Mystic Dominator

Chapter 110: seaside at night

The sun was below the sea level, and there was only a hint of blue in the sky in the distance.

After saying goodbye to the priest, after leaving the church.

Ronald went to the beach alone and walked along the shore, quietly watching everything in front of him.

The time is now, and it is not yet the time when the fishermen come out in droves.

Moreover, people were killed in a row these days, and most of the villagers did not dare to go out during this time.

In this way, the entire beach is deserted.

It seems that this place has become Ronald's exclusive promenade.

Of course, according to what the investigator said before, he is now walking to the position where the investigator and the prisoner fought during the day, to deal with the traces left by the battle.

Originally, after a high-intensity battle, Willard and the others needed to rest.

Their plan was to go back to Celefis and leave one person to rest, and then come back to handle the finishing work when it was almost there, and the other two escorted the prisoner directly back to Burrenwich.

As a result, Ronald and Nicole appeared, and this kind of unskilled work was naturally handed over to Ronald, who was still a rookie.

Safe, simple, purely physical work.

It is the most suitable for those who are new to the Bureau of Investigation.

After feeling that the position is almost the same, the black script reappears in the cuff:

"Its name is Styx,

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


As the poem was recited, the black mist symbolizing 'rage' condensed between his hands.

Ronald didn't sway his ability to use it because he was alone. He still kept his spells as concealed as possible.

Soon, the ability of emotional perception feedback responded in the heart.

He clearly felt that there was no other human activity around him except Celepis behind him.

It's not like a coincidence like in film and television works or game novels. After the matter is settled, an enemy suddenly pops up, or there is actually some hidden crisis.

His job was just to clear the battlefields of both sides.

After all, investigators are professionals who deal with mysterious incidents.

Not to mention the person in charge of the Celefis affair.

—It's Mr. Willard.

According to Ronald's previous information from the Bureau of Investigation, this Willard is one of only two ace investigators in Burrenwich, and is rarer and more powerful than Nicole's elite.

Elites and trump cards are not just words.

Specifically, the use of this title is like the gap between the technical title and the actual position.

To be called like this in the investigation bureau, the corresponding requirements are very strict, and it has little to do with the position.

——Take Nicole as an example.

Investigators who have successfully dealt with more than 20 hazardous incidents and independently responded to crisis-related incidents for more than five times can be called elites.

Further back.

It is Willard's trump card title.

In addition to the basic requirements of successfully handling more than 50 hazardous events and independently responding to more than 10 crisis events, there is a very special condition to be called an ace.

——Have an experience in preventing the alienation of the world.

Not to mention other countries.

If you want to accomplish such a difficult feat in the country of Grid, where the country is strong and the order is stable, personal ability is not enough.

You have to be able to encounter such a crisis first.

In a place like the Investigation Bureau, if you want this opportunity, you have to live long enough, and living long enough means dealing with more mysterious events.

To be able to complete such a condition and then be called an ace, its difficulty can be imagined.

Therefore, Willard can only properly handle the incident that happened in Celefis.

But this guy who feeds on human viscera can survive under Willard for so long...

It's what really deserves our vigilance.

Walking slowly by the sea, Ronald gradually moved away from the fishing village behind him while thinking.

And along with his walk, the last blue of the western sea level gradually faded.

——It was night.

Before you know it, the light of the stars shines brightly in the dark night sky.

It seems that because it snowed only yesterday, everything in the sky is extraordinarily bright, and the sea breeze mixed in the air is weaker than before.

The fishing village behind him completely disappeared from sight.

Walking on a night when it was difficult for ordinary people to move forward, Ronald didn't think there was any problem.

Under the all-round reinforcement of the Divine Comedy, his eyesight did not receive any interference in this environment, just like ordinary passers-by going out for a walk in the evening.


The sound of the fading tide came from the side, and some rocks that were not seen before began to be exposed on the ground.

Counting the time, nightfall is indeed the time when the tide ebbs.

After walking a distance like this, Ronald's eyes lit up.

About 200 meters ahead, the originally flat ground suddenly showed signs of scorching, and at the same time, there was a ravine formed by a huge force hitting the ground. Even if a bonfire party is held at the seaside, it is impossible to cause such a residual state.

Obviously, this is where the battle took place before.


"Is this emotional work?"

Looking at the traces in front of him, Ronald's expression collapsed, and he complained helplessly in his tone.

Normally, you should bring a shovel to work.

Fortunately, Ronald didn't need to do coolie work by The black mist above his hands consciously fell to the ground, and immediately rushed towards the mess in front of him, and began to bury the traces of the battle here.

The ravines on the ground were filled with sandy soil from nearby materials.

Scorch marks and traces floating on the surface can be dealt with by washing with sea water several times.

The power of the black mist is not too great, but it does not require Ronald to do it himself!

He picked a rock for himself and sat down, Ronald could even feel the wetness of the sea above.

At night, I was blowing the wind alone by the sea, watching the indifferent black mist doing hard labor below.

It feels pretty good...

Time passed by little by little, and with the efforts of tireless magic products, this area was basically completed.

Even if you look closely, you can find some clues.

But in a place like this, no one usually comes to study the ground carefully.

Not to mention the conclusion that "there are mysterious people fighting here".

Sitting on the rock, Ronald took off his shoes and shook the gravel from them before dashing through and jumping off the rock.

In front of him at the moment, a cloud of black mist floated up.

It was also wrapped with some messy things that were accidentally discovered when dealing with the ground before.

Among them are the casings and warheads left by several bullets, the metal capsules that were injected rapidly, the fragments of the cracked daggers, the notes buried in the soil...


Ronald froze when he was about to throw all these things into the sea.

Because Black Mist is self-disciplined work, he is not sure what to dig out.

In the end, it really paid off!

A cult warlock's notebook?

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