Mystic Dominator

Chapter 142: character review

Fall in love with, the mysterious ruler

The following character review process.

Instead, it exceeded Ronald's expectations.

Just behind the wooden wall below the railing, the nun took out a rather heavy book, along with a small card and a pen.


This is how the so-called personality survey began.

Ronald originally thought that the church would use some kind of mysterious method to conduct a so-called character review on himself.

For example, just like the reconnaissance camp spell in Dungeons and Dragons, a skill can identify a person's quality by throwing it over.

It’s convenient, quick, and generally accurate.


But what is the result?

What the nun took out at the moment, you can see at a glance that there is no mysterious atmosphere, as if it is a rather thick document!

Immediately, the nun nodded slightly to Ronald:

"Please wait a moment, I will choose some questions."

Ronald nodded and replied:

"no problem."

The process after that, can be summed up simply as the nun kept flipping through this heavy book, and then randomly selected questions on it, asking Ronald about options.

Ronald doesn't consider himself a sociopath, so he wouldn't play tricks at such a time.

Honest question and answer.

Almost an hour passed quickly.

After Ronald even began to forget how many questions he had answered, the nun finally ended this tedious character questioning.


Gently closing the book and putting it aside, the nun picked up the card on which Ronald's answer was recorded. After nearly an hour of questioning and writing, the record on this card was more than half filled.

Looking at Ronald opposite the railing, the nun continued:

"Mr. Ronald, I will make a consolidated calculation of the results of this review next."

"Please wait."


Ronald nodded speechlessly.

It's not that he has any extremely dissatisfied opinions now.

But in the previous inquiries, many of the questions were similar to the [Personality Quiz] and [Several Questions to Determine What Kind of Personality You are] on the Internet.

A complete set...

It really has a sense of returning to modern times.

Of course, for the church in this world, this approach might be a pretty good choice.


The sound of the pen tip sliding on the page came little by little.

Perhaps because she is not very familiar with mathematical statistics, it took a while for the nun to complete the calculation of the results.

During this time period, both Ronald and Patricia kept silent out of respect.

But I don't know if it's an illusion.

Ronald always felt that during the nun's laborious calculations...

Patricia beside her is in a bad mood?

Of course, the working nuns didn't care about that.

After the calculation of the results was completed, she immediately opened the heavy book on the side again, and then looked up the result comparison table at the end of the book.

This time she was much faster.

After only ten seconds, the page closed with a 'pop', and the nun immediately stood up and gave Ronald a church salute.

With her right hand high on her chest, she said with a warm smile on her face:

"Mr. Ronald, your review results are very good."

"If necessary, the church will always open the door for you in the future, and you are welcome to visit at any time. Of course, if you are interested, I can also give you a one-on-one detailed introduction."

Ronald politely and respectfully declined:

"If there is a chance, I will find out next time."

The nun said no more.

Just nodded and got up, she pulled the black cloth on the railing, turned around and walked back.

Ronald and the two sat in the room.

Again waiting for the same few breaths—

With a 'click', the door of this room opened again.

The nun walked into the house with a steady gait, while reaching out to extinguish the lit candle, she also explained softly to the two people in the house:

"The next time, the two of you can wait in the garden or in the church's chapel. We should be able to complete the proof of Mr. Ronald's passage around this evening."

"Of course, if necessary, we can also mail it directly to your residence. You only need to leave the receiving address. As for the postage, please pay for it yourself."

"Then mail it to my home."

Ronald almost didn't need to think and made a straightforward decision:


"The address of where I live, should the church have records?"

The nun nodded without thinking:

"If what you said is that you are currently living in a pension, we naturally have no problem here."

Ronald nodded and said:

"That's right, it's there."

"Just send it to me."

The nun nodded slightly and said:

"Then don't bother, the two of you please."

Confirming that there was nothing else to do, Ronald and Patricia turned and left the church.

On the other side, the nun just stood there quietly, watching the two figures out of sight.

Immediately, she silently raised her palm.

In this clean and slender catkin, only a faint white light emerged at this moment. If you look carefully, you can see that this white light is slowly changing to the shape of fog.



After staring at the palm of her hand for a few seconds, the nun immediately put her palms together and extinguished the white light.

Without saying a word, she turned around and walked into the depths of the church, and the smile on her face remained unchanged.

But this smile on the nun's face now.

It always feels different from before...

On the side of the church chapel, Ronald and Patricia didn't stop when they walked out of the backyard, and decisively passed through the chapel to the street.

It was noon now, and it happened to be lunch time.

Even in a place with a dense flow of people like a church, there are not many people's whereabouts right now.

Reaching out and scratching his hair, Ronald said gratefully to the girl beside him:

"Patricia, thank you very much."

"Just look at the situation just now. If you hadn't come with me today, I'm afraid the church's review would not have been easier."

All the signs are very obvious.

During the church review for the first hour, the nun's performance always had a feeling of unfinished business.

There was almost no need to guess, Ronald also knew that he had avoided a lot of trouble.

And Patricia immediately smiled when she heard this thank you:

"It's nothing."

"Actually, even if I don't come, you will definitely find a way to deal with the past."



"This is also Ronald smiled, and his eyes shifted to the nearby streets:

"It's getting late, let me invite you to lunch."

"of course can."

Patricia nodded in agreement, then asked:

"But then, what are we going to eat?"


Ronald was stunned.

He thought about it, and finally smiled shyly:


"It wasn't long before I came to Burrenwich..."

Hearing such an answer, the girl's clear pupils lit up.

The sun at the noon in winter just shone on Patricia's clear body at this moment, and her white-blond hair reflected the color of the sun, making her already outstanding appearance even more dazzling.

Taking two steps back gently, she straightened the folds of her clothes without a trace.

Immediately, Patricia asked Ronald in a sly tone:

"Then, this gentleman..."

"Are you going to invite me on an adventure to find food?"

Ronald nodded immediately.

The girl's dazzling expression came into his eyes, and even after thinking about it, his answer blurted out:

"If the lady wishes, of course."

In an instant, the smile on the girl's face became even more dazzling.

Even brighter than the sun in space.

"Then, I accept your invitation."

Patricia said so.

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