Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 190: Is there a possibility

After Mr. Fool disclosed the meaning of numbers and months, days and years in order not to be deceived by the holiday record, Little Sun began to talk about his experience during this period.

Originally, Mr. Hanged Man was still restoring the incident to Little Sun, telling him how reckless he was this time, but soon, Mr. Hanged Man fell into a kind of confusion, because he discovered one thing—

When Little Sun said "Mr. Fool purified Amon's avatar through an angel", whether it was justice, magician, demon or the world, there was no surprised look!

"I'm the only one who doesn't know? Or did they all encounter a crisis that required Mr. Fool to drop an angel? No, from the looks of justice and the magician's thinking, they should have seen it, and the devil is more like the beginning. Just know! That's right! The devil seems to come from an ancient family, and that family probably knew the existence of the 'The Fool' from a long time ago, which is why he is so bland!"

The sense of crisis in Alger's heart became stronger and stronger. He remembered the position he had set for himself before, and looked at Little Sun with a little eagerness. This time is an opportunity. He must show his "Tarot" through Little Sun. Only in this way will you not let yourself lose your value in the Tarot Club!

Little Sun obviously didn't know why the "kind", "kind" and "friendly" Mr. Hanged Man was so surprised. He just waited for a few seconds before continuing:

"After Amon's clone was purified, I coughed up a small worm, which is exactly the same as the one in the dungeon before. Do you know what it is?"

With the help of Mr. Fool, the bug with twelve transparent rings was manifested.

Alger finally seized the opportunity, and after thinking for a while, he said:

"She should be the carrier of Amon's avatar. In myths and legends, there is a bug similar to it, with twelve transparent rings, called 'The Worm of Time', but no one has ever seen the 'Insect of Time'. Insect', many people suspect that this is actually the name of a sequence potion."

"The worm of time..." Little Sun muttered to himself for a moment, then asked curiously:

"What can it be used for? I mean the dead one."

"I don't know." Alger was slightly ashamed in Little Sun's respectful and trusting eyes, but then he heard Snow say:

"If it is really the Worm of Time, then I know some information."

After speaking, Snow paused for a moment, and after everyone's attention was shifted, he cast a requesting look at Mr. Fool. Klein saw this look, and his heart was full of helplessness, but he nodded embarrassedly. .

With the approval of Mr. Fool, Snow said with satisfaction:

"The Worm of Time can make a demigod-level spell of the Thief Path, and it is also an auxiliary material for the Sequence Two potions of the Apprentice and Diviner paths."



"The devil actually knows the formula of the Sequence Two potion?"

The members of the Tarot Club suddenly felt a turbulent wave in their hearts, but they quickly subsided again. After all, for these Beyonders whose highest level is not Sequence Seven, it is still too early for a Sequence Two or something.

Little Sun didn't show any disappointment or happiness about this result. In his opinion, the demigod-level materials were not available for the time being. In contrast, the problem of the City of Silver exploration team was more critical.

Listening to Little Sun describe the situation of the adventure team, Mr. Hanged Man said solemnly:

"The situation sounds quite serious. Contamination is still the best possibility. The most troublesome thing is that they have already believed in the fallen creator from their hearts. That is troublesome and cannot be saved."

Hearing the Hanged Man say this, Snow wanted to refute a sentence, but considering that his identity was a little embarrassing, if he spoke at this time, he would probably be suspected by Mr. Fool that he was polluted by the real creator, so he could only listen to the Hanged Man quietly. Mr. taught Little Sun how to act.

It wasn't until The Hanged Man completed his teaching by words and deeds that Snow opened his mouth and said:

"Mr. Sun, although it's a bit inappropriate to say that, I have something to confirm."

"Mr. Devil, please speak." Seeing Mr. Devil's opening so solemnly, Little Sun responded immediately, Snow nodded lightly, and then said:

"I hope you will pay attention to whether the members of the exploration team who are suspected of being contaminated are singing. If so, please write down the melody. It should not be difficult for you who used to be a singer."

"Singing..." The sun frowned, because he suddenly remembered that when he exchanged knowledge of the Seven Gods, Mr. Demon also asked a similar question. He asked Elder Lovia if she had ever sang...

After a little hesitation, he tentatively said:

"Can you tell me why?"

Not only Little Sun, but other members of the Tarot Society also had the same doubts at this time. After all, it is too strange to think about the polluted people singing.

Snow did not answer Little Sun's question directly, but said in a hypothetical tone:

"Do you think there is a possibility... that your shepherd elder did not actually betray the City of Silver? Nor did he become a fanatical believer in the fallen creator?"

"But the exploration team does..." Little Sun immediately denied it, but heard Mr. Demon shaking his head:

"Maybe it's a coincidence? Since it's an exploration team, it's normal for problems to occur, right? You can't think that there's a problem with a shepherd just because she's leading the team this time, right?"

"A coincidence or something..." Little Sun wanted to say something, but suddenly found that he was sure in his heart that Elder Lovia had a problem, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with it, UU reading just Abandoned the rebuttal, but asked:

"Is the song to judge whether Elder Lovia is really committed to the fallen creator?"

"It's just a proof, not just the exploration team and the shepherd elders, but also in the City of Silver. If you find that certain tunes suddenly become popular, please tell me immediately."

"I understand." Derrick nodded thoughtfully. His instinct told him that Mr. Demon might know something, but he didn't plan to say it at all.

I can only keep the feature of singing firmly in my heart, and plan to observe it later when I go back.

Of course, he didn't let down his guard on Elder Lovia because of Mr. Devil's performance. In contrast, he began to think about how to pry open Mr. Devil's mouth.

The topic of the sun came to an end here, Miss Magician began to inquire about the apprenticeship path information, watching Mr. Fool can't wait to control the world to answer, Snow smiled slightly, but did not interrupt any more.

He had no intention of grabbing the business of esoteric knowledge. Compared with these essential nutrients for Mr. Fool's growth, he was more keen to persecute Mr. Fool's money bag.

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