Mystic Dominator

Chapter 123: Salamanque

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"How about it, any ideas?"

Seeing Patricia's frown, Ronald walked to the other side and asked, "For example, the origin of this Lamer or something?"

Patricia nodded and said, "There are some guesses."

"If the guy is not human, but appears in the shape of a crow, then this may involve a very ancient school."

“Very old...”

Ronald murmured and repeated, then asked:

"What school are they, and what are the specific circumstances?"

Patricia nodded and explained simply:

"They call themselves [Salamanke]. The exact date of the school's appearance is unknown, but it has been active all over the world almost since the Dark Ages, and it is considered a very wide-ranging force."

"Specifically, the ability of this school is mainly to use and summon all kinds of demons, and then add the ability to themselves. It is said that the top casters of this school can even summon demons to the present world as Serve yourself."

"Salamanke, it's basically such a school."

Serving and Summoning Demons...

Finally, I can drive the devil...

Hearing Patricia's statement, Ronald immediately began to recall his knowledge reserve.

There are actually quite a few sayings on Earth about things related to summoning.

Shamanism, Satanism, messed-up mediums or psychics, and things like asking God's upper body are all over the world.

But since this school is called Salamanc...

And it has something to do with the devil...

Based on what Ronald knew, he thought it might have something to do with Solomon.

Seventy-two Demon Gods, summon...

Isn't it all right!



Just thinking.

Ronald suddenly noticed something that concerned him.

Because the power of 'Rage' was summoned early in the morning, and the black mist was hidden on his body, he clearly felt that three people appeared from the direction of Berlenwich in the distance.

The goal of three men with anger.

It's pointing to where Ronald and Patricia are!

"Patricia, someone's here!"

Refreshed, Ronald immediately reminded the girl beside him:

"It's coming from Burrenwich!"

Patricia's eyes lit up immediately:

"The enemy...?"

"The possibility is not small." Ronald nodded, "Some of the three people have a feeling of anger in their hearts, I am afraid that the comer is not good."


Patricia sneered.

She had nothing for the past few days, and she was in a bad mood.

Thinking that coming here with Ronald today might make a difference, but in the evening, it was empty again.

Now that she hears such news, how can she still hesitate!


A sound of metal rubbing sounded.

The long sword was drawn from the umbrella that he was carrying, the blade split the air, and then slid straight to his side.

Patricia turned her head and walked towards the main road.

When passing the rental carriage, she did not forget to remind the driver:

"Sir, wait here for a moment."

"We'll be back in about half an hour to an hour, and we'll make up for your wasted time."


"I...I see."

Looking at the dazzling blade, the driver did not dare to say no more.

Honestly shrink back.

Seeing Patricia's neat and tidy decision, Ronald didn't have much to say, and walked over behind her.

When it comes to fighting, this Nicklaus is a tough character.


The suburb of Burrenwich, which has already fallen into the night, is surprisingly quiet.

Except for the occasional cold winter wind, there is not even a barking wild animal around.

From Ronald's point of view.

All he could feel at the moment was the sound of Patricia walking beside him.

A pre-fight tension crept in.

When the power of 'Rage' determines the human target, there is absolutely no bias.

Less than ten minutes.

The two sides saw each other on the road outside Burrenwich.


As the distance kept getting closer, a strange and awkward atmosphere began to descend on both sides.

--the reason is simple.

Ronald and Patricia saw Nicole walking across.

And the trio of the Bureau of Investigation who came across naturally recognized Ronald and Patricia.


Take advantage of the effort not to meet directly.

Patricia silently retracted the long sword into the umbrella, and the investigator on the opposite side also took the hidden palm out of her arms.

That's right.

When Ronald reported this kind of news, the Bureau of Investigation would inevitably send its own people to investigate, and the anger in the hearts of the three was probably also anger towards the killer on the Dongfeng.

And in the eyes of investigators.

Their embarrassment was about the same as Patricia's.

The people who came to greet them were not the forces of the cult warlock or Lamer, but Ronald and the two who also went out to investigate...

Isn't this preparation for nothing?

- The distance between the two sides is gradually approaching.

Only then did Ronald realize that among the three investigators, he knew more than just Nicole.

In addition to a really strange there is a sharp-eyed Spencer.

It was the elite investigator from the capital Springs.

This weird atmosphere didn't last long. When the two sides really got in contact, someone immediately broke the deadlock.

"Ronald, why are you here?"

Nicole, who had a free character, ran to Ronald's side and lifted the previous silence without expression.

"Come on, let's chat quietly."

Putting his arms around Ronald's shoulders, the two of them pulled together and took a few steps to the side of the road, then whispered:

"Ronald, your relationship with this little Nicklaus is so good that you two go out on a date at night?"

"How can it be!"

Ronald immediately denied:

"I just want to tell Patricia that she is also investigating the murder case on the Dongfeng. When I went back at night, I happened to meet it, chat a few words, and then come out to check it together, right?"


With the look of 'I know it all' on her face, Nicole nodded with a smile.

Without further questioning, she released Ronald's shoulder and patted him on the back, then turned around and shouted to her two companions:

"There's nothing wrong here, everyone is their own."

"Let's continue... by the way!"

Speaking of which, Nicole suddenly turned to look at Patricia.

"This Nicklau..."

Patricia nodded to Nicole:

"Just call me Patricia."

Nicole immediately went on:

"Okay, Patricia."

"It just so happens that we are going to see that wood too, do you want to go there together?"

Patricia nodded noncommittally:

"Of course."

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