Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 168: under the light of the red moon

A gloomy, rigid voice sounded with indescribable fear, followed by a long-distance man dressed in black clergy.

He wears a black glove on his left palm, his face is thin, his skin is brown, his light brown eyes are sunken like a mummy, and his beard roots are black and white, extending from the sides of his mouth to the sides of his ears, but they are not the same. Not bushy and rather short, looking splotchy and raunchy.

He obviously has the temperament of a priest, but he gives people a cold and terrible feeling, just like the silent and crazy pervert in the previous life movies.

He seemed to appear in the open space out of thin air, and under the moonlight, he seemed quite stiff, like a real puppet.

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"Zatwin..." Sharon, who was slumped on the ground, flashed consternation in her eyes, and was very puzzled that this demigod who should have been led away would appear here.

But the next moment, she and Maric took out a spell almost at the same time, and said in unison:

"Turtles are longer than snakes!"

Some strange twisted ancient Hermes inspired the power of the spell. Almost instantly, Maric got rid of the madness, and Sharon regained her power.

The moment the two recovered, they rushed towards the werewolf holding the crimson moon crown.

At this time, Zatwin was also under the influence of the crimson moon crown, and also suffered the curse of being a "puppet". As long as he was not allowed to get the crimson moon crown, he still had to fight!

Although Klein didn't know what the puppet's curse was, when Maric and Miss Sharon returned to normal, he also realized the crux of the problem. Once again, he felt that divination is not omnipotent, but he did not intend to abandon the two allies and escape alone. .

He immediately controlled the sun double to pounce on the werewolf, and at the same time fired several shots at Jason, who was being held back by the strange bronze door.

But they still didn't understand enough that even if they were cursed by the potion, a demigod was still a demigod.

The soil on the wasteland began to deform, turning into a wall to block the bullets fired by Klein, and the rubble scattered by the explosion caused by Klein turned into arms and grabbed the three of them.

Although the puppet is cursed by moonlight, as a demigod, he can already stabilize his spirit through anchors.

Generally speaking, modern Beyonders only need anchors to stabilize their humanity after Sequence Two, but in ancient times, those powerhouses who swallowed potions, even if they were only demigods, needed anchors to stabilize themselves.

And the indulgences of the Rose School have obviously embarked on this old path.

Of course, as indulgences, they usually do not deliberately use anchors to suppress their desires, but occasionally there will be situations where there is no time to vent their desires.

Although Zatwin's body is still stiff, his consciousness is still rational enough under the influence of the small number of "believers".

He controlled the surrounding dead objects to suppress the three people. Although the lethality of those activated dead objects had been greatly reduced under the irradiation of the sun substitute, it was enough to delay their pace.

Seeing that Zatwin was getting closer and closer to the crimson crown, Maric's malicious eyes seemed to have filled with despair, but at this moment, an arm that appeared out of thin air suddenly picked up the delicate jewelry .

It presents the shape of a full moon, surrounded by crimson gemstones one after another, and the middle is engraved with a symbol of the moon and many mysterious signs.

And with this action, the figure that seemed to have never been noticed before finally materialized, with a bright smile full of evil taste, and appeared in the center of the open space.

"Mr. Snow?!"

Klein's eyes widened. No matter what, he never expected this gentleman to appear here. He subconsciously looked at Sharon and Maric, thinking that this was the second foreign aid they invited, but from their eyes, Klein was also surprised to see it.

"Tsk tsk, a group of children are playing the house, what are you doing with a demigod?"

Snow grinned and put the crimson moon crown in his pocket, and looked at Zatwin like a zombie with a playful expression.

"I don't want to shoot in Backlund either, if it weren't for..."

Before Zatwin finished speaking, his face suddenly changed, and he stared at:

"Corrupted Baron?!"

"It just twisted your words a little, didn't you say it? You don't want to! Of course, if you can conquer yourself, maybe you can break through this limitation... Oh, sorry, I forgot you Rose School indulgences There is no such option at all... Well, I think you should understand why the silent disciple is silent, right?"

Snow's tone was full of sarcasm, but this time Zatwin didn't say anything. His corpse-like eye sockets were full of malice, and his body suddenly twisted into a life-sized puppet. The puppet is exactly the same as Snow, with a suffocatingly handsome face and a smile that seems to mock all beings.

Snow's movements became rigid with Zatwin's changes, and a kind of occult connection seemed to be You form a connection with me, which means that I form a connection with you, so I You can also take advantage of that connection, um, come with me. "

Snow showed a bright smile, swiped his finger on the ground lightly, and read a strange ancient Hermes word in his mouth——

"So far away."

The next moment, Snow and the puppetized Zatwin disappeared from the sight of several people together.

Although he didn't know why Snow appeared here, Klein immediately realized that it was an excellent opportunity. The sun substitute released a golden brilliance under his will, and all ghosts, resentful spirits, and alien species within a range of dozens of meters were Received the pain as if being splashed with hot oil.

Although the crimson moon crown was put away by Snow, the surrounding red moon did not disappear for some reason. Steve, Jason and Tyre were still under the curse of the full moon. In this state, even if they suffered the same Despite the pain of being splashed with hot oil, Sharon and Maric still maintain a huge advantage.


The battle in the outside world started again, and just not far from them, Snow and the demigod Zatwin were facing off.

[The End of the World] is the ability upgraded from [The Rabbit is Hard to Chase the Tortoise]. By sublimating the concept of distance, it creates a realm that cannot be touched although it is still in place in a realistic sense. The ability of this demigod level is originally It is a defensive skill used by a single player, but at this moment, under the magical link of the puppet, it has become a magical skill that isolates the battlefield.

"It's a pity it's a man..." Looking at Zatwin, who was recovering from a puppet state with some contempt, a pair of illusory wings emerged behind him.

Afterwards, the phantom of the angel with thirty-six wings flew out slowly, and Zatwin suddenly felt that the whole world seemed to be becoming unfamiliar...

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