Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 344: difficult voyage

When Kangsi returned to the Scylla, the bone-like bridge collapsed suddenly, and the link between the Scylla and the Black Pearl was cut off. This situation made the Beyonders on the Scylla pale in shock.

As Kang Si's commander, Novart stepped forward immediately, suppressing his inner tension and asked:

"What happened? Why did the link to the Black Pearl break, did you offend that lady?"

"No, no." Kang Si shook his head vigorously, and then said a little embarrassedly:

"Ms. Integura is very kind, but the channel ahead is too narrow. If it is side by side with the Black Pearl, it may cause the Scylla to hit the rocks, so she took the initiative to disconnect."

"The channel? She knows the channel?" David widened his eyes and ran towards the rudder immediately, trying to keep up with the Black Pearl, but the fog was so thick at this time that it was lost in just a few seconds. Outline of the Black Pearl.

"Actually, the channel is the song of the siren, as long as..." Cons honestly told him what Integura told him, the method of passing the siren channel, until Bruce repeatedly confirmed with his mind-reader ability that he was sure that he was not being used. After the illusion, he nodded.

Listening to Kang Si's "Black Pearl", the Beyonders on the Scylla couldn't help looking at each other, and then, everyone's eyes fell on Bruce.

Bruce, who was very uncomfortable with everyone's eyes, frowned and touched the scratched gold glasses, but he didn't take them off to wipe them, he just frowned and said:

"What do you see me doing?"

"Of course I want you to listen to the song!" Ernes replied without hesitation. The blood clan did not like the subordinates of the family that sounded the death knell for Trensost, although it was Trensost. First, the ancestors were stewed in hot pot, but that was also the arrangement of the Six Gods, wasn't it?

"Why me." Bruce's blood pressure was soaring at the time, but he soon realized that, after all, they were incapable of setting up a "simple" barrier like Ms. Integura, and they couldn't just leave the voice and ignore the charm in the voice .

Therefore, in order to accurately determine the route, someone must leave the range of the "noise reduction" equipment made by the Mechanic Church to listen to the singing.

Among the people present, he was the only one who came from the audience path, and was resistant to the singing of the sea monster. Of course, if there is a sea singer in the punishment, it is another matter, but it is a pity that he is the leader of the punishment, and he Only sequence six.

After a little hesitation, Bruce nodded helplessly, because he knew very well that even if he couldn't hold on, MI9 and the blood clan would force him to go up, and even convert him into a blood servant. They won't join the persecution, but they certainly won't help either.

Thinking of this, everyone asked David to temporarily lower the anchor to avoid accidentally hitting the rocks, and then saw Bruce lighting a candle, facing the mirror and starting to give himself psychological hints.

The other Beyonders on the boat didn't know exactly what hints he gave him and how many layers he gave him, but everyone was sure that when he finished the hints, the whole person became like a puppet and lacked emotional fluctuations.

"Let's start, reduce the noise reduction range." Bruce walked to the bow in a stiff tone, and the members of the heart of the machine immediately began to get busy. The so-called noise reduction, to put it bluntly, is very simple and rude. The demon's singing hedged, and with the sound gathering board made of wooden barrels standing behind Bruce, the clear siren song began to appear in his ears again.

Even after the self-hypnosis of the almost mechanized mind, Bruce subconsciously wanted to take a step forward. Fortunately, he was already tied to the statue of the ship at this time, and he could only passively listen to the singing that he wanted.

A Sequence Six Beyonder, even if it is a warrior pathway, has a very powerful brain function. Bruce quickly built a channel in his brain that could only allow one ship to move slowly, and began to roar loudly:

"At one o'clock, go forward 200 meters..."

"I can't judge the distance in such a big fog!" David shouted out his pain with a louder voice. If it was normal, let alone the fog, he would just cover his eyes and ears, and only By sensing the magnetic field, he can accurately judge the direction and distance of the ship, but now, this fog has completely sealed the navigator's sensing ability, which makes him feel that he has become a disabled person.

tomato novel

"Then drive slower, and I'll tell you when to turn!" Bruce's tone was still emotionless. After David responded, he gave Ernes a wink.

The Blood Servants turned the winches to stow the anchors, and the Scylla crawls on the sea at near turtle speed under the action of the currents controlled by the navigator.

"Ten o'clock!"


"Three o'clock!"


"Three o'clock!"

"I've turned!"

"I let you continue to turn, here is a 180-degree bend!"


David dares to swear that this is definitely the most tiring boat he has ever driven in his life. He has no idea of ​​the channel or how far the destination is. The only guide has only a cold mechanical order. This feeling is no less than Walking a tightrope blindfolded at an altitude of thousands of meters, if you lose your mind for a while, you will be doomed.

The mental pressure caused cold sweat to ooze out of David's forehead. As his heart was overwhelmed, he suddenly turned his head and said:

"Marshall, change hands, I can't take it anymore!"

"Come on." Without hesitation, Marshall immediately replaced David's position and controlled the rudder to follow Bruce's orders. He thought it was a much more leisurely job than micro-manipulating the water, but when he held the rudder At that time, he suddenly regretted it. If it wasn't for a group of pagans watching at this time, he would have wanted to immediately stop David and change it back.

This extremely torturous passage lasted a full sixteen hours—although it might sound like a long time, in fact, with normal driving, even with twists and turns, it wouldn’t take half an hour.

But for the few navigators of the Church of Storms, this was the most difficult voyage in their lives.

Some people even have the idea of ​​never wanting to sail again in this life.

However, as the sea-monster's singing gradually disappeared, the thick fog in front of him slowly began to dissipate, and a small island with a tall tower came into the eyes of everyone.

"Island? Why is it an island?" Looking at the small island, Ernes couldn't help but look surprised. Except for the towering towers that seemed to reach the sky, this island was no different from the countless primitive islands in the Sunia Sea. .

"I don't know, but the lady seems to have already landed on the island..." Bruce, who was untied from the statue of the boat, rubbed his body, which was aching from the statue of the boat, and pointed to the black, white and red ghost on the shore. Boat.

Ernes took out the ruby-like characteristics from the compass, felt the rhythm in it, and finally sighed:

"We land on the island."

------off topic-----

ps: God He Meow's Kraken can fly, so is the Kraken a Sequence Five... Is there a possibility that the Kraken has wings?

When I mentioned the types of sirens before, didn't I say there are siren sirens? Well, maybe some people don't know this name well, so, Harpy, is this name intuitive enough?

Of course people can fly if they have wings! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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