Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 211: Mr. a found the grazing code

"Why is that?"

Just when Emlyn White was hesitating whether to pray to the Fool, in a safe house in the Eastern District, Mr. A was doubting life.

As a senior Beyonder who has been a shepherd for a long time, he also has his own rules for playing.

Shepherd, which means "all beings are the Lamb of the Lord, I shepherd the people on behalf of the Lord", which is also the source of the word "pastor".

Therefore, Shepherd is one of the few Extraordinary Sequences whose playing methods have nothing to do with their Extraordinary abilities.

When he herds Beyonders, he won't get feedback on potions, but when he develops believers and expands his religion, he can get considerable feedback.

Just like mortal shepherds, only the stupidest shepherds will keep waving their whips and driving the flocks, while the smart shepherds will cultivate "head sheep" to lead the flocks and raise "shepherd dogs" to protect the flocks.

Among them, the head sheep is the leader who actively believes in our Lord and leads the other lambs to believe in our Lord, and the shepherd dog is the extraordinary power to protect the believers.

If you want the sheep to be obedient, you must first feed the head sheep. If the head sheep gets the benefits, it will become the envy of other lambs. They also hope to become the head sheep.

However, I don't know since when, the grazing process he summed up seems to be useless.

Not because the lambs' mentality has changed, but because the wolves that surround them have become more cunning and cruel.

The shepherd dogs he cultivated were completely unable to resist the attack of wolves, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Obviously half a year ago, Backlund's eastern area, dock area, and factory area were still so chaotic, no matter how they preached, they would not attract official attention.

But now, every time his preaching started to pick up, they would be cleaned up by the official Beyonders, which made him wonder whether Backlund's Beyonders were really idle to such an extent.

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But what makes him know the most in his life is—

Those forces developed by Snow have been unscathed in these multiple sweeps!

Mr. A felt that this situation was too fake. The scale of his chubby and meaty school was far less than 1% of his enthusiasm, and the disturbance was far less than that of the labor movement.

But the two companies that jumped the most didn't have it at all. Instead, their own fat and big meat sects were smashed to the ground.

If he hadn't seen the enthusiasm and the labor movement pray to the Lord with his own eyes, and he could also be confirmed when he prayed for the Lord's gospel, he would even wonder if these two organizations had secretly turned to the government!

In fact, Mr. A doesn't really have to herd by himself, because from a certain point of view, Snow himself can be regarded as the head sheep and shepherd he developed.

But the problem was that his loyalty to the Lord in his heart made it impossible for him to sit back and enjoy the success, and he always wanted to do something.

He began to observe the behavior patterns of the enthusiasm and the labor movement, stalking and assassinating the official Extraordinary who came to clean up the Fat Zizi Big Meat Sect, and even disguised as the official Extraordinary to tentatively attack the enthusiasm and the periphery of the labor movement in order to obtain enough information.

Then, he found an even more incomprehensible situation——

The "sheepdogs" protecting these two organizations are actually those "jackals"!

"Could it be that Snow corrupted the upper ranks of the Loen military? He put the nails into MI9?"

Every time he sees MI9 helping to cover up the information of the workers' movement and enthusiasm, seeing them try their best to erase all traces of cults, and even secretly block the knowledge of "belief in paganism", Mr. A feels very absurd.

Because this is no longer something that can be done by corrupting one or two people. You must know that Loen's military is not a single word. The major nobles restrict each other. MI9 says that it is the direct agency of the king, and there are still internal Many party branches, even the bottom members, are basically from major noble families. In other words, even if they dominate one or two high-level members, the bottom members will still not obey orders.

But the problem now is that almost all the MI9 members who appeared in the Eastern District and the factory area are covering up their enthusiasm, and the labor movement is even more outrageous——

They are protected by the bankers, capitalists and emerging aristocracy.

It is difficult for Mr. A to understand what kind of psychology these people who are forced to lose a lot of money to improve the treatment of workers have to protect the labor movement, but he still understands one thing-

That is Snow's "shepherd" thinking is not the same as his.

What he adopted was the traditional "grazing iron triangle" composed of shepherds, head sheep, and sheep dogs, while Snow's method was to directly raise all sheep in captivity.

He gave all the sheep enough "fodder" to allow them to grow and drive them to form a group with profit. Although this method is not as religious as the lamb developed by the traditional first-sheep method, its speed and stability are far superior to the first-sheep method.

Even in this structure, there are no so-called shallow believers, and all the lambs will not be scattered due to the death of the first sheep. Each lamb has its own Even if there is no official shepherd dog , they also fight for their own interests when they are in trouble.

Thinking of this, a flash of light flashed in Mr. A's mind, and he seemed to understand a little why the official people would take the initiative to act as shepherds.

Just as Snow gave the commoners a benefit to pray to the Lord, for the official side, a stable Eastern District and a factory area can reduce the domestic consumption of the kingdom. At the same time, the royal family and the church themselves are not monolithic. Compared with the church, the royal family does not care so much. Faith, even if it is the believers of the evil gods, as long as it does not affect the rule of the royal family, they will be happy to see them and the church of the righteous gods check and balance each other.

After realizing this, Mr. A felt that his whole person was sublimated, because he even saw the possibility that Aurora would become the "Orthodox Church"!

"The Diocese of Backlund may not need me anymore." Mr. A smiled with a kiss on the corner of his mouth, thinking about when to look with the Holy Gloom and transfer to other parishes.

This is not to escape, but he can't wait to experiment with this new set of "shepherd's rules" in other areas!

Let the Aurora Society become the Church of the Orthodox God, and let the Lord's faith no longer be restrained by the Seven Gods. As long as Mr. A thinks about it, his whole body trembles!


Just when Mr. A was thinking about the future, the little sun in the "Sanctuary of the True Creator" just woke up from a deep sleep. He heard the quietly burning fire in his ears and the steady breathing of the team members who were dutifully guarding the camp. Count your heartbeat silently.

Every mature Beyonder in the City of Silver has the ability to judge the approximate time based on the hunger level. After a brief meditation, he slowly relaxed a little. There is still a long time before departure, enough to participate in the Tarot Club.

Chapter 211 Mr. A discovered the grazing code

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