Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 361: dream

Cattleya, who instructed the chef to prepare a fresh breakfast that was far inferior to the previous one, chewed on bacon sausages, completely unaware that her adoptive mother was having breakfast on her own boat with a man somewhere between knowing and ignorant.

Because this sea area may encounter danger everywhere, everyone finished eating as quickly as possible, and then came to the deck to observe the surrounding environment.

At this time, the sea was still lit by the government's eyes, and it was vaguely plated with a layer of gold. Standing on the edge of the ship, Klein suddenly felt a slight tingling in his eyes, and immediately noticed that a light spot in front of him was getting bigger and bigger.

Under the sunlight, the light spot reflected a dazzling, dreamy, multi-colored glow, like a huge, transparent gem.

As the Mirai continued to sail forward, the spot of light gradually revealed itself.

It first split, then became clear, and it turned out to be four huge pillars carved from pure diamond.

Like the giant towers in myths and legends, they spurned a large floating island. On the floating island, the soil was scorched black, and there was no green at all. From its extension, the light was extremely bright, surpassing the sky at noon.

Suddenly, a long hiss came from there.

It was loud and wanton, but without that creepy sense of danger.

Not long after, the sound of horses running "Guo Degang Guo Degang..." came from the depths of the floating island, and two horses that seemed to be made of gold rushed out of the floating island with an equally golden gorgeous chariot.

"Look down!"

"do not look!"

Cattleya's amplified voice resounded throughout the ship, and most of the pirates and Klein bowed their heads. Snow also didn't die, but when the light enough to penetrate the wall passed by, Heavenly Made again. Restless babble.

"You seem to know what that is?" Bernadette swallowed the grilled toast mixed with caviar, and asked curiously, Snow heard the words, restrained his intention to reach out and caress the heaven made, nodded and said:

"The frame of the ancient sun god, the projection of the uniqueness of the sun path."

"Uniqueness..." Bernadette repeated the word. Of course, she possessed the card of blasphemy, and she certainly did not understand what the word represented, but the Eternal Blazing Sun is the true God, so how could there be uniqueness wandering outside?

"So I said it was a projection, do you still remember the corpse before? You can take this ruin as the memory residue before the death of the corpse." Snow also slowly understood the creation of Heaven, who also felt restless. The essence of the ruins of this battle of gods.

"..." At this time, Bernadette finally understood the origin of Snow's admiration for the corpse's personality, but at the same time, the thoughts that had been suppressed with great difficulty before surged up again uncontrollably.

However, as an old-fashioned secret spy, she quickly reacted to her own curiosity that was about to get out of control, forcibly diverted her thoughts, and soothed her curiosity by asking questions——

"Why tell me so much?"

"Isn't this what you asked about?" Snow murmured inwardly, but he still maintained a smile on the surface:

"After I become an angel, I need your help."

Bernadette frowned slightly, but there was no unexpected expression. She didn't have any doubts that the three... um, the four gods could become angels.

Seeing that Bernadette had no plans to follow, Snow said directly:

"I want to retrieve that body."

"This is very dangerous." Bernadette said noncommittally, and Snow nodded, "If I succeed in getting the corpse, I can promise to help you revive Lao Huang with all my strength, with all my strength."

Snow emphasized the word "full force", and Bernadette's beautiful eyes immediately revealed an inexplicable look. She looked at Snow again, and did not ask why she was obsessed with the corpse, but just nodded slightly:

"it is good."


In the communication between Snow and Bernadette, time gradually passed, and when Klein received Mr. Devil's lunch prayer, the sky suddenly became dark.

The sky that was always in the noon state has completely disappeared, and the thick darkness has enveloped everything around.

The change was so fast and so sudden that Klein's first reaction was who turned off the light!

Silently, the Mirai was covered with a bright starlight, and the road leading to various places caught cold.

Cattleya's magnetic mulberry camp reverberated throughout the ship and rushed into everyone's ears——

"Go back to the room, or find a random corner, put yourself to sleep, and wait for it to wake up naturally!"


Hearing Cattleya's voice, Snow looked at Bernadette who put down his knife and fork with regret, and said with a smile:

"This is going back?"

"You'd better do as she said, even if you are the curler of the night, after all, what remains here is only power." Bernadette stood up without hesitation and watched Snow wave the leftovers into the cold. The light door, his eyes flickered slightly.

"No, I mean, don't you stay together? It's quite big here..." Before Snow's words were finished, Bernadette had disappeared without a trace. Snow just smiled at this, and his mouth was full of words. Going back to Huahua, he still attaches great importance to his own life.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to fall asleep instantly, but for Extraordinary people who have mastered meditation, it is as easy as instinct.

Soon, Snow's consciousness became clear again. He opened his eyes and found himself standing next to a monastery. In front of him, there was an old yellow tree and a raised boulder. On the top of the boulder, Cattleya was sitting there in the posture of a very little girl, holding her knees with both hands, as if waiting for something, and beside him, a certain crazy adventurer was trying to talk to her.

"Huang Beibei is waiting for her mother." Snow raised the corners of his mouth and said in a not too loud voice.


A slight noise sounded beside him, but there was no response. Snow didn't plan to say anything more about the parenting problem passed down by the Gustav family from generation to generation. Seeing that Bernadette didn't plan to tell him more about this, He didn't mean to stop either, his entire body turned into a shadow and got into the monastery along the crack of the door.

Ignoring the group of pirates, he walked directly into the inner room and came to the side of Anderson, the unlisted painter, ignoring the noise of his tree-cutting, and stared at the deep passage that looked like the giant mouth of a monster.

Through ritual magic, he could completely recite the full text of the Lord of Mysteries he had seen, so he clearly remembered that the dream of the Land Abandoned by God contained the residual dream of the gods.

That is the terrifying place that even the little snake has repeatedly emphasized not to explore.

Unexpectedly, the heaven made did not enter the dream with him, which made him give up the plan to continue to but turned his head and began to study the murals on the wall. Not interested, but he was curious about the power of fate.

The emotion of fate in the previous sentence made him feel that "something was digested unconsciously", which made him have a considerable desire to study fate.

Although it is only a dream, Anderson, as an affected person, has enough aura left on his body to carry the power of destiny. He may be able to use this to spy on some power tracks belonging to Ourorius.

"It would be even better if I could hook up with this guy..."

------off topic-----

First of all, Fenepot is from Spain. As for why I am so sure, it is because there are Fenepot flies in the Pleasure Witch's potion auxiliary materials... Well, I know everything.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Fenerpott is the setting of Italy + Spain.

Secondly, looking at the mysterious map, Lenburg borders Intis (France), and there are also small countries such as Segal and Masi in the surrounding area.

If Lenburg is Prussia, then it will swallow up a part of Segal, Masi, and even Feneport (Denmark or Austria? Doubtful), then start the Lunin War (French-Prussian War?), get a part of the territory, and finally unify and become German Empire...

And the Jews who are good at business... followers of the Eternal Sun (God of Commerce and Contracts)? Well, the belief in the **** of knowledge and wisdom that Lumberg persecuted the followers of the sun is quite reasonable, and even World War II fits the red priest's incarnation ceremony.

The only question now is how the Red Priest pathway with the Weather Warlock lost to Feysac because of the weather... Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, Read it for free!

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