Mystic Dominator

Chapter 127: Invade the winery

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Powerful proverbs uttered from the mouths of the clergy.

Almost fell to the ground—

The other five people present felt some kind of special magic wave appearing in front of them. Centered on the clergy, the invisible magic power instantly spread to the inside of the winery over a distance of more than ten meters.


After a brief silence.

Just inside the winery not far in front of him, a magical power full of ominous aura erupted, such an obvious movement that anyone with a mysterious side can directly notice it.

- Now things are easy.

Even if the management of the winery comes out to explain, it is useless to say more.

This naked magic reaction proves it all.

There must be people on the mysterious side in the manor.

Even if he's not a full member of the winery, he just hides here.

Several investigators present will also smash this place without hesitation, and then find out the prisoners inside!


"To be honest, I have never liked fighting very much."

Faced with such a situation, Nicole sighed rather contrivedly.

Immediately, he took out the pistol from his pocket, and at the same time his fingers had skillfully carved runes on it.

Putting on a complete fighting stance, Nicole smiled at the others:

"Guess what."

"The people inside will come out to find trouble for us, and they also say that they are willing to face the reality until we go in and arrest people?"


Everyone was silent for a few seconds.

Immediately, Spencer, who was closest to the investigator girl, took a step forward and raised his short metal staff at the same time:

"Just call in, and let me handle it for ordinary people."

"I promise they won't remember anything."

"Okay, then you and I will take the lead."

Looking at the investigator from Springs beside her, Nicole nodded simply, and then instructed the others:

"Nick... Patricia, you have the strongest swordsmanship, so you are responsible for supporting the team before and after and dealing with emergencies;"

"Mr. Kate and Ronald are in charge of the palace together, be careful of someone sneaking up;"

"Multon, you should always pay attention to reconnaissance around you, and use the church's spells to guard against that demon and escape."

Know that time is pressing now.

Nicole simply explained the tactics and rushed to the door of the winery.

Nor do they intend to knock on doors or issue warnings.

The investigator girl raised her foot and kicked the door fiercely.


Suddenly, a loud bang sounded from the hinge of the winery's door.

The latch on the door was fine.

But the connection between the door panel and the wall is broken instantly!

The two doors that were locked together fell into the lobby of the winery together like twin brothers.

This moment-

Ronald understood one thing.

A week ago, Nicole smashed the door of the Bureau of Investigation with her bed.

80% of them used this technique to strengthen the body...

With such a loud noise coming from the door of the winery, Spencer naturally wouldn't hesitate.

At the same time bullying up, he followed Nicole's footsteps and walked into it.

Entering the lobby, just a cursory glance.

Spencer confirmed the situation.

At this point in time, there were only two ordinary guards standing in the lobby of the winery, and their faces were stunned by Nicole's actions.

"Ordinary people..."

Mouth murmured in a low voice.

Spencer's movements were merciless.

With his eyes locked on the two ordinary people, the investigator directly raised his cane and clicked twice in the void.


Immediately, an invisible vibration flew down the metal cane and shot towards the two ignorant ordinary people.

The pair had even previously been shocked by the door being violently destroyed by Nicole.

In the face of Spencer's spell, he was hit directly without any reaction.

His eyes darkened, and he fell unconscious together.

After two falls to the ground, Nicole looked around to confirm that there was no one else in the lobby, and then she turned her head and asked the priest behind her:

"Mr. Moulton, can you find that guy's location?"

Without thinking, the clergy pointed to the stairs on the left:

"Up from the left, the demon should be in the room on the second floor, and it hasn't run away yet."


Getting an answer from the priest, Nicole grabbed a handful of things in her pocket with her left hand and hid it tightly, while her right hand held a pistol in front of her.

Immediately, the investigator girl rushed to the stairs with a fierce momentum and ran straight to the second floor.

Like an unstoppable rhino.

And Spencer didn't say a word and followed closely behind.

As the two pioneer investigators, they showed unparalleled proficiency and professionalism in the intrusion behavior, and they lived up to the title of elite investigators.

Even when they don't deal with it themselves, their actions have a considerable degree of tacit understanding.

The next situation is clear at a glance.

Even if ordinary people come out to check the situation, they basically don't realize anything, and they will be instantly brought down by Spencer.

Moreover, there are not many people on duty in the winery that is not working during the working hours.

After only hitting seven people, the front side of the winery fell into complete silence.

Unimpeded to come to the end of the corridor on the second floor.

The priest stood at a distance and pointed to a locked door on the right and said:

"It's in there, I'm pretty sure."


Hearing the priest's judgment, Nicole raised the revolver in her hand.

Aiming at the room in front of her, the investigator girl snapped her index finger and pressed the trigger three times neatly.


The firearms that have been protected by the technique do not make any sound when firing. UU Reading

However, the results were somewhat unexpected.

With the bullet shot through the door, the silence was followed by silence.

After Nicole's confident attack, the room remained motionless, and no movement was made.

It can't be...

Turning her head and looking at her companions, Nicole directly told everyone her cautious attitude with her eyes.

- The people among them are not simple.

The situation is very obvious.

Nicole had some kind of spell attached to the bullet, but it had no effect at all.

The people among them must also be waiting for them to break into it, and even make the traps and wait for the rabbits!

That is Nicole's look.

The remaining investigator waved his hand swiftly without needing to say more to his companions.

Immediately, Ronald saw a transparent film rise from the ground and instantly surrounded the six people on the second floor.

- This is the investigator's protective technique.

Almost at the same time as the protective spell was completed, Patricia suddenly swung the long sword in her hand.


The silver blade slashed a metal arc in the air, and the fragile door could not resist the sword strike of a Nicklaus!

In an instant, the door panel burst open.

Behind the door, a fierce green light also poured out of the room in an instant, rushing towards the six people!

At this time, the protection set up by the investigator before took effect.

Even though the green light appeared very quickly and with great momentum.

But it still couldn't break through the investigator's defense and couldn't bring any trouble to Ronald and the others.

The next second, Nicole, the pioneer, rushed into the house with green light.

Immediately, the voice of the investigator girl resounded in the house:

"This guy jumped out of the window."


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