Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 242: Leonard feels like he's being tricked

"Mystery: Paradox Path(

Leonard imagined the smell of carrion, perfume, and even other messy smells, but he never thought that when he entered the door, he would see a table full of fish feast, and enjoy this sumptuous meal. For dinner, it was a cat.

"Have you ever seen a cat eat a fish?" Lily noticed Leonard's gaze and said dissatisfiedly, then stretched out her claws, picked a piece from the grilled fish, picked out the thorn and stuffed it into her mouth, Make a classic meow.

"Okay, Mr. Red Glove, you should come to me with something more important than observing my cat?"

A sarcastic voice suddenly sounded, and Leonard realized that he had actually ignored the Lord.

"Why didn't the old man remind me?" Leonard frowned, but immediately assumed a businesslike attitude:

"Mr. Snow, I want to ask you something."

Although there was no communication, Leonard still used honorifics subconsciously. Snow smiled slightly, then put his hands in his pockets, and said in a frivolous tone:

"So that's it, hehe, I understand, you shouldn't have reported to the higher-ups, right?"

Leonard looked at the other party's smile that made one want to punch him, took a deep breath, but nodded anyway.

"It's honest." Snow's tone was still somewhat sarcastic, "Tell me, what information do you want from me? My fee is still fair, but you'd better hurry up, I only have half of it. hours."

"Charge..." Leonard's mouth twitched, but he still said:

"Sherlock Moriarty, or rather, Klein Moretti, what is he trying to do?"

"These two issues will be charged separately. Klein and Sherlock are different individuals." Snow's tone became slightly more serious, but Leonard frowned—

"Aren't they alone?"

"It's not wrong to be alone, but do you want to do the same thing as you are now half a year ago?"

The corner of Snow's mouth was smiling, but Leonard was silent for a while, and there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes—

"You mean, didn't Klein deliberately fake his death to escape?"

Snow just smiled, then magically pulled out a price list—

"Klein's purpose is 10 pounds, Sherlock's purpose is 1,000 pounds, accept magical items, characteristics and potion formulas, settle at the market price, and can also be deducted through quests. As the nightmare of Sequence Seven, you have a risk-free routine. The task is worth 100 pounds, and on this basis, if you commit to ten tasks, you can exchange for all the answers you want."

"Mission..." Leonard's mouth twitched slightly. Seeing that the old man still had no plans to give him a hint, he shook his head and said:

"The mission is over. I want to understand Klein's purpose first." Leonard took out his wallet and ten one-pound notes. As a red glove, his salary was quite good, compared to that of the Nighthawks team. The captain is also one level higher.

Snow took the banknotes, counted them casually, and then nodded:

"Klein's purpose or wish is very simple. He is also working hard for his relatives to live a good life. Even if he has some special secrets, he is just a guy with no ambition."

"..." Leonard was slightly silent, although he said it a bit mean, but Klein's impression in his heart was indeed like this...

"What about Sherlock?" Leonard continued to ask, frowning, but saw the man in front of him make a gesture of rubbing his fingers.

"I have a weekly salary of twenty-five pounds and a subsidy from the police department. I can save a thousand pounds in half a year!" Leonard tried to prove his ability to pay, but Snow said with a serious face:

"It's also possible that you will die tomorrow."


"It's not that you can't invest in our business, but at least you have to make money. Is it good for me to take the risk and let you take credit? It's not good, of course, if you're willing to take on the task, then say it another way, um, if you can be promoted to Requiem Master, with just one mission, you can replace the debt of a thousand pounds."

Listening to Snow's slow words, Leonard's eyes for some reason caught sight of the cat in the corner again. At this time, those amber eyes were staring at him with a special look...

"Can you first listen to the types of tasks?"

Leonard took a deep breath and asked somewhat compromisingly. He could secretly participate in the Fate Hermit Society, and naturally he wouldn't mind taking some private work, as long as it didn't violate his moral standards.

"Investigate intelligence, protect relevant people, obtain special items, steal, assassinate... all kinds of tasks are available, but we can mark the scope of our acceptance in the contract, such as not accepting assassination, not accepting orders targeting the Church of the Orthodox God. And so on, of course, you can also agree to accept the quest first, and then redeem it after you have the Beyonder item, by the way, the quest redemption does not accept gold pounds.”

Snow introduced the business very familiarly, and then spread his hands and said:

"Don't take me too dark. If you have any doubts, a Sequence Seven-level potion main ingredient...or an Insect of Time, I'll help you answer your questions."

"The Worm of Time, what is that?" Leonard asked subconsciously, but Snow just smiled and said nothing.

Regarding the other party's Riddler attribute, Leonard only felt blue veins jumping, but after thinking for a while, he nodded and said:

"I have three hundred pounds in cash here, seven hundred pounds left, seven missions, right?"

"Well, yes, come on, let's sign a contract first." Snow knew very well that Pallez had the ability to violate the contract, but he still spread out a standard contract and motioned Leonard to sign it.

Although he ranks among the three fools of the sun, the moon, and the stars, Leonard's brain is actually quite easy to use, but he has an external brain like Pallez, so he is usually too lazy to use his brain. UU reading

At this time, Pallez did not speak. Instead, he became vigilant and carefully browsed the contract several times before finally signing his name.

Feeling the constraints that had been established, Leonard asked impatiently:

"What is Sherlock Moriarty coming to Backlund for? What is his purpose?"

"Sherlock's purpose is to be divided into two parts." Snow's smile grew brighter, but Leonard's face was ashen—

"You won't have to pay separately again, will you?"

"No, no, please believe in my professional ethics. I will never do anything about increasing the fee after paying for it." Snow shook his head solemnly, and then explained:

"Sherlock Moriarty, after being resurrected, has two purposes, revenge and homecoming."

Regarding revenge and returning home, Leonard easily understood the meaning, but at the moment when he felt that this question was not worth a thousand pounds, he noticed a key word—


ps: A cat is a very magical animal. In its eyes, humans are big cats like them. If you keep a cat, the cat will not treat you as a breeder. , but are treated as homogeneous.

Therefore, cats have strange behaviors of respecting the elderly and loving the young. For example, children, especially babies, pull the cat's tail. The cat will only push it away gently and will not hurt the child (of course, if you are too spoiled, it will be another matter), but for adults it Acted disgusting.

why? Because in the eyes of cats, adults are just useless people who go out early and return late every day, who are tall and tall, but can't even catch a mouse. By the same token, cats tend to prefer the one who buys groceries at home.

Some cats even put the mouse, cockroach or something they caught on the bedside. It doesn't scare you, but tells you that it raises you...

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