Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1517: threatening hand

—I am in danger.

The man blocking their way in front of them was the strange outsider who had appeared beside Aurel these few days.

As the clerk who accompanied Olear for a long time.

Walter is sure—Oriel was still in a normal state a few days ago.

Just the right time, just the right place, just the right stop.

When these factors come together, it is naturally the most suspicious object.

The orc affairs officer broke out in cold sweat, clenched his hands, and stared fixedly at Ronald who appeared in front of him.

"You... no, it's you!"

"Master Olear's disappearance is a conspiracy created by you. Even if you stop me here, you can't hide this matter forever. Just wait! Lord Olear is a venerable who has ruled this world for countless years, Your schemes..."

"Stop, stop, wait!" Seeing that the orc in front of him was about to lose control of his emotions, Ronald quickly waved his hands to appease him, "I didn't come here with any malicious intentions, but I came here to explain the actual situation to you."

Walter, whose eye sockets were not yet red, breathed a sigh of relief, and then his powerful body knelt down on the ground, only instinct drove me to retreat and breathe.

Hearing this, the orc affairs officer looked around.

"Mr. O'Reil is a humble person who came here to save people from danger. How could he be a trustworthy guy?"

You can only continue to follow the dialogue to persuade the other party.

"Now, he can't stand up."

Hearing those words, Ronald's avatar immediately disobeyed the order.

Aurel's voice sounded again.


As the culprit of everything, Aurel wanted to stay here for a long time.

I saw suddenly O'Reil standing across the street.

"I heard you say-"

At the same time, a powerful hand grabbed my neck tightly.

"Understood? Surely you really want to do something to him. Is there even a possibility of him resisting."

"A puppet! When he heard a question that didn't concern him, he actually defended himself instead of showing his position?"

The voice fell to the ground, and I walked back slowly!

It was only then that I realized that there were no orcs appearing one after another in the originally hot and clear streets, and our young master was full of expressions.

"Walter, to misunderstand your most distinguished guest."

"Ha ha-"

"Ho... **** er—"

Shi Yuanyan said in an almost commanding tone:

"He sees, is that all right?"

For Olear, who has clear needs, the best choice will only be the latter.

A left hand, the one that had just clamped around my throat, was behind Walter's face.

Only then did Orell's voice reach Walter's ears.

The orc affairs officer looked at the woman behind his eyes, and then at his hands behind his face.

The orc officer, who was breathing easily, was clamped to the vitals, and this time the lack of oxygen was over. The color of my face changed suddenly, and I tried hard to make some noises, using my own strength to defeat the enemies behind me.

Because at that moment.

It's a pity that the restrictions remain as they always have been.

"Sure you really want to do something to him, so in a few seconds, things will be as they are now."

While negotiating, Ronald's movements were also a little bit less.

The fury of the orc affairs officer almost burst out from his eyes, and the conversation just now did not have any effect on calming his mood.

—Actually, in order to free up such a place to block people.

"You have to know the villain Ronald, I..."

"Bad, listen to you!"

On the surface, he was talking normally with the orc on the opposite side, and even expressed goodwill, but in fact, he had already brought his own spiritual spells into the conversation, and it was a mixed cast of multiple verbal spirits!

The orc affairs officer rubbed his sore neck and asked almost instinctively:

Or at the risk of breaking the ceremony, directly subdue the orc behind him with violence.

The orc affairs officer held his throat, looked up, and found that the woman was looking down at him.

"The actual situation?" The orc who had been staring at Aurel also said at this moment, his worry and trusting attitude were written on my face without reservation, "He made you doubt a person who appeared by such a coincidence? Especially the little one. The opportunity for people to be replaced by that ridiculous thing is just as good as the timing of their appearance!"

"You know he's desperate this time, feeling that Ronald, or the city, is in crisis this time. But what you have to tell him is that things may not be good or bad, but they are definitely not what he imagined. Come on, let’s go with you, and you can talk about it in detail in another place this time. You will explain the confusion he is facing now, and when he learns the truth, he will have the right to choose.”

Seeing the submission of the orc affairs officer, Aurel smiled and pulled him up:

Aurel was about to explain immediately, but the clone of Ronald, who was closer to the orc affairs officer, spoke at this moment instead:

The clone left behind by Ronald is completely inclined to Olear's side.

However, at the last moment, the tongs, which had resisted forcefully, disappeared in an instant.

Ronald's avatar is still in the logic of succession, so it is natural to decline the invitation:

At the same time, he forgot to say to the Ronald clone standing beside him:

Realizing that the reality is so cruel, I have no choice but to hang the weight of my body under my arms and be pulled up from the ground by the other party. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

"Madman, he wants to fool you..."

Breathing became easier, and the terrible force that I couldn't break free was like steel locked in my throat.

So even if what I said is in line with the reality, speaking in such a lie, in the eyes of the affairs officer Walter at the moment, it is full of mocking threats.


After Ronald left, it seemed that we had left Oreir with extremely low permission for clones.

Even though Ronald adjusted the details of the spell's release, the spirit of speech can only target humans, and is completely ineffective against orcs in the world of Song Zhonglin.

"Don't worry about these important things, let's go with you!"

In terms of the suppression and the fear brought about by the threat of death, the orc affairs officer didn't even have his own neck, the illusion of being burned by the fire, and the dizziness was quickly encroaching on my thinking.

But at this moment, let alone spit out a word or two, even controlling my jaw seems to be very easy.

"Yes, you have nothing to go back to the palace to deal with."

The atmosphere at the scene fell into a trough.

Aurel, who has a way to control the orcs, just came up with modern marketing methods, lied that the next street was holding an event, and then deceived all the orcs down the road away. At this moment, people who realized that they were deceived turned back one after another. .

Xiaoxiang app search "Spring gift" New users get 500 book coins, old users get 200 book coins] Suddenly, the furious voice of the orc affairs officer stopped abruptly at this moment.

"He's with you, it's mostly him."

I took any firmness, and followed Ao Laier and left the street. "I wanted to use violence..."

"Stop." Aurel interrupted the other party's question again, and pointed around, "He looked at the situation outside, is it suitable for us to discuss that kind of problem?"

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