Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1472: lose all

The ability to channel emotions is really useful.

This thought once again appeared in Ronald's mind.

After he made a provocation and secretly aroused his emotions, the enemy below who was obviously good at fighting gave up thinking completely.

The caster raised his hand to his chest, and slapped the iron box on his chest hard.


The iron box has only a thin layer, and it shattered immediately under the slap of the caster of the Nine Precepts Secret Meeting, and black crystal powder sprayed out from between his fingers.

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At the same time, Ronald came down with a sword.

Taking advantage of the action made by the opponent in a state of extreme anger, with the power of the sun] the long sword of the flame slashed directly, and the dazzling fire seemed to tear a crack in the sky.

Enemies in a furious state would have no way of dodging this attack.

He almost lost his mind, swinging the bone hammer was about to collide head-on with the oncoming long sword.

But just one second before the two sides played against each other.

The flame on Ronald's blade exploded violently, forming a huge fireball in the air!

"What the hell?"

Ronald felt the resistance from his hand, turned the blade of the sword, kicked it down with a kick.

Sure enough, a charred figure was kicked out of the fireball by him.

But this is not the caster of the Nine Precepts Secret Society hiding here, but a demon corpse with horns on his head and a terrifying face!

The blade that was supposed to strike the caster of the Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] was blocked in advance by this inexplicably appearing demon. At the same time, the magic-breaking characteristic of the power of the sun came into play, immediately burning this guy into coke.

Afterwards, when the sword blade cut it off, it was kicked by Ronald's kick that pierced the flames and fell rapidly, and the caster of the Nine Commandments Secret Meeting in a rage was also smashed with charcoal on his face.

Ronald frowned.

With one blow, more demons poured out from the side of the caster of the Nine Commandments Secret Meeting], the overwhelming number seemed endless, and soon surrounded the place together with the black fog of **** that Ronald spread.

Something is wrong, how did these demons come out?

The enemies whose emotions have been guided by reality and spells have gone to extremes, and they didn't make any moves just now.


Ronald's eyes quickly locked on the furious enemy.

Looking carefully at the crystal powder ejected from the iron box on his chest, each grain contains a considerable degree of magic power.

And with the appearance of each of these demons.

These crystal powders are also dissipating at a corresponding speed, and the changes of the two can completely correspond!

"At the last moment when I lost my mind, do you still remember this..."

Ronald reacted.

Respect for the enemy naturally arose in my heart.

The crystal powder in the iron box should be similar to the principle of the scroll spell, but the spell of summoning demons was replaced with this crystal powder form, which was used as a very important hole card in his battle.

In fact, this is also reflected in reality.

If it wasn't for the summoned demon blocking the sword, Ronald would have killed him immediately with a single strike.

At the last moment when anger completely takes over the rationality, he can still use his will to activate his hole cards.

As expected of an elite spellcaster who is good at fighting.

Readjusting his mentality, Ronald continued to maintain the psychological interference with the enemy, and the caster who had fallen into the emotional abyss roared, as if he wanted to fight Ronald desperately.

However, his flying figure could not move.

Although the demons summoned by these crystal powders did not speak, they were not low-level creatures without intelligence. Apart from the fact that most of them flew around to form a siege, there were also demons leading the caster to retreat, and many of them were guarding against Ronald above.

They attempt to protect their summoners.

Moreover, there is a degree of advance and retreat, and a tight organization, just like an army of demons.

"From the relationship to the whole earth and sky, we will start to form our cognition."

Ronald recited the spell without saying a word.

He had already used the spell of "Astronomical Mastery" to attack the enemy before, but now he just activated the spell and measured the length] and locked on the enemy surrounded by layers of demons from a distance.

Then he lightly raised his sword, and the power of the sun rose again.


The pitch-black blade fell from the sky, and the caster of the Nine Commandments Secret Meeting] who was almost buried by the devil in the distance, simultaneously had a deep sword mark on his chest.

Ronald's sword seemed simple.

However, the powerful power, the sharp blade, and the burning power of the sun], any single one is an extremely dangerous attack.

Nine Precepts Secret Meeting under Extreme Anger] The caster has no defense at all.

Just like that, he was cut across the chest with a sword, and the deadly part of the heart was also torn by the blade, and then attached to it with flames.

If his sanity is still in his body, he may be able to deal with this injury.

But the current caster of the Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] has become so enraged that he cannot even wake up from fatal injuries. He actually stared at Ronald so viciously, and then let the fatal injury take his life!


Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] When the caster dies.

The raging canyon fortress below was calm at first, and the color and temperature of the demon-eating flames faded in an instant.

The battle should have ended here.

Although the caster of the Nine Precepts Secret Meeting has a powerful original scripture.

But Ronald's speed to deal with the opponent was too fast. Under the powerful control spell, this supposedly strong enemy didn't even cast many subtle and powerful spells. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

However, the reality is not as smooth as expected.

The caster of the Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] is indeed dead, and there is no one who can bring the dead back to life, but the demon he summoned last has not disappeared!

Just like the spell scroll he used.

These pre-reserved summoning crystal powders also gave the demons a high degree of independence on the premise of sacrificing some characteristics!

So even if the caster is dead.

But this overwhelming demon has not disappeared, and even has a tendency to intensify.


Ronald's eyes turned, and his sharp vision instantly locked on a fast-flying demon.

This guy was still guarding the caster of the Nine Precepts Secret Society just now.

But at the moment the summoner died, it tore the iron box from the opponent's chest, and carried the thing to move quickly in the air.

The reason for these demons whose speed is not stopping now is because of this guy's actions.

"From the relationship to the whole earth and sky, we will start to form our cognition."

Ronald didn't want to waste time chasing him either.

He stared closely at this demon that was scurrying around, trying to hide in the group of companions, and recited the incantation of "Almaculia."

Astral Traction] takes effect instantly.

The dazed demon flew towards Ronald like a falling meteorite, before he even had time to throw the iron box in his hand.


In the next second, Ronald grabbed the demon by the neck, and the power of the sun rushed out from his hand, and the demon and the iron box were reduced to ashes.

Wait for Ronald to look up again.

He looked at the panicked group of demons around him, and his tone showed his helplessness in the face of coolie labor:

"Now, we have to think about how to deal with these guys."

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