Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 381: 10,000 years, not much!

Edwina pulled Danitz out of the cave that was sealed by the avalanche. Seeing how he was stunned, Edwina could understand something.

However, she also understood that it would be meaningless to say too much now, so she simply chose to treat it coldly for the time being.

When the two returned to the entrance of the cave, Shatas had already handed the Ocean Singer's potion formula to Gehrman, and the blood of the King of the North had completely disappeared.

Although he couldn't wait, Grossel still waited until Edwina came out before opening his mouth and opening the door with a full smile——

Without the process of passing through the door of light, when the act of pushing the door was completed, everyone was silently building, seeing that everything became illusory, and immediately became transparent and disappeared.

Rows of brown-yellow bookshelves slowly appeared, and the orange sun that should have crossed the horizon of Luo Zhihai came into view, and a table with pens, ink bottles and papers lay across the corner.

This is Edwina's captain's room.

Fortunately, the captain's room, as the most authoritative place on a ship, coupled with Edwina's need to place books, has a huge enough space, which allows Grossel to bow slightly. Keep standing, otherwise, if there is not enough space, it is difficult to imagine whether he will pierce the ceiling with one head, or be forcibly pressed to the ground.

The invisible wind blew the pages, and the end of the story slowly emerged. The death of the king of the north became the only narrative, but the protagonist of the story did not give an ending.

"Shatas, you're next... You really are Amon!" Mobate was about to ask the next target of his beloved elf, but his eyes suddenly narrowed, and while shouting loudly, he pulled Shatas towards him. behind himself.

In front of him, Snow was hanging the monocle over his right eye, and slowly took out a picture frame.

Mobet knew very well that the thin-faced man in the picture frame was definitely Amon Benmon!

Not only Mobate, even Klein was startled at this time. He almost subconsciously held the blue rose, but then they heard Snow's voice——

"Shut up if you want to live! Really, don't you realize that you are aging rapidly? Well, it's hard for a rabbit to chase a tortoise!"

The voice fell, and time began to freeze in a way that was visible to the naked eye. Everyone in the captain's room seemed to be worms wrapped in amber, watching Snow's movements in astonishment.

Then, under this infinitely prolonged flow of time, they finally noticed their own changes. Whether it was a Cyclops with gray-blue skin or a pointed-eared elf with black hair, they were aging rapidly in a way that humans could understand. The skin became wrinkled and tarnished, various plaques began to grow on the skin, and the muscles quickly withered, as if they were being transformed into mummified corpses in an evil ritual.

"Time! That's right, even Longzel has lived in the book for more than 165 years!" Edwina suddenly figured out everything, but even slowing down the flow of time would only delay death. It's just approaching. After all, the lifespan of Sequence Five is actually not much longer than that of normal people.

But she suddenly noticed that Mobet, who had always been quite afraid of Snow, looked at him with hopeful eyes, and said loudly at the same time:

"Save... Xia... Ta... Si..., I... will... give... you..."

"Shut up and take you, I will ask your old man for the reward!" Snow rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand and smashed it hard, dividing Amon's portrait in two from the middle. In the shadows, there were eyes like clockwork. Amon's eyes suddenly opened, and the large amount of adventurer's time absorbed by Amon's mausoleum became the "raw material" that could be manipulated under the influence of Amon's personality.

Tens of thousands of years, on one person, sounds very terrifying, but if it is distributed to hundreds or thousands of people, each person will only pay for decades.

Generally speaking, even if Amon came and had the idea of ​​saving people, he could only save one or two people, because although he could "repay" time, he needed time.

But Snow has the power to make the next second never reach.

In the infinite subdivision of time, under the multi-threaded cooperation of a large number of monkeys, he can synchronously complete the time operation for everyone.

The wrinkled skin became firm again, the pale hair was re-dyed with its due color, and the shriveled muscles re-expanded. In the time of the body feeling for a few minutes, the actual time was less than a second, the five dragon slayers. The group experienced the whole process from birth to death and from death to life.

"It's only 10,000 years to hang on to zero? The consumption is much less than I thought." Snow tucked the rest of the time into himself, and then took off the monocle on his face.

As the stretched timeline returned to its original state, everyone gasped as if someone who had been diving for a long time had finally surfaced.

However, with the compensation of time, everyone returned to their peak state, and only Longzel's breath began to slip.

"The potion he took was false, it was illusory in the book, just like the dragon." Edwina told the conclusion in a slightly calm tone, but Snow shook his head. :

"Although the potion is false, the process of his digestion is real. As long as he takes the potion again, it will only take half a year, no, only a few months, and he will be able to regain the power of a Disciplinary Knight."

As he said that, his sense of existence suddenly began to skyrocket, attracting everyone's attention, and then he opened his mouth and said:

"Although I have long thought about the issue of time, I am not sure whether the world in the book can truly give time, so I delayed it until I left, but now the hidden danger has been lifted, everyone, what are you going to do next?"

"I'm going to find my clan." Siatas hasn't recovered from the power of time, but she still gave a firm answer. Mobate heard the words and seemed to come to her place at will. By the side, the meaning is obviously self-evident.

Longzel raised his head from the emptiness of losing his strength, and said slightly blankly:

"I want to go back to Backlund and look for traces of my family."

"Well, I'll help you." Snow smiled when he saw Longzel's gaze towards him, "In Backlund, I still have some connections."

Snowman still maintained his taciturn appearance, but silently stood behind Snow, his eyebrows lowered, as if he was praying, obviously planning to leave with Snow.

Grossel scratched his head slyly, and the narrow space where he would hit the ceiling when he raised his head made him a little uncomfortable. After thinking for a while, Grossel said helplessly:

"I want to go back to the Giant King's Court to see... but according to you, it seems that there no longer exists, um, I think I may walk around."

As Grossel's voice fell, Snow only felt a feeling of bliss rising in his heart, and the ceremony of infinite fruit was completed.

Not because of the pirates in the ghost empire, but because of the giants and elves who have returned to reality.

"Edwina, lend me a hand in the medicine room!"

------off topic-----

The Lord of Mysteries has something very counter-intuitive to common That is, although it seems that there are five eras and a long history, in fact, except for the first and second eras, which cannot be judged in time, the third The epoch, the quaternary epoch, and the fifth epoch add up to less than three thousand years.

First of all, Grossel's Travels has been written for three thousand years, and the time point of Grossell's Travels is the Second Era.

Secondly, Siatas and Grossel lived in the twin era, which was the time of the war between giants and dragons. Even if Grossel's travels fell into the hands of Grossel immediately after the book was written, Grossel's age would not be the same. At three thousand years old, Siatas may be even younger.

Then, it was the ascetic monk Snowman. From his knowledge of the king of the eight angels, he could understand that the time he was in was already the glorious era when the ancient sun **** regained his authority, and he was about 2,700 years old (the Great Cataclysm of the City of Silver). about 2,500 years ago).

Next, it was the time of Solomon's noble Mobet, and Trenzost and Tudor were also Solomon nobles, so it can be determined that it was the early Quaternary Period when the Solomon Empire was dominated by a family, about two thousand years old.

As for Longzel, who entered the book 165 years ago, it can only be regarded as a bonus.

So in general, the time deficit of Grossel's group of people is only 10,000 years.

ps: The stealing distance of the thief in the previous chapter is a small bug. I always remember wrong about what the thief can steal. After all, except for Amon, this path is small and transparent. Big, has been replaced by Snow's Chi Chi Tianya, in fact, using Amon's personality to steal distance is no problem. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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