Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 142: Tasks can also be "simple"

In the early morning, the short girl put on riding boots with a heightened inside and a high heel outside, put on a masculine trousers for easy mobility, took out the three-edged thorn from under the pillow, carefully hid it in her arms, and then walked out of the bedroom. door.

Last night was another blood moon. Fors insisted that he did not sleep with him, but out of worry, Xio still secretly hid outside the door to observe, confirming that this time Fors just slept quietly for a few minutes. , seemed very peaceful, and she was relieved.

Although I don't know if there are other sequelae of believing in that fool, at least now, Fors will no longer suffer from the pain that is on the verge of getting out of control.

"Hmmmm~~" She hummed the small tune she heard from the workers in the East District, and Xio quickly finished washing up. Then, she unexpectedly discovered that Forsi woke up very early today!

[In other words, the best app for reading aloud and listening to books at present, Mimi Read, install the latest version. 】

"Fors, why are you up?"

The outspoken Xio didn't think much, and asked directly. Forsi, who was sitting on the sofa, was slightly startled when he heard the words, and then said in a somewhat lazy voice:

"Occasionally some early is fine."

"It doesn't look like you would say something." Xio shook his head with certainty. Usually, Forsi wouldn't get up until he slept in the hotel!

And now, Forsi has an immortal look on his face, and looks like he is going to sleep at any time. No matter how you look at it, he doesn't take the initiative.

"Okay, in short, there is a task coming." Forsi spread out his hands, pointed to the table, Xio took advantage of the situation, and suddenly opened his eyes:

"Phantom Blood? When did the single book come out? Where did you buy it?"

"..." Forsi looked down and sighed:

"Snow sent it with the letter. I heard that you liked this, so I sent you a copy. This is a sample of the first edition, and it has his autograph on it... After all, it's not like you haven't seen Snow, how can you still? Like that guy?"

"Works and people should be read separately! Mr. Penredax is very nasty, but his books are really good!"

Xio picked up the book of Phantom Blood on the table and carefully patted it twice, as if he was worried about the dust that did not exist, and then carefully placed it on the bookshelf. Make a book cover for protection.

After doing this, Xio regained her usual state of being a little serious and majestic girl, and asked:

"By the way, Forsi, you just said the mission? What mission?"

"It has nothing to do with you... Mr. Snow asked me to promote his book through my channel, and recorded it as 20 missions, um, twenty pounds, which is relatively high in the market." Fors Reaching out and clicking the letter on the table, he said helplessly:

"I really don't know why a rich man like him is addicted to writing books. I heard that the update has been accelerated recently. Didn't you notice that the Tussock newspaper gave him more pages?"

"Isn't this a good thing? I remember that when many books are on sale, there will be a note recommending other books. Wouldn't you like to recommend it to him?"

Xio naturally said a layman's words, Forsi immediately rolled her eyes at her when he heard the words, and still said lazily:

"That's called girdle recommendation. It's really easy to recommend that, but the problem is, my Storm Villa has just been printed once, and the cover design and everything are done. If you want to add girdle, you have to wait for the next time. In short, you just need to know that if I want to promote him now, I have to write a new book myself!"

"Then why don't you just write it?" Xio said as a matter of course, still a little happy in his heart, he had long seen Forsi's look of eating and waiting to die all day long was not pleasing to the eye!

It would be nice to keep her busy.

"Simply put! Writing a book needs inspiration! Do you understand inspiration?" Fors scratched his hair, which looked a little messy because he had not had time to take care of it after getting up, and said, "I'm so salty, you want me to turn over."

Huo suddenly stared and said:

"Don't you always say that you have inspiration? Think about your debts! Come on, you can do it! Look at Mr. Pandre Dax, while working as a veterinarian, maintaining social relations, being a Beyonder and an intelligence businessman, and by the way, you can still draw Time to write a book!"

"You can kill me!" Xianyu let out a salty cry, then rolled his eyes and changed the subject:

"Speaking of his new book, have you read it? I heard that the new protagonist seems to be more likable than the protagonist of the previous book..."

"No! Joestar is a real gentleman, and Joseph is just a little gangster who hangs around because his family has money! It's just... just like a nouveau riche! Mr. Joestar is really unfortunate in his family, how could he be? Such a grandson!"

"Oh, so the new book may be a story of a prodigal son!"

Seeing that Forsi had successfully diverted her attention, she had a smile in the corners of her eyes, and immediately followed the topic of Finally, she suppressed the terrifying thing of "girlfriend's draft" for the time being. .


"It's done, the craftsman's ability is really useful! If I had this craft back then, wouldn't I be offered by those dead houses?" Just when Xianyu changed the subject, Snow was putting on new clothes for a puppet girl.

It was about the same size as the puppet that was placed in the southern area of ​​the bridge last night, and if it stood upright, it would be half the height of a person.

However, unlike the gorgeous doll full of dark gothic style, the decoration of this doll is more heroic.

The long golden hair was carefully rolled up behind her head, and her emerald green eyes reflected determination and seriousness. Snow put on a battle dress and armor for her, a heroic woman standing with a sword. It suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, if it weren't for the figure that was only half the height of an ordinary person (Hugh was three-fifths), it was too petite, and people would even think that this was a living person.

[Really made ravings] (approval).

"Right, right, do you like this look too? Hmmmm... um, that's not okay, your ability is to degenerate your own nature, and the corresponding sin is also gluttony, and **** must not make you feel like this. "

[Really made foul language] (vibration)!

"It's useless for you to scold people. Think about your future, think about coming back to the world, and think about becoming a righteous god! Where does the gender of mythical creatures come from, it's only feminine or masculine. What do you care about?"

[True raving] (whispering)...

"Yes, the big deal is that I will make you a little more heroic when you are angry."

[Real raving] (doubt)?

"Really, I lied to you about having candy? Why don't we start it now?"

[Really making foul language]! [Really making foul language]! [Really making foul language]!

"Don't scold, don't scold, don't do it today, okay? I'll play the piano for you!"

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