Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1505: breakthrough personality

Ronald was quick to move.

So when he brought people back to the city, there was no big change from when they left.

Not only the distribution of people in the city and the atmosphere of solar terms, but even under the stage of the singing competition, Ronald could still see the previous performers and the familiar figures of the audience in the city.

Look at the judging panel on the opposite side of the stage.

Martha and Olear were still discussing heatedly. During the time when Ronald went out of the city to torture the news, the emotions of the two did not cool down, but continued to rise as time passed.

The outside church has gone through a long period of time. Even if the internal inheritance continues, it is still difficult to guarantee the accuracy of the information under the normal passage of time. As the Holy Priest, Martha has the obligation to understand the truth of the past.

Aurel, who is in the forest of songs—although the king of giant beasts can also know some news from the outside world, he is most concerned about the church he once belonged to, which is hard to know through outsiders.

Now that Martha is explaining his doubts face to face, how can Aurel's doubts for a thousand years end in a short time?

At the same time, Costat, who had remained silent on the jury table, rose to his feet.

Loyal to Ronald, she didn't care about these things, and the moment she found out that the master had returned, Costaly greeted him again.

"Sir, your amazing efficiency is as usual." Kostat's eyes fell on the captive in Ronald's hands, and she naturally offered her praise.

I grabbed these guys and walked around the city before returning.

Ronald complained in his heart.

After that, without talking nonsense, he waved and threw the three captives on the ground, directly expressing his current needs:

"Kostat, there is a problem with their independent personality."

"I don't have a good idea for this situation, do you have an idea to solve the problem?"

"What's wrong with your personality?" Kostat's expression was a little curious, and he immediately stepped forward to check the situation of the three of them, "Sir, your [Boundary of Humanity] should be able to handle such a problem, right?"

Ronald shook his head regretfully:

"It's a pity that my spells can't do this. If their personalities were suppressed, the [End of Humanity] could work, but now the magic power disappears, leaving only the formed facts."

In the sound of explanation, Costa also quickly checked the condition of the three people.

Just like what Ronald said, the current status of the three [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] practitioners is almost the appearance after organ transplantation.

If instead Ronald...

Perhaps their personalities will be forcibly improved by the power of magic?

In a sense, this is a warning. At least Ronald understands that the spell of [Boundary of Humanity] has such a loophole, and he can prevent it in advance when encountering special occasions in the future.

At this time, Costat, who had finished the inspection, also had an idea, so he reported to Ronald:

"Sir, I can try in this case."

"However, this process requires a quiet and undisturbed place, which cannot be resolved in a short time."

Can't solve it in a short time?

Ronald's heart tightened, and he immediately asked:

"How much time do you need?"

Costaerte firmly assured:

"Two hours, no more than four hours at most."

Ronald breathed a sigh of relief:

"That's no problem, let's just find a suitable place."

The two of them had discussed this far, and the next step was to prepare to leave the city as a matter of course.

A ceremony about singing is being held in the city of Aurier. It is not easy to find a suitable quiet place, so it is better to go directly to the wild.

However, before they left, Au Laier, who was also in the judges' seat, said:

"Mr. Ronald, there are rooms in my palace with good sound insulation. If you need them, you can go directly there."

The King of Beasts was indeed communicating seriously with Mirtha, but that didn't mean he completely ignored Ronald and Costa. Seeing the actions of the two, the ruler of Gezhonglin couldn't hold back and extended an invitation.

Ronald did not refuse, and nodded in agreement:

"Then I will trouble you."


The singing ceremony in the city was still going on, so Aurel naturally couldn't leave.

The ruler of the song forest called a servant with feline features, and she led Ronald and them to the room.

The destination is not too far from the singing square.

Led by the servants, Ronald and Costaart crossed two streets and arrived at Olear's palace.

A palace built entirely of wood, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, filled with various decorations.

As for the room in O'Reil's mouth.

Excellent wood already has a good sound insulation effect, and the room in front of Ronald and Costat has been strengthened with spells on the walls, doors, windows and other positions.

Ronald can confirm that the room is not dangerous just by looking at it.

All spells are means of defense or sound insulation.

Walking into it with the captives, Aurier's servant returned to report, and left Ronald and Costa here without any surveillance or precautions.

"O'Reil is very witty."

Ronald smiled slightly, and after watching the servant leave, he closed the door, and the spell here took effect immediately.

Under the double protection of building materials and spells, UU Reading www. In the room, they could only hear the sound of human breathing, other than that there was silence.

Ronald looked at Costart:

"Kostart, is it okay here?"

The maid nodded slightly to express her satisfaction with the environment, and then directly helped one of them up, and put her palm on the other's temple:

"Sir, I'm starting."

When the voice fell to the ground, Kostat also closed his eyes and began to operate.

The maid used magic power to connect herself with the captive's spirit, and then began to analyze the other party's apparent personality and peel it off to reveal its original truth.

— This is quite a difficult job.

[Rational Man Hypothesis] Originally, people are regarded as rational machines. This feature is reflected in the spell, which directly allows them to acquire extremely powerful psychological characteristics.

Even with Kostat's powerful psychological ability, it is impossible to break through it in a short time.

And that's not the only difficulty.

When Kostat spent an hour, finally broke through the opponent's personality defense, and was about to go deep and make corrections.

She was shocked to find that this guy's brain is not normal!

Psychology and physiology are inherently linked and capable of interfering with each other.

Costat had clearly made a grave mistake in dealing with them as he dealt with humans. Even a lot of experience in this area has completely failed, and I can only explore from scratch!

And outside the spiritual world.

Ronald was guarding Costaart with a serious expression.

It's just that if he knows the difficulties Costat is encountering now, then as the culprit who abolished the spellcasting ability of these three people and transformed the brains of these three people...

His expression now may be different.


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