrows of the performer stopped beating.

Only to find treasures that defeat the enemy, or things that turn the situation around.

"As long as you want your body, it will destroy your soul. Furthermore, even if something goes wrong, as long as I make such a rational assumption, will I be able to honestly explain it?"

The first thing that catches the eye is an enchantment.

"Enough, Lenny! This is not the time for us to mess around!"

But at the last second when all the dust settled, a white holy light burst out suddenly under the plain gray and white church.

And the other two who appeared in the perception of the caster successively.

It's a pity that this blow has not yet been released, but someone stopped the opponent's movement first.

"Bad, bad, you are right."

But he knew he was wrong, and it was impossible to confront the blocker tit-for-tat, so he softened his stance:


Ronald, who stopped behind the caster, immediately denied:

Speaking of that, Ronald, who blocked his companion [Secret Meeting of the Four Precepts], seemed to feel that his words were too calm.

Ronald, who was pulled over, was about to agree immediately:

Even the background noise of the air flow in the enchantment was suppressed by the spell, and the air was filled with the solemnity brought by the quiet atmosphere.

So those buildings in the holy city have buildings that prevent familiar people from retreating into the magic, no matter how grand or artistic they are.

As far as the eye could see, the courtyards within the monastery were almost arranged in a straight line and destroyed inward.

"There is no fluke in this matter."

Lifting up the seven characters of the president, the young man who was about to make a move just now immediately died down:

A few minutes before our journey, we approached the center of the monastery.

Having said that, it is obviously appropriate to agree with the companion.

But the purpose of crossing the enchantment is not to expel the insiders or to defend.

If it is necessary to argue like that, the state of urgency and confrontation is more important.

They are also companions who retreated into the holy capital.

Immediately, the magic power began to surge in his body to strengthen his strength, and Ronald clenched his fist with his right hand, ready to go.

So when the man in front of him was about to make a move.

It is also telling aloud, [Secret Meeting of the Four Precepts] Ronald's superb skill in breaking the enchantment.

The members of the [Four Precepts Secret Meeting] are regular archaeological teams, and they have no awareness of protecting ancient cities or cultural relics at all.

The two of them were so absorbed that they didn't even realize the arrival of the other person.

It is the monastery monks, the place of daily retreat and prayer activities, and also the core cathedral of the entire monastery.

The conflict was quickly resolved, and everyone retreated inward.

Same as our little brother.

We came there with a clear purpose and a cloudy motive.

Along the way.

We are currently in the process of regressive cracking of its regressive core defenses.

"What do you think is the most important thing in the future..."

Almost giving any chance to react, everyone in the place was swept away!

"Xiaojia is all for the continuation and development of the organization. It can always make your efforts fall short, right? Besides, it's just asking them to help out with some magic power. What's the delay?"

A total of seven people!

Dilapidated buildings and magic in the air.

The caster of [Nine Commandments Secret Meeting], who was bewitched by Ronald with the magic of speech, still followed the original setting - to protect the safety of the nuns.

One of them took the initiative to take a step to the right, blocked between this guy and Ronald, and warned sharply:

Courtyards broken up by Wen Zeda can be seen everywhere.

Thinking about it then, the tone became anxious:

It is harmful to humans and animals, it just divides the inside of the barrier into two sound areas, the sound inside the range is suppressed, and it is so quiet that it can be checked. Belongs to the category that needs to be dealt with.

The moment I stepped outside, there was silence in my ears.

It is decorated with mentioning sculpture fountains.

It is the embodiment of the simple belief of the monks in the past.

In the eyes of those people, it is only an obstacle lying behind us.

All are the weak Ronald of the [Four Precepts Secret Meeting].

The two guys first saw the companions of the [Four Precepts Secret Meeting], and then their attention shifted to the caster.

The expected barrier breaking was indeed successful.

Excluding all redundant functions, it only lacks the simplest and most basic church features.

Wait until the same explanation clarifies the status quo.

"Lenny, you can also understand that he is bored there, but why is Xiaojia like this?"

Just wait for the other party to approach, the moment when there is no defense.

We also did not obey our companion's request to immediately **** the caster back to the area where the president is. Instead, he pulled the two newcomers closer to the church, and pointed at the church opposite:

The stopped young man looked displeased.

"That nun comes from the ancient past. The spells of this era are not unique, and they are not something you can deal with immediately. Once something happens, we all bear the consequences."

"We've been back for a whole week, just to make you nervous?"

Having said that, that Ronald put his hand under his companion's shoulder:


It's impossible to really betray your beauty!

The two Ronalds only agreed to help, and even Lenny, who brought us over, also stepped down.

The caster retreats.

A group of people are Wen Zeda with vulgar ability.

Surrounded by such noise, there is a simple cathedral.

"It is of course important to **** that guy to meet the president!" Ronald, who pulled us over after the other party finished speaking, interrupted directly, "But he must know that the enchantment spells in that place are very flexible, and now is the time to seize the opportunity. Once you leave and give up, it will take the same amount of effort to crack it."

"That time, after all, was about the life and death of the organization. He would always want to live up to the president's entrustment, right?"

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