Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1509: Holy capital map

Chapter 1509 Map of the Holy City

Holy City is a rather large city.

But functionally, there are only seven simple and clear areas.

First, of course, is the Cathedral of the Holy Grace.

As the core of a religious institution, the actual center of the Holy City, and also the center of the entire church institution, is naturally a magnificent church that appears to be extremely aloof throughout the entire era.

The church holds ceremonies here on weekdays. The altar, the purification pool, the holy garden... all kinds of large-scale religious facilities are available, and they are completely open to ordinary people to show the church's attitude towards the people.

Then the second area is the priest's residence.

This is the area where people from the mysterious side of the church really live. Although ordinary people can enter, many places are actually not open.

The market area and the civilian residential area are the two largest urban areas in the holy city, and the two merged to even occupy more than 70% of the entire holy city.

Among them, the former is responsible for the life service functions of civilians and all priests in the holy capital; while the latter is aimed at meeting the general living needs of residents and has all the infrastructure in the society at that time.

After all, even the holy capital cannot escape the population structure of ordinary people as the vast majority.

And the last three districts.

Among them, the Gospel District has a dense administrative organization, and the priests here have frequent activities and undertake the work of connecting parishes all over the world. As the center of the world at that time, it was an extremely important place for the church.

Academic Quarter - As the name suggests, this is where the church's great library is located, as well as the research departments for various affairs.

Because of the attitude of loving the world, it is also open to ordinary people.

However, a small number of locations, such as the restricted area of ​​books, can still only be entered by those who have obtained the permission of the church, and even priests with the ability to cast spells must abide by this.

Monastery - a place where monks live.

There are only people who give up power and devote themselves to serving the gods and studying faith.

People in the church, such as holy priests and patriarchs, must enter the place at an early age and must not leave. Only when the position is changed will a test be set up to select qualified personnel to take up the position.

Such seven districts, centered on the cathedral, are attached to the priest's residence.

The market area and the civilian residential area surround it in the center, and the remaining Zhucheng Districts are located in all directions. Combined with the topographical changes on the ground, the prototype of the entire holy capital was formed.


"Oriel, is there a pen and paper here?"

Ronald, who organized and translated the information, asked.

The King of Beasts who was rummaging through the books nodded slightly when he heard it, and took out the paper from the drawer at the bottom of the bookshelf beside him:

"Paper is still available, but you have to figure out a way for ink."

Ronald took the paper. Although these yellowed pages were old, they were thick enough to be usable.

Before Ronald could think of a way to find a pen, Martha handed him a pen with a smile on her face:

"I bought this at the port in Springs before departure."

Olaer was a little surprised:

"The price of paper and pen can be afforded by ordinary people?"

Martha immediately explained:

"Grid's productivity is not the same as in the past, it is indeed different from the past..."

The Holy Priest and the King of Beasts had the idea of ​​communicating again.

But Ronald was unmoved, and he had already started to draw the shape of the holy capital with his own hands after getting the pen and paper.

During the period, Olaer, who was walking between the bookshelf and the crowd, also watched the map specially, and praised Ronald's excellent map drawing ability.

Compared with the map data left by the holy capital itself.

Based on all the information in his hands, the maps made by Ronald with modern map drawing techniques have made great progress in practicality and accuracy.

For the king of giant beasts.

With this map in front of him, he could associate with his own memory, and bring the city that was sleeping in his mind to life in front of him.

After confirming that there is no problem with the map he drew, Ronald has already begun to analyze the current situation with his companions:

"The first thing we need to determine is where the man-made godhead is, I think..."

As soon as Ronald opened his mouth, Olaer on the other side of the bookshelf immediately raised his mouth:

"Because of my status, I didn't participate in the plan of man-made gods. But I'm sure, given the situation at the time, they definitely wouldn't choose a location for the experiment to be a place where ordinary people are active."

Ronald glanced at Olaer, and the king of beasts didn't even look back when he opened his mouth to remind him.

Although the news is not light or serious, the goodwill released is obvious.

After pondering for two seconds, Ronald continued following the message:

"Among the seven areas, the probability of the cathedral is very low. Its nature is the same as that of a civilian residential area. Our goal should be very clear—"

Mirta, who was also looking at or admiring the map, immediately answered:

"The priest's residence, the monastery, the academic district, I think they should be the target."

As a church person, Martha's speech is very informative.

Ronald just thought briefly, and immediately asked Olaer loudly:

"Olael, where will we enter the Holy City through the ceremony?"

O'Reil comes back with sad news:

"I can't guarantee that."

"The place where the ceremony allows you to enter will change due to the singing of the people throughout the ceremony. UU Reading Unless you use a very strong prophecy spell to confirm, it is impossible to be sure."

The situation is a bit troublesome...

If only Nicole or Katerina were there.

Psychohistory and rune spells, sure enough for today's needs.

After all, the members of the Nine Commandments Secret Society have already entered the Holy Capital in advance, and Ronald hopes to shorten the gap between himself and the opponent as much as possible.

salsa —

The second after receiving this regrettable news, Ronald felt the hem of his clothes tighten.

He glanced indistinctly.

It was found that Kostat's expression was focused on the map, but her spells were quietly tugging at the corner of his clothes.

Ronald instantly understood what Costart meant.

Own maid has learned to withhold information. Under this seemingly completely unresponsive expression, it was Kostat who was reminding him—using the magic of probability, Costat could make them enter the holy capital quite well!

At this time, Kostat spoke:

"Sir, I also got some news when I read that person's memory just now."

"The Nine Precepts Secret Society's understanding of the holy capital is quite shallow. It is absolutely impossible for us to have such a clear understanding of this city."

Ronald's expression relaxed for an instant.

In this way, even the members of the Nine Precepts Secret Meeting have already entered in advance.

But compared with that kind of ignorant cognition, they have a unique advantage with a lot of information in their hands.

with luck—

This can even make up, or greatly surpass the difference between the two parties brought about by time! Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page

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