Mystery: Paradox Path

: £225 decision

Hearing Melissa's question, Snow's body suddenly stiffened, and the joy of reuniting with his family was instantly replaced by distress.

He forced a smile with the clown's ability and explained:

"This house is the property of a friend of mine. He knew that my family was coming to Backlund, so he rented it to me at a low price..."

"That's the gentleman from before?" Melissa took two steps forward, as if she wanted to find some flaws in Klein's expression with the clown's extraordinary abilities, but Benson frowned and said:

"Even if we're friends, we can't take advantage of each other with peace of mind. We just came to Backlund, and we haven't even settled on a job yet. Living in such a good house is a bit out of line with our class."

Benson's words were obviously reasonable, but Klein remembered Snow's explanation of the situation in Backlund, but he couldn't agree with Benson's thoughts.

He took a deep breath, took out a document from a hidden safe in the corner of the living room and handed it to Benson:

"Benson, this is a share of a company I invested in. Although it is only worth a thousand pounds now, but..."

"What? One thousand pounds? Only? Klein, what have you done during this time?" Melissa exclaimed. Because of the proximity, Klein almost had tinnitus for a moment.

He stretched out his fingers and made a gesture of picking out his ears, causing Melissa to take two steps back with a guilty conscience, and then said with a smile:

"Listen to me, this company's prospects are very good. I believe it will not be long before it will appreciate to an exaggerated level, so you don't have to worry about money."

Benson looked at the document in Klein's hand and nodded slightly, while Melissa began to circle around the house, looking at the brand-new velvet bedding, the clean white china tableware, and the high-end mahogany table. Chair, returned to the living room solemnly again, looked at Klein with a strange look and said:

"Klein, tell me the truth, what is your relationship with that gentleman?"

Although Klein didn't know what Melissa had misunderstood, from her eyes, Klein sensed some unpleasant atmosphere and said quickly:

"Just ordinary friends."

Melissa's eyes were full of disbelief, because the furniture in this house is really too expensive. If you only look at the house, this small building is about 2 pounds a month, but the deposit for these furniture is probably all Over ten pounds!

In fact, Melissa is still ignorant. In fact, the total price of the furniture in this house is even more than five hundred pounds.

Hearing Melissa explain about the furniture in the house, Klein also twitched at the corners of his mouth. He didn't think the furniture was expensive, but remembered what Snow had said when he introduced the property to him before—

"This house is very complete. It was given to me by one of my customers. It has nothing to do with Beyonders or mysterious organizations. Whether it's the Aurora Society or other Orthodox Churches, no problems can be found."

"As expected of the Penredax family's 'craftsmanship'..." Klein shook his head gently, and began to argue with Melissa, trying to correct the strange thoughts that suddenly popped up in his sister's mind, but Benson Some questions come to mind-

According to Klein, in order to avoid the murderer, he faked his death and escaped, so how did he, who lost his identity, get involved with such a rich man?

Considering the "Extraordinary" that Klein mentioned before, he vaguely had some bad guesses.

"Klein, can you tell me what you are doing now?"

"Uh..." Klein heard the words, and the words he explained to Melissa suddenly stopped. What should he say? Could it be that he is running a cult group?

Fortunately, he still has an identity that he can take out now, he coughed lightly, and then said, "I'm working for the Church of Steam and Mechanics now, um, that bicycle company is also a believer of the Church of Steam. We did it together. It's a half official Beyonder."

"Steam Church? But don't we believe in the goddess?" Melissa said a little tangled. Although she loves machinery, she doesn't have a bad impression of the Steam Church, but belief is not something that can be changed at will.

"Faith is faith, and work is work. It's like you believe in goddesses, but you love machinery, don't you?" Klein said briskly, Melissa thought for a while, and then nodded in agreement, although Benson still I feel that something is wrong, but I still choose to trust my brother.

After all, Melissa refused to go out to eat because she found a lot of fresh ingredients in the kitchen when she inspected the room before.

The three of them got into the kitchen together after a long absence. Under the guidance of Klein, a table of sumptuous food was brought to an expensive table under Melissa's distressed eyes.

Having eaten with his family after a long absence, Klein forcibly suppressed the tears in his eyes that he wanted to overflow all the time, and ate the most comfortable meal in the past few months.

When the three of them were almost seventy percent Klein finally remembered the words that were interrupted because of the house price issue, but when the words came to his mouth, he hesitated again:

Although he had already made up his mind when he came to see Benson and Melissa, but now...

"Klein, is there anything you want to tell us? For example, Beyonder?" Benson, noticing what Klein wanted to say, stopped the movement in his hand, and his expression was serious and a little worried.

Klein saw Benson's expression, and then looked at Melissa, who didn't seem to understand what happened, and finally sighed:

"There is indeed a reason why I tell you about this issue. You may not know that the smog in Backlund a few days ago was not the poisonous waste gas emitted by the factory as mentioned in the newspaper. Of course, this It's part of the reason, but more importantly, it's actually..."

"It's actually a Beyonder? Is there a powerful and evil Beyonder who created this incident?" Melissa said in disbelief with her mouth wide open.

In this regard, Klein just nodded and repeated the reason Snow told him before, but skipped the part of the end, and focused on the danger that the promotion of witches and demons would bring to the surrounding.

After listening to Klein's remarks, Benson was silent for a moment, and then said:

"So, what do you mean, let us also become the 'Extraordinary' you call?"

"Well." Klein's expression also became serious, "The situation in the future world will become more and more chaotic, becoming an Extraordinary, even the lowest level Extraordinary, can give you the ability to protect yourself..."

I have to say that the previous smog really frightened Klein. If it hadn't been for this lesson from the past, he would never have said so strongly that Benson and Melissa became Beyonders.

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