Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1465: 1 nothing?

Now that he was in the air, Ronald didn't land at all.

With the awakened caster and two companions, he flew straight to the west of the city.

On the way, they also chatted with the awakened person.

Knowing that the other party's name is Gautier, he was one of the core decision makers of the original Nine Rings Secret Meeting.

It was just because of changes in the organization that he disagreed with the new president later on.

On the premise that the crime was not fatal, he was impeached and imprisoned in the prison at No. 6 Cassel Street.

It wasn't until being rescued by Ronald and the others.

In this way, the three of Ronald and his temporary companion Gaultier came to the west of the city. Looking down from a high place, most of the sights are single-family houses or villas, and there are few business units such as shops and markets.

Situations like these needn't be overthought.

It can be seen at a glance that it is a core community where upper-class people live.

Gautier, who used to live here, had complicated eyes, but he was determined, so he quickly pointed out the direction for Ronald:

"Over there, that terrace with the blue-black roof, it's just a disguise!"

"The organization has a secret research site below, where the Book of Interpretation and the team that researched it are located."

The moment Gautier spoke, Ronald was sure what the other said was true.

In this luxury living area, most homes have basements.

But the building the other party was referring to at the moment, the space opened up below is also second to none, and signs of the caster's activities can be found inside.

"Let's rush right in!" Ronald made a decisive decision.

Then the four of them suddenly accelerated in the air, rushing towards the row of buildings like meteorites falling from the sky.

The investigation of the star map saves the trouble of finding the downward passage.

Ronald aimed at the entrance leading to the basement, cast the spell and brought his companions to the ground vertically.


With a loud noise, the rows of buildings pierced from the roof to the ground.

The door that originally led to the basement was damaged badly under the rough treatment, as if someone had stabbed it out of the air with an iron rod, opening an irreparable hole in the house.

As for the surrounding area

Among the residents living here, there are indeed powerful spellcasters.

But in the early hours of this morning, thunder fell from the sky and the crowd rioted again. In the chaotic city at the moment, even if they heard such exaggerated voices from the community, no one wanted to meddle in their own business and come out to check.

At the same time, the four of Ronald landed smoothly in the basement.

In the smoke and dust, Kostat stepped forward and flicked his sleeves to blow away the dust caused by the crowd's intrusion, and the true appearance of this underground space was revealed in front of them.

Gautier's message is spot on.

The underground space under the row of buildings is a mysterious side laboratory with a large area, and there are several smaller rooms scattered around it, which seem to belong to the researcher himself.

The moment Ronald and the others broke in.

Some of the spell casters stationed here fell to the ground in surprise, while others were about to cast spells to hit the intruder head-on.

"Stand where you are, don't make any moves!"

In the next second, Ronald's scolding spread underground with the power of words.

Whether these casters were preparing to resist or were in panic, they were all instantly controlled by the spell without exception, losing control of their bodies.


Ronald glanced across the basement. He was very satisfied with the effect of the spell, and he was about to go forward to search.

However, before he could make a formal move, Gautier on the side exclaimed:

"Wait! Why isn't Krakow here?"

"Didn't he be ordered to only stay in the laboratory with the original code, and never leave here without permission!"

Hearing this exclamation, Ronald suddenly felt that something was wrong.

In the underground laboratory, apart from the casters who were doing their own work, there was no trace of the original code holder!

The Book of Interpretation is, after all, an original.

The Nine Precepts will use it to decipher other original scriptures, and there must be a holder of the Book of Interpretation.

And right now, none of the enemies here are worthy of the title.

So what about the Book of Interpretation and its bearer?

The first thing that came to Ronald's mind was that Gautier had been imprisoned for too long, so the news he knew had been different from the reality. Perhaps the Book of Interpretation had been transferred to other places for research.

And from these casters controlled by the spirit of speech, Ronald also felt their subtle psychological state.

When Ronald was thinking about the problem.

Investigator Nicole has already stepped forward decisively. She wrote the rune with her fingers, triggering a silk-like magic flow to sweep across the room.

After a few seconds.

Nicole turned to look at Ronald and told her discovery:

"There were signs of the existence of the original text here a day ago, and the Book of Interpretation was suddenly transferred!"


With such bad news in front of them, the hearts of the three people who came here became a little heavy.

But Gautier, who has just been freed from prison, is not the case.

He walked forward quickly, grabbed a caster controlled by the spirit of speech, and scolded:

"Tell me, where did Krakow go!"


There was a hint of fear in the eyes of the caster caught by Gautier.

He wanted to say something, UU reading, but under the suppression of the spell, he was unable to speak and couldn't move to any extent.

Seeing this situation, Ronald silently canceled the control over the caster.

Feeling that he could speak, the guy stared at Gautier, and hesitantly said:

"Go, Monsieur Gautier."

"Yesterday, the president took the important personnel of the organization out to handle errands, and asked Mr. Krakow to stay in another place temporarily, so as not to cause accidents when they leave the city."

It is about his freedom and future, Gautier roared anxiously and angrily:

"Then tell me where he is now!"

The helper who was grabbed by him replied submissively in a low voice:

"I don't know."

"Damn it!" Gautier threw the opponent to the ground, the anger in his eyes was undisguised.

He knew his value to Ronald and others was to find out where the Book of Interpretation was. If he can't complete this task, then these strong men who can save him from prison can also take away his freedom and even his life again!

"I said, don't be so anxious." Witnessing the scene in front of her, it was Nicole who persuaded Gautier, "Since we have only been running for a day and are still in this city, let's find each other out." All right."

"It's not a big deal."

Things seem to be on the right track, and the three are about to continue searching for the book of interpretation hidden in the city.

But at this moment, Ronald interrupted Nicole:

"Nicole, wait a minute."

Under the puzzled eyes of the investigator girl, Ronald said solemnly:

"Analyze from today's encounter."

"I think there is a high probability that we have fallen into the other party's trap by mistake!"

end of chapter

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