Mystic Dominator

Chapter 113: pier

"What! Someone else died?"

Hearing such news, the priest immediately panicked.

The expression on his face was full of unease and fear, and even his tone became a little trembling.

Grabbing the little boy in front of him, he stared at him intently:

"Is it still on the boat? Is it still a fisherman? When did people die? What the **** happened this time?"

"I...I just came to report..."

The little boy was originally emotionally unstable, and when the priest grabbed his shoulders and pressed him, his red eyes were about to shed tears, and the words in his mouth could not be said clearly:

" boat...dead man..."

Watching two emotionally tense people drag each other back, there is hardly any effective information and progress between the question and answer.

Finally, Ronald couldn't stand it any longer.

He walked over and patted the priest on the shoulder, his tone as slow as possible:

"Mr. Conney, you scared the kid."

"Let me ask."


After being reminded by Ronald, the priest realized how impulsive his actions were.

He quickly took two steps back, he let go of his hands on the boy's shoulders, his eyes were full of guilt and self-blame:

"Son, I'm so sorry."

"I'm too nervous."

Unfortunately, this apology didn't work.

The little boy was still there with a flustered expression, and the fear in his pupils did not ease at all.

Seeing such a situation, Ronald simply walked over and bent down, so that his eyes were at the same height as the little boy.

Looking at each other's pupils earnestly, he opened his mouth and said:

"Good boy, I know you may have seen something very scary just now, but you can rest assured, uncle... Big brother, I came to Celefis to deal with this matter."

"So tell me."

"What's going on at the pier?"

The attitude of looking at each other equally lowered the boy's alertness, and after comforting him for a while, his mood finally stabilized. Glancing out of the church with some fear in his eyes, the little boy said:

"Still... still at the dock."

"The adults who came back this morning heard the priest saying that it was all right. They had already made preparations for the harvest, but they returned to the dock and found that one family did not disembark today!"

"Then...then they immediately gathered around to check."

"I saw that corpse!"


After thinking for two or three seconds, Ronald asked:

"Did it just happen?"

The little boy simply nodded and said:

"Yes, as soon as the news came out, I ran to the church."

Hearing the boy's answer, Ronald nodded, then turned to look at the priest.

"Mr. Conney, take care of this child first."

"I'll go to the pier to see the specific situation. If there is any problem, I will deal with it."

"no problem."

The voice of the priest behind him came into his ears, and without any hesitation, Ronald stood up and walked towards the church door.

Subconsciously, he reached out and touched the revolver in his arms.

If there are too many ordinary people present, then the black fog of "The Divine Comedy" will not be easy to take out, so let's try this thing...

Maybe through this kind of thing, it can also cure the problem of shooting missed target?

While thinking about it, Ronald walked to the pier of Celefis.

On the way to the destination, some frightened women or children can be seen everywhere on the streets around the town, on the roads, and at the door of houses.


After the priest told everyone yesterday that it was safe, there was another problem this morning. This kind of "untrustworthiness" of authority figures can easily make the crowd unsettled.

Not to mention the "monsters" that are still taking lives from Celepis!

My mood sank a little.

Ronald rushed to the dock without saying a word.

Across the distance, he saw a lot of people gathered around a wooden ferry, and a not too big fishing boat was docked at that berth.

Ronald adjusted his coat and then walked into the crowd:

"Excuse me, I want to check the body of the victim."


The road yielded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the fisherman on the pier saw Ronald's outfit, he understood what the man in front of him was doing.

After all, a few days ago, Willard and the three investigators were working in Celefis.

Squeezed through the crowd, stepped on the sampan and jumped on the fishing boat.

Thanks to the strengthening of physical fitness in "The Divine Comedy", Ronald smelled a **** smell after the pile of fish caught in the cabin.

It is definitely quite difficult to distinguish this in the fishy fishy.

Following the smell, in the cabin not far away, the body of an adult man lay on the ground.

The pale skin was stained with the blood of the deceased, mixed with the mucus of seawater and fish and smeared all over the ground. As long as you step on it, you will inevitably step on these disgusting things.

Everything in front of him shows that this person has completely died.

Ronald frowned, endured the discomfort in his heart and walked over to the corpse.

Even a fisherman who was used to a hard life would only dare to stand outside and watch in the face of such a scene.

Under the gazes of everyone, Ronald crouched down and began to check.

At first glance, Ronald could see something was The deadliest wound on the corpse was different from the description he had seen in the documents before.

The fisherman killed by the crazy researcher a few days ago basically had his stomach cut open and his internal organs removed. Although this man also lost his internal organs, he also obviously lacked some muscles in the arms and thighs. organization.

How is this going......

Ronald is a little confused now.

At first, he was more inclined to be influenced by the undiscovered magic book, and then ended up with the researcher.

But if it is the interference of the same item, why is there such a big difference in the form of expression?

Shaking his head in surprise, Ronald squatted down and continued to examine the corpse.

Now he can only continue to study to see how much new information he can get from this corpse.

After a long time, Ronald confirmed the injuries on the corpse.

All the fatal wounds on the man's body were cut open by sharp tools, not the kind that resembled the marks left by humans gnawing or being bitten by beasts.

in other words--

This guy was hacked to death with something like a sword, and then the flesh was stripped off.

Who the **** did this?

The information in hand is really not enough.

In doubt, Ronald looked at the fisherman standing outside the cabin:

"Does anyone know what this guy's name is?"

"And recently, has he had a quarrel or physical conflict with anyone?"


The fishermen were silent.

Ronald waited for about four or five breaths.

Finally, a middle-aged fisherman came out of the crowd.

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