Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 392: You demigods of the xenopath have no creativity at all.

"It is forbidden to hide yourself here!"

Accompanied by a somewhat familiar announcement, a green tree suddenly trembled a hundred meters away from Klein. Immediately, a figure seemed to be hit by a high-speed truck and bounced from the tree. out, and quickly turned from a translucent state to a solid state.

He is a brown-black old man with white hair and deep wrinkles. His facial features are very characteristic of the Southern Continent. His brown eyes did not look at Klein, but towards the other end of the woods. The announcement came. direction.

Klein instinctively stopped playing the harmonica, and completed a flame jump with the spark ignited by the flame, and then turned his head to look in that direction.

Unsurprisingly, what appeared in his field of vision was a handsome man in an Intis style suit with his hands in his pockets, standing jokingly.

"Mr. Demon?!"

Klein was extremely surprised at this moment. Although he knew that Mr. Demon was around Bayam, he never imagined that he would appear here at this time.

But before he could continue to say anything, Tong Kong suddenly shrank and said loudly:

"Be careful, he intends to possess..."

"What did you say?" The corners of Snow's mouth twitched slightly, and Klein could clearly see the figure of the Rose School demigod in his eyes, which was obviously already possessed by a resentful soul.

But just when he was about to play the adventurer's harmonica and summon Miss Messenger, he was shocked to see that the demigod of the Rose School actually bounced out of him.

Compared to Mr. Devil's demeanor, the Rose School demigod at this time had black blood oozing out of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and his whole person was in a state that seemed to be unbearable in life. attitude.

"That's why you guys from the xenogeneic pathway are really uninspired. It's really good to target." Snow stroked Heavenly Made, jokingly looked at the Rose School demigod who was almost on the verge of losing control, turned his head to face Klein said:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to save you, I just need a silent disciple characteristic."

With that said, Snow stretched out his hand to straighten his tie, still wearing that cynical joke on his face—

"This guy is mine, and you can handle the rest yourself."

"The rest?" Klein immediately pinched the first joint of his index finger with his left thumb when he heard the words. Immediately, countless illusory threads appeared in his eyes, making him see something different from normal vision and spirituality. Depends on the state of things.

Snow and the Rose School demigod each had a dense mass of black lines emerging, but in addition, in the further direction, there was a mass of black lines that was rapidly approaching here.

Klein immediately took out the blue rose, still holding the adventurer's harmonica in his right hand, and planned to summon Miss Messenger to help him at any time, but just when he was nervous about what level of opponent the upcoming enemy was, the silent disciple Jakes suddenly twisted. , disappeared again, and when he reappeared, there was already a wet, sticky, palm-sized villain in his hand.

"The next thing, children, don't look at it!"

The nervous Klein heard Mr. Demon's words, and almost performed a flat fall on the spot, but then, he saw that the demigod of the Rose School did not hesitate to stuff the villain who was swallowing gray and white mist. into the mouth.

But before his body could change, Klein saw that Mr. Demon's body also became distorted, and then turned into a ball with a crisp sound as if pulling a red wine cork. Thick black mist.

The black fog kept changing its shape, barely maintaining a human-like shape, with all kinds of eyes and a big mouth with pale white teeth appearing and disappearing in it, and here it seems to be condensed The humanoid "body surface" made of mist has countless black particles slowly escaping, and even the surrounding air has become strange and distorted.

Klein just glanced at him subconsciously, and he felt itchy and swollen all over his body, and the hairs began to twist as if turning into tentacles. .

A lot of tears poured out of his eyes, and Klein immediately used meditation to maintain his state. Using the spiritual body line as a reference, he quickly escaped from the location of Mr. Demon.

"What was that just now? Mr. Devil's mythical creature form?" Klein was greatly surprised, but according to Mr. Azik's previous teaching, he somewhat understood what the mythical creature form meant.

Knowing that staying here would only bring constraints to Mr. Demon, Klein moved quickly and ran in the direction of the black phantom thread that was approaching in the distance.

"Gene Era"

As for the messenger... Although he still holds the harmonica and is ready to play at any time, he does not intend to play until he confirms the level of another enemy...

Just kidding, let the messenger help you fight, but it costs 10,000 pounds!

Seeing that Klein was gradually moving away, the strange human figure composed of black mist, countless eyes, and mouth let out a harsh laugh.

From the dense fog that enveloped the woods, there were layers of voices that sounded like talking in a closed bathroom. The language that echoed in all directions seemed to be full of strong pollution.

Jakes' body has also completed the change at this time. The brown-black body surface has completely turned black, the skin is exuding obvious water stains, the hair and eyebrows are all withered and withered, and the limbs have become extremely slender.

At this time, he seemed to have assimilated with the black villain, and the facial features on his face were also concentrated in the center of his face, twisted into a round mouthpart full of sharp teeth.

Two demigod-level powerhouses entered the form of mythical creatures at the same time. Unspeakable evil and chaotic distortion collided in the woods. The original lush trees had been corrupted and decayed in a few breaths, turning into a pale landscape. dust.

"Don't worry too much, Ion Courtman and Robert Davis are not very good, and they won't bother us in a short time."

Snow's joking voice is mixed with pollution from the true creator. It constantly reverberates and refracts in the black mist, and then becomes more and more terrifying. In such an environment, it is like being in a copper bell and releasing heavy metal of death at maximum volume. , constantly eroding Jakes' spirit and body.

Unlike Snow, Jakes, who entered the mythical creature form with the help of the black villain, did not have the confidence to delay. He suddenly opened the round lamprey-like mouthpart and made a harsh sound like a baby crying.

Silence disciples can accumulate strength through long-term silence, and when they speak, they can burst out an unparalleled amount of curse.

In such a terrifying curse and mourning, even Klein and Senor, who were fighting hundreds of meters away, were greatly affected. The target, Snow, who had turned into a thick black fog and could theoretically accept more curses, seemed to be completely unaffected, and made a playful voice—

"The taste is a bit dank!"

However, UU reading Snow's words had just been uttered, but the sky bathed in the morning light suddenly darkened, and a pitch-black arm ten meters long suddenly came out.

There are a lot of sticky lake protrusions on its surface, such as a tongue full of sharp teeth, three-dimensional vicious eyes, and a skeleton head stuck with flesh and blood, but no matter what kind of thing it is, it is covered with a pitch-black and sticky substance. Matter seems to exude an endless curse.

The entire cliff shuddered at the moment when this arm appeared, all the green leaves withered, the insects froze and died, and all the beasts collapsed to the ground, or bit themselves frantically, dripping with blood.

Just as he was about to make up for the knife by first waking up from the crying of the baby, Klein immediately closed his eyes and fell forward, grabbing Grossel's Travels and blocking it in front of him.

Immediately, he gave up playing the adventurer's harmonica, but took out the copper whistle with great danger in the divination and blew it, and handed the feathers left by the suspected demigod to the messenger who appeared.

At this time, Klein completely lost the smugness of being promoted to Sequence Five, but just when he closed his eyes and planned to use the spiritual body thread to go to the sea beast he had already summoned, a palm suddenly stuck out and grabbed it. hold his shoulders.

Klein was startled and looked sideways, but his heart was relieved.

Mr. Azik, who suddenly appeared, grabbed his shoulder and led him into the spiritual world, running fast amid the layers of bright colors.

Before leaving completely, Klein subconsciously raised his head and glanced at him, only to see a somewhat familiar back standing in the sky, blocking the chilling giant hand.

Familiar leather boots and weird outfits made Klein immediately realize the identity of the visitor—

"Bernadette Gustave."

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