Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 404: first meet

After going through seventeen divinations, Klein, who could no longer imagine where there could be a pit, finally opened the colorful treasure chest, and then removed an item that made him feel "that's it".

I can't say that the things that come out are not good, but at this time, Klein's heart is like playing a horror game. He has already prepared the consciousness that he will be shocked when he opens the door, but when he opens the door, he finds that it is a warm archive. The feeling of the room is the same. Although I have avoided being trapped, I always feel a little lost.

What was opened from the colorful treasure chest was a silver pocket watch. The slightly plain cover did not have too many decorations. There were only four kinds of plant patterns carved with delicate techniques.

But when Klein gently pressed the button, the moment the watch cover popped up, what appeared in front of him was a stunning picture.

On the dial made of gem-grade obsidian, finely broken gemstones of various colors were inlaid with a wonderful star map that was slightly different from the mysticism he mastered.

As the second hand moved slowly, the flickering of the stars on the dial also changed slightly. After adjusting the angle several times, Klein was convinced that it was not an illusion caused by reflections.

He turned his attention to the running group record, and sure enough, the corresponding introduction was also given above——

"[Ziwei], this is a special item that does not belong to the twenty-two paths of the gods. It is engraved with mysterious knowledge from an untestable era. This kind of knowledge is called "Ziwei Doushu"."

"By wearing this pocket watch, you can also obtain the anti-divination ability equivalent to the angel level. It can also replace the pendulum used in pendulum divination, and greatly improve the accuracy of pendulum divination."

"This pocket watch has the power of time, once a day, infuse spirituality and press the button on the side of the dial, you can expand a spherical enchantment within a radius of five meters with the dial as the center, and everything except the holder enters The time owned by the items inside the enchantment will become no longer continuous, and the specific degree of interference depends on the amount of spirituality injected."

"This pocket watch does not have the property of being alive, but while winding it, the person who holds it will hear incomprehensible babble, which has complete grammar and logic, but does not belong to any known language, and completely 'unmastery', the impact of long-term listening is not yet understood."

"To use this pocket watch, one must spend fifteen minutes a day to wind it, and if it is not done for more than seven days, the bearer will be cursed, the success rate of divination will be greatly reduced, and it will become vulnerable to bad luck. This side effect will last until the owner dies, or until the watch gets a new owner."

"Remarks: Once you use it, your destiny will be connected to it until you pass it on to the next person, yes, it won't recognize a person twice, so please don't think about passing it on to avoid it side effect."

"Note 2: Although it is very strange, whether you wind up or not, it will not affect its timekeeping function."

"Note 3: If you can understand the knowledge contained in it, you will be able to exert more power of this item, but with your wisdom, I think it is better to give up this idea."


"Ziwei Doosu?" As a keyboard expert, Klein naturally had heard about this thing, but it was limited to what he had heard of, but since it contained the knowledge of Ziwei Doosu, then the stars on the dial The picture should be the so-called crape myrtle astrolabe?

Klein quite likes this item with a hometown flavor. Although strengthening divination and pendulum techniques is useless to him, the angel-level anti-divination ability and the ability to interfere with time make him a little moved.

"Fairy Wood"

"Anyway, the side effects can be relieved by changing hands. Let's see if the raving is serious or not. If the side effects are particularly serious, you can buy it from Mr. Devil. After all, I can wind the clockwork above the gray fog every day..."

Klein thought so, first used the pendulum method to divination the risk factor, and then carefully turned the **** above.

Unlike the pocket watch that Melissa remodeled, the way this pocket watch is wound is very in line with Klein's habit, but while twisting the clock, his expression froze, because the watch that appeared beside his ear froze. , not some chaotic, indescribable babble, but... Chinese!

"Qian: Yuan, Heng, Li, Zhen. The ninth day of the first month: Qianlong, don't use it. Ninety-two: See the dragon before the field, see the Lord Lee..."

Although the voice didn't fluctuate and the content was somewhat unclear, Klein was very sure that it was Chinese, and he also heard a few familiar words.

"Don't use the hidden dragon... See the dragon in the field? It can't be the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, right?" Klein wanted to laugh, but found that he couldn't quite laugh.

"This senior looks homesick..." Klein thought about it for a He put the pocket watch, iron cigarette case, and sun substitute earrings in the package of wreckage, and then Taking a step forward, he walked towards the [In the audience].

Different from the spacious boss battle room in Klein's imagination, [Between the Meeting] is a very luxurious bedroom. Apart from the coffin where the bed is placed, there are mountains of gold coins and treasures.

If it were normal, Klein would definitely start to estimate the value of these belongings and start thinking about how to take them out, but now, instead of touching those gold jewels, he followed the map instructions on the running group record. , came to the front of the bookshelf, slowly pushed it open, revealing the small iron door behind it.

The door was not locked. Klein just opened it with light force. After passing through the not-so-long dark passage, Klein came to the very center of the map, which marked the [Between Sleeping] 】s room.

Pushing open the door, Klein's child hole suddenly shrunk, because he saw that in the center of this room, which is only nine square meters at most, there is a light cocoon as tall as a person, and in this cocoon, a demon and a demon Sir, there are about eight-pointed men.

"This is... Senior Penredax?" Klein's eyes widened, and he looked at the man who seemed to be sleeping in disbelief. His slowly rising and falling chest seemed to prove that he was still alive, but that little The silent look made him dare not approach.

Just when Klein was hesitating whether he should leave here first and inform Mr. Demon, the running group record suddenly floated up. Next, a ghostly human-shaped phantom appeared in front of Klein——

"First meeting, my fellow."

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