Mystic Dominator

Chapter 115: blacksmith

I learned the information about the three mysterious people from the priest's mouth.

To be on the safe side, Ronald went to the herbalist and carpenter first.

According to the priest, the records of these two people living in Celefis for multiple generations, and they are also considered innocent, so it is more suitable to understand the situation first.

——The fact is also true.

Running back and forth in the village, Ronald completed negotiations with the herbalist and the carpenter in less than an hour.

At the time of the incident this morning, their location was corroborated by other people, who could fully confirm their absence. This alone could rule them out of suspicion.

Then, there was the rest of the blacksmith.

Because he came from another country, this person was actually the most suspicious person, but since the three Willards had done investigations before, Ronald didn't care too much.

The main purpose of asking about the knowledge of these three mysterious sides is to understand information.

Even if Father Coney had no intention of withholding any information from him, he still knew too little.

However, when Ronald came to the blacksmith shop.

The expression on his face became solemn.

It was almost noon at this moment, but the door of the blacksmith shop was closed. Judging from the deserted appearance of the hall, it did not look like it was going to open today.


After staring at the blacksmith in silence for a few seconds, Ronald casually stopped the villagers passing by.

"Little brother, isn't the blacksmith's shop open today?"

The young man who was stopped was stunned for a while, and then answered somewhat confusedly:

"How do I know this?"

"But if the blacksmith seems to have been closed since yesterday afternoon."

"Thank you."

After simply thanking him, Ronald's eyes sank.

Without further ado, he turned around and walked in the direction of the blacksmith's house.

On the priest's side, he had already asked the three people's addresses, and it took a long time to find the place.

This is a residence that is not far from the blacksmith's shop and has almost no features.

Ronald stepped forward and knocked on the door.

bang bang bang——

There were three knocks on the door, but no one in the room responded to him.

Is it true that no one is home?

Or is the blacksmith living here really the mastermind behind the scenes?

Or a new magic book victim?

In the face of all kinds of possibilities, Ronald did not dare to be negligent at all.

Pulling out the pistol in his arms and hiding it in his sleeve, he said loudly again:

"Is anyone home?"

"This is the last question! If no one answers, I will open the door violently!"

dong dong dong——

There were three louder knocks on the door than before.

However, in front of Ronald was still the silent house.

Counting five seconds silently in his heart, Ronald no longer hesitated, and stepped forward to slam the door.


A very obvious sound of wood breaking sounded, and then the door slid open.

Because his foot was so forceful, the bolt that locked the door was broken in the middle.

However, with the harsh sound of the wooden door being pulled on the ground, the open door was still empty.

There are no enemy ambushes, and nothing horrifying.


Ronald looked left and right.

Because of his actions, a few villagers passing by were looking over here.

For me, this is obviously not a good thing.

Shaking his head silently, Ronald walked into the room and pulled the closed door back to the door.


He shoved the door back into the door frame with a very strong action, and then stuck on it.

After completing this step, Ronald had the time to take a closer look at the situation in the room.

Compared to the previous fisherman's house, the blacksmith's house is really quite good, and it definitely belongs to the better type among ordinary people.

There are corridors, partitions, and floors.

In the living room with adequate lighting and ventilation, there are traces of life where people have lived for a long time.

The drinking water in the glass on the table, the dust removed from the cooling fireplace, the unlocked and slightly open windows on the walls of the room, all indicate that this place has been inhabited recently.


Just as Ronald looked around, his keen hearing vaguely heard a voice.

——It was the heavy breathing sound of 'huhuhu'.

If you want to draw an analogy.

It's like a patient with a severe cold and fever, lying in bed because of exhaustion, so he can only breathe heavily.


Ronald pulled the open window with his left hand and pulled the curtain to cover it.

At the same time, in the wide cuff of his right hand, a black scripture appeared in his hand.

"Its name is Styx,

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


Gently reciting the poem, the black mist that came in response immediately spread and spread out, tumbling and rushing all over the room.

In the blink of an eye, the floor of the whole room was covered with a thin layer of black mist.

Immediately, the ability of emotional perception made Ronald understand the situation.

At this moment, in the blacksmith's house, there is only one person other than himself, and the location is in a room on the side.

The black fog opened the way in front of him.

Ronald was about to pass, but he was suddenly stunned.

——He suddenly had a new idea.

Immediately, the black mist in front of him was spread into several layers on the ground.

Ronald then walked The footsteps landed on the layers of black mist, and almost no sound came out after the buffer.

He quietly came to the room where the man was, and Ronald turned to look over.

This look gave some answers to the doubts in his heart.

In the room, Ronald saw a man lying on the bed. This guy was pale and weak. What was even more exaggerated was that the skin on this guy's body was drawn in a loose appearance.

The state displayed by the whole person is an appearance of being exhausted by flesh and blood.

Turning to staring directly at the man, Ronald was unavoidably suspicious of the guy's current state.

Right now, Ronald waved his hand.

The black mist spread and rushed onto the bed, then surrounded the man lying on the bed.

After completing such preparations, Ronald called out the other party's name:

"Hey, Edmund, can you hear me?"

"Are you still aware?"


The continuous calls seemed to wake the man on the bed.

Hearing Ronald's voice, the blacksmith's weak eyelids moved slightly.

After a few breaths, he struggled to keep his eyes open.

When I saw that the person who came was dressed in the standard attire of an investigator with this coat and hat.

In his turbid pupils, his eyes were extremely complicated.

"Uh... uh..."

With an indecipherable sound coming out of his mouth, the man struggled to point to the side of the room.

After completing this action.

The arm that the blacksmith tried to hold up immediately fell weakly onto the bed.

Immediately afterwards, Man also closed his eyes and continued his heavy and rapid breathing at the beginning.


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