Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 230: follow fate

"Mr. Devil's prayers are always so punctual..." Klein, who had been chatting with Benson and Melissa in the middle of the night last night, was awakened by Snow's prayers. , Mr. Devil is not just praying today, but also offering sacrifices!

"Could it be that the extraordinary item promised to Miss Justice is ready?" Although Klein was a little surprised, he did not rush to open the door of sacrifice, but spread his spirituality and began to obtain Mr. Devil's complete appeal, his face suddenly became strange stand up.

He reluctantly opened the door of sacrifice, and after a while, a piano appeared above the gray fog.

"Mr. Devil is using me as a depository... But you have to play the piano for the real creator every day? Is this the price of triggering the power of the real creator during the haze? It doesn't sound so scary..."

Klein looked at the piano and suddenly noticed the aura of the magical item on it. The corners of his mouth twitched, but after thinking for a while, he carefully pushed it to an empty corner, away from other items—this piano looked at There was a price he couldn't afford.

Although even if you break Mr. Devil, it is unlikely that he will be compensated.

On the other side, Snow, who had brought the piano to Gray Mist for storage, was slightly relieved, and continued to organize his luggage. Lily, who was beside him, looked at him as if he was going to go out, and naturally started to organize the things that he was going to bring, and then...

"I won't take you this time."

"Meow?!" Lily's movements froze suddenly, the dinner plate in her mouth fell to the ground with a snap, she looked at Snow in shock:

"If you don't take me, what should I do with my little fish?"

"The dried small fish is in the cabinet on the left. You can save it for about a month. If a customer comes to your door, remember to pray. Also, act well. If you are a witch now, I will definitely take you with me. "Snow pointed to the cabinet in the corner and said in a childish tone.

Lily nodded very much, "Well, if you become a witch, you can make dried fish by yourself."

Watching Lily put the dinner plate in its place, Snow grinned and continued to pack his things.

Although Mr. Ke is still doing mushrooms at home, he is not worried that Mr. Ke will give up going to sea because of the happiness brought by his family. After all, Zhou Mingrui's sense of responsibility is very heavy. The more he values ​​his family, the more he will choose Take your own responsibility.

And there is a goddess on his side to help him arrange. What he has to do is to promote to Sequence Five as soon as possible. The further the total promotion speed is, the more exaggerated it becomes. It can only be like the members of the Tarot Club in the original book, who do not know anything and usher in the ending of Mr. Ke's sleep.

The fateful coincidence itself is easy to accomplish, the whole process is—

Set yourself a goal, and then proceed without any active investigation until the goal is reached, or the goal is changed.

In this process, all the involuntary events he has experienced are shown as part of the coincidence, and all the active actions will weaken the strength of the coincidence. Be the help for him to take the potion.

After all, this is a ritual that is easier to complete the less you know, and Snow just knows too much.

He knew Backlund, knew the class distribution of the city, and knew who would appear in which areas, which meant that anything involving the city could not reach the level of coincidence required by the ceremony.

He also thought about tossing a coin, but he found that what this ritual needs is the accumulation of coincidences, the resonance of the ripples of fate, like constantly throwing stones into the river, making the splashing water more and more turbulent. Big, but the act of tossing a coin, single and repeated, will cause too little ripples in fate. Even if he throws 10,000 heads, it will have no meaning to fate itself—

Of course, if he set to throw tails to kill a person, throw heads to save a person, and keep throwing heads 20 times in a row, this can complete the ritual.

This is also the reason why he didn't try to get a lottery box by himself, because the lottery can complete the ceremony because the lottery itself will change the fate of some people, and this change of fate is the main body of the ceremony.

The most fatal problem with this ritual is that it cannot be tricked. In other words, the potion ritual itself is a delicate balance that can only be achieved by the coexistence of some kind of occult influence and mental state. If you lie to yourself, you are basically courting death. .

After weighing for a long time, he decided to go to sea.

Once the ocean is big enough, meeting a specific person or group of people at sea is enough to satisfy the ritual needs. UU reading

Second, since the sea is unfamiliar enough, even with the guidance of the original book, he can't lock in too many details, and he won't cause him too much trouble because of subjective thinking.

Thirdly, he really doesn't know enough about other places. Compared with Intis, Feysac, Fenepot and other countries, which are hardly mentioned in the original work, although he understands a little, it is too huge. Something Balam, or Sunyahai is more likely to meet the person he designated.

Of course, it is not necessary to target a specific role, and some identities with a small number of related people are also acceptable. For example, Snow has already designated a target for himself at this time—

"I ran into a certain pirate general."

In a sea, encountering seven people by chance, this probability is enough to meet the needs of the ceremony, and their own Sequence Five-level strength can also shake the ripples of fate.

Moreover, there are countless pirates affiliated to pirate generals at sea. It is not uncommon for the old to be attracted to the sea. As long as Snow encounters the younger brother of a pirate general, the other party may come to the door, and the other party takes the initiative to come to the door. , is naturally a "coincidence".

Of course, the same sentence, Snow couldn't take the initiative to find the pirate general's subordinates to kill, but must passively follow the arrangement of fate.

"Are all the rituals of the Destiny Pathway like that of Cao Dan?" Snow sighed, glad that he only had to take the Destiny Pathway medicine this time in the next sequence.

He packed his luggage, sorted out the arrangement of the banknotes in his wallet, and then went to the Backlund Pier.

Garner had already helped him buy a ferry ticket to Pritz Harbor. Although it was said that he could arrive by land, Snow chose a slower waterway in order to stagger from Klein and avoid the entanglement of fate.

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