Mystic Dominator

Chapter 139: black tea

"Mysterious Dominator( Find the latest chapter!

"Ronald, did you also receive that invitation from the Bureau of Investigation?"

When Ronald opened the door, Patricia walked in generously.

The girl in normal clothes with a dinner plate in her hands glanced at it, and immediately saw the letter on Ronald's table.

With one hand, he took out from his pocket the letter he received this morning that was identical to Ronald's and shook it.

Patricia then said with a smile:


"Can't we go together?"

"Of course, no problem."

Ronald nodded and accepted the girl's invitation.

After a pause, he immediately shifted the topic to another matter:

"But before that, I might go to church in two days."

"According to the Bureau of Investigation, they hope that during this time, I can conduct a review of the mysterious power."

"This is..."

"That's true."

Patricia nodded as usual, and explained like she usually chats:

"If you haven't been officially recorded before, it's best to go to the church to register. Even if you want to go to other cities in the country, or some ocean-going colonies later, this will be a very convenient registration."

"Our ID cards in Grid are actually quite useful."

"And the censorship of the church is generally not too..."


Speaking of which, Patricia raised her eyebrows.

She recalled how Ronald used the spell before.

Nodding slightly, she put the tray in her hand on the table, picked up a cup and took a sip of hot tea, and then she analyzed her tone seriously:

"If it was Ronald, you might be treated with great care by the church, and the situation might be a little different."


It seems that he feels that his tone is too serious.

Patricia raised her left hand and hugged her chest, slightly adjusted her posture and leaned against the edge of the table:

"Of course, I don't mean to prepare you for battle."

"This kind of prudence does not mean that the church has to make any outrageous measures."

"It's just that compared to the inspection of ordinary mysterious people, their attitude towards you must be a lot more serious. At least it won't be a casual priest to check it out."


After listening to the other party say this, Ronald asked:

"Do you know the church's review process?"

"Anyone in my situation."

"My words have been guaranteed by my family's background since I was a child, so I haven't seen it with my own eyes."

The girl shook her head in denial, but still said as much information as she knew:

"However, according to what I have seen in Springs, the censorship of the church is generally to let you show the power characteristics of the school, and then ask some questions to do a personality survey."

"By the way!" Patricia's eyes suddenly lit up, and then she picked up another cup of hot tea from the table and handed it to Ronald "Or...I'll accompany you when the time comes! Yes! I am present, and the church will definitely follow the formal process to conduct the review.”


Looking at Patricia's expression, Ronald's mind also came up with the way the priest looked at him that night.

Patricia's invitation at the moment.

Maybe it's really a good protection for myself.


Taking the teacup from the other party, Ronald also took a sip.

The tea provided by the landlady is of a completely different type. This is the black tea that Patricia purchased privately. The taste is fresh and refreshing, and even a small sip is refreshing.

Immediately, Ronald thanked:

"Thank you, Patricia."

"Even this kind of thing has to trouble you to come here specially."

"It's nothing, aren't we friends?" The girl smiled lightly, and the topic changed, "But Ronald, there is one more thing I want to tell you in advance."

Ronald nodded and said:


Patricia then continued:

"After the banquet of the Bureau of Investigation is completed, I should be leaving Burrenwich. My mother's task of investigating the murderer has been completed, and the demon named Lamer has been arrested and brought to justice. It is time for me to return to Springs. …”

At this point, Patricia's voice gradually became smaller.

And Ronald nodded slightly.

He could see that Patricia was hesitant, so he just waited quietly for the other party's choice.

After a few quiet breaths, the girl's eyes quickly calmed down.

Immediately, she said in a serious tone:

"Ronald, have you considered coming to Springs for development?"

"In the end, Burrenwich is nothing more than a tourist city on the border. As the capital of our country, Springs is also the center of world civilization. Whether it is the mysterious side or the mass society, if you want to develop yourself, there is the best place. The right choice."

While Patricia spoke, her eyes fixed on Ronald without blinking, and her fingers holding the teacup unconsciously exerted strength.

- She made no secret of her feelings.

So, after quite careful thinking.

Ronald also nodded earnestly.

"In the future, I will definitely go to Springs."

"But it won't be now. UU Reading"

"In the city of Berronwich, I still have some things that I care about that have not been completed, and there are also some doubts that need to be answered, waiting for me to find the answers."


"If that's the case, then I'm looking forward to that day."

After hearing Ronald's words, Patricia smiled.

Putting the half-drinking cup of tea on the tray, she picked up the tray and walked out the door.

"After two days, remember to call me before going to church."

"When the time comes, we will see each other."

"no problem."


The door was closed.

Ronald watched Patricia leave.

After a few seconds, he sat back in his chair.

The weather was cold, and the marks the girl had left on the table before had not faded.

The teacup in his hand was gently placed on the table, and Ronald's eyes were cast on the steaming tea, gradually drifting away.

Invitation to the Church...

What will it be like?

He was actually quite curious about the church organization.

According to the information obtained from the investigation bureau, in the dark ages long ago, the church had always been the main force for persecuting and chasing down mysterious people.

Although it also used the power of the original scriptures, the church, an organization spread by faith, stably suppressed ordinary mysterious people in almost all aspects.

Mysterious side information is not easy to spread, which is a very serious problem.

But on the church side, the false myths woven by the clergy can become a bridge between the church practitioners and the common people.

What are the reasons for this one-sided situation to be subverted?

This is indeed something worth paying attention to.

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