Mystic Dominator

Chapter 129: unexpected fight

"Mysterious Dominator( Find the latest chapter!

Surrounded by two-digit enemies in the center, Ronald and the six remained silent.

The current scene is clear at a glance.

Or in other words, after the other party said, "Don't play hide-and-seek with us in Burrenwich", the identity of the enemy has been revealed.

- Cult Warlock.

This demon Lamer, summoned by Salamanke, is related to the cult warlock who is making trouble in Burrenwich City.

under this premise.

The current situation of Ronald and others is almost inevitable.

I'm afraid from the time of the afternoon meeting with Ronald.

Lamer and these cult warlocks have already launched an ambush for investigators.

think about it--

On his way back to Burrenwich, a temporary worker stumbles upon an enemy who once assassinated important people, and finally escapes back to the city alive.

Such information is passed to the investigation bureau, and the leaders of the investigation bureau will inevitably make a decision and send someone out of the city to investigate it immediately.

Continue to deduce along this line of thought.

To deal with an enemy capable of assassinating Nicklaus, the investigator who came out to take charge of the operation must be an elite force in the investigation bureau. At the same time, there is a high probability of finding clues and then patrolling along the track.

The end result was to find the winery where Lamo was hiding.

So is it to sit back and wait, or to set traps and wait for the elite forces of investigators?

The answer is too simple.

An accidental encounter.

For the Bureau of Investigation, they have new clues to solve the assassination aboard the Dongfeng.

But for the cult, they also got the opportunity to set traps, ambush and solve the elite of the Bureau of Investigation.

In this tense confrontation, the leader of the cult warlock said:

"As planned, you go first!"

Seeing that the surrounded six people did not respond to their provocation, the leader of the cult warlock began to command his subordinates and did not continue to waste time with them.

Immediately, four people walked out in Ronald's four directions.

All were dressed in black robes that covered their bodies.



Qi Qi took off the robes, and what followed was their almost mad screams.

The four cult warlocks twisted and deformed their bodies in the screams, and finally turned into monsters with flesh-piercing skin, bloated fat and muscles, and then flew towards the surrounded Ronald and others.


At this moment, the investigator made a crisp metal knocking sound.

- It's Spencer.

Just as the four mad monsters rushed over, he raised his short metal staff and tapped the air beside him lightly. Obviously not in contact with anything, but the end of this short staff really made a sound.

just like......

Like it hit a piece of metal?

In the next instant, centered on the drop point of Spencer's short staff, an invisible sound wave suddenly spread to the surroundings.

The invisible sound waves reached the four cult warlocks who rushed over, and their bodies froze stiffly at the same time.


Invariably, the four exaggerated monsters vomited blood together.

Apparently there has been a lot of damage.

And farther away, the situation of those cult warlocks is not so serious. When the sound wave passed in the past, it confronted a certain defensive technique, and soon disappeared.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

At this moment, the four mad cult warlocks roared again.

They didn't die from Spencer's attack. After using an unknown spell to activate some of their abilities, their spirits were more inclined to complete madness, and their bodies swelled out of thin air again.

The four monsters completely disregarded the injuries on their bodies, their eyes were red, and their movements were even crazier.



At this time, Nicole smacked her lips in dissatisfaction.

She raised her left hand high, then cut through the air and swung it down.

With this action, the vines that had not responded suddenly rose up, and the thick tree tendons became flat and wide, almost covering the entire surrounding sky. Only above Ronald and their heads, there was a gap between the entangled vines.

Immediately, this exaggerated vine plane, as if the hand of Iabatos fell to the ground instantly.

boom -

In a loud noise that was exaggerated to the extreme.

The violent airflow splashed around, and Ronald could even feel the pitiful tremors of the ground beneath his feet. The vine plane itself, which is composed of plants, naturally disintegrated completely under this impact.

Just a few breaths—

The grape trellis and soil in the garden, mixed with broken vines, splashed around. Everyone present lost their vision during the impact, and could only barely see the scene in front of them.

At this moment, Ronald looked at Patricia beside him.

The girl with the sharp blade also looked at Ronald.

Between eyes meeting, Patricia nodded slightly.

The silver arc split the dust in front of her eyes, and the girl rushed towards the front.

The culprit who killed the clan is in front of her, and she obviously doesn't plan to wait for the situation to change.

"Volume 11, page 57, item 3."

At this time, the last investigator shot at the same time.

I saw him read out the catalog entry of the "Encyclopedia" in awkward English, and then he held up his hands in the void and pressed it down.


This time, the investigator's spell was surprisingly effective.

The bright light flashed out in the blink of an eye, and while penetrating the dust, it had already reached the position of the previous cult Then, a disappointing situation appeared.

Where Kate's light fell, no cult warlock was still there.

They were either blown away by Nicole's plants, or they had escaped early.

This shot of light just recaptured the line of sight it deserved.

Also following the path split by the fierce light, Ronald saw the fate of the four previous cult warlocks.

Because it is just within the range of the vine slap.

The four of them were no longer intact, their broken limbs collapsed to the ground in a mess, and the flattened chest cavity was no longer heaving.

With one blow from Nicole, the four violent cult warlocks were all wiped out!

The sound of the dark green blood flowing on the ground corroding the remains of the plants was the most remarkable feat of war.


Suddenly, four unresponsive corpses began to burn.

Immediately, an unusually violent green flame erupted!

This flame seemed to have self-awareness, spread out on the ground in an instant, and burned along the remains of the plant, surrounding Ronald and the others in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, more complex figures were drawn on the ground by flames.

In just two or three breaths, a circle of circles was carved on the land here, and the investigators were in the center of the vacant circle.

If you pull your vision to the sky, they are like sacrifices waiting for death in an evil ritual!

At this moment, the cult warlock who took the lead before the outermost spoke again.

He stroked his left arm, which had already lost its strength in the previous attack, and said in a rather arrogant tone:


"Go ahead and try your spells!"

"Look today, who of us can walk out of this winery alive!"

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