Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 139: Intelligence is used to install [beep——].

Thinking of the combination and arrangement of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, Klein thought of another question, that is—the paths between the ten major sources of the Kabbalah Tree of Life seem to be twenty-two. Does this correspond to twenty-two? Two ways of God?

If these so-called ten essentia rings are arranged according to a specific rule, will they reveal the secrets of the twenty-two paths of the gods?

My dear, Roselle has made twenty-two cards of blasphemy, so you can make ten Elemental Quality, right?

The corners of Klein's mouth rose slightly, and he wondered if he would also do something small in the future to hide the secrets of the way of God.

But considering his assets, Klein shook his head wisely.

At least not now.

Waving away the diary, Klein was a little bit curious. It was like watching a live broadcast of a puzzle solving game, clearly thinking of how to solve it, but watching the anchor sell stupidly there and his blood pressure skyrocketed.

But watching the live broadcast of the puzzle solving, he could buy a set of games to play by himself if he was in a hurry, but he couldn't get this set of rings.

Well, you can't directly use the identity of a fool to say:

"Demon, I heard that your family has a set of rings, how about lending me a couple of days?"

Thinking of this, Klein couldn't help but want to laugh, and then temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​being out of style. Anyway, Mr. Devil can be considered to have known the "world" in reality, and then let the "world" find a chance to ask in private. Maybe it is done.

With his mind made up, Klein leaned back and said with a slight smile:

"You can communicate freely."

As Mr. Fool's voice fell, Derrick the little sun immediately imitated what Miss Justice usually did, raised his hand and said:

"Mr. Demon, the extraordinary weapon you made is beyond my expectations. I have successfully advanced to Sequence Eight. In the past two days, I plan to use the remaining meritorious deeds to hire helpers to obtain extraordinary materials, but there is no such thing near the City of Silver. I have heard of creatures like the agate peacock, although there are lustful banshees and widow spiders, but their strengths are so terrifying that they cannot be dealt with by Sequence Eight, can I pay for it with other potion materials first?"

"It doesn't matter, in fact, if I use other materials, I will earn more." Snow smiled slightly, but under the barrier of gray fog, it was not so obvious.

Hearing the words, Little Sun nodded and said:

"Five extraordinary materials equivalent to the value of the main material of the Sequence Seven potion, I remember it. Is it okay for me to go hunting the Mist Treant first? In this way, I can also get the Mist Treant's juice that Mr. World wants."

"Little Sun is really a good boy, and he is still thinking about my worthless auxiliary materials." Klein thought silently in secret, and looked forward to Mr. Devil's response.

Although he thought it would be interesting to bully Klein at this time, Snow still didn't choke him on the promotion of President Ke, nodded and said:

"No problem, as long as it is Extraordinary material, I will accept it."

Hearing Snow's bold line, Mr. Hanged Man suddenly said:

"In the Sunia Sea, there will be a grand gathering of pirates in the near future. The thinking pirate king and the fleet of six pirate generals may participate. Oh, it should be 'seven' pirate generals, and someone else has joined the ranks. "

"At such a grand event, there must be a transaction of extraordinary materials. Since you intend to acquire the real roots of the mist tree people, you will not refuse the spinal fluid of the evil-patterned black panther. It just so happens that at the pirate rally, this material is not Rare."

"Of course, in fact, as long as it is a Sequence Seven-level Extraordinary material, you can try to eat it. I can buy it back at a price that is 10% higher than the market price, or help you create Extraordinary items. In addition, I also know that the Wind Blessed The main ingredient of the potion, although there are no auxiliary ingredients, but you can at least collect the ingredients first."

Hearing the words "Wind Blessed", Alger's eyes immediately straightened, and he made a final decision:

"How many potion main ingredients do I need to exchange for the incomplete wind-blessed potion formula?"

"The price of the wind-blessed potion formula is about 3,000 pounds. Although my formula is incomplete, it contains all two main ingredients. If your digestion progress is good, you can even swallow it directly and try to advance. I think Two thousand pounds should be a reasonable price. You can trade with four pieces of Sequence Seven-level Beyonder materials, or two pieces of Beyonder characteristics left by a Sequence Seven Beyonder.

In addition, I have the characteristics of the witch pathway, all the blood of the abyss devil fish; the eggs and tail feathers of the agate peacock; the eyes and hair of the lustful banshee; the silk glands of the adult widow spider... These materials can be purchased at a premium of 50% , of course, in the witness of Mr. Fool, you can pay half up front. "

Snow easily reported a price list, Argel thought for a while, then nodded and said:

"This is a reasonable price, and I will help you collect two Sequence Seven-level potion master materials as soon as possible."

Watching Alger and Snow finalize the deal, Miss Justice on the side was shining with the light of discovering the secret——

"Mr. Demon is collecting the extraordinary materials of the Witch Path, and he definitely didn't drink it himself, so it seems that the cat is indeed the Witch Path! Ah, I really want to know what the cat will become after drinking the witch potion! Yes! Become a charming female cat, or a beautiful girl with a cat's soul? Well, why don't you ask when you teach the piano next time?"


After Little Sun and Audrey finalized a verbal deal to exchange a psychoanalyst (psychologist) for the formula of the Sequence Seven of the Sun Pathway, everyone entered the information exchange session.

And Mr. Hanged Man took the lead and said:

"Lieutenant Admiral Hurricane Zilingus' fleet has been new pirate admiral is born."

Audrey of Justice was quite interested in the matter of the pirate general. She immediately gave full play to the skills of the first Tarot Club, and asked in coordination:

"What's his name? What's his current title? There's no similar news about Beckland's."

Mr. Hanged Man nodded slowly and said:

"She is a lady. She used to be a famous pirate, Tracy, a sick girl. You should have heard of it, right?"

"No, I don't know much about this." Audrey shook her head honestly, but Snow said with a smile:

"I do know a little bit about this, she is a Sequence Five witch of pain, with the witch sect standing behind her, her mother is the Sequence Three immortal witch Katarina, who was already a demigod in the Fourth Epoch. Existence, in addition, this lady seems to firmly believe that she is a man and likes young and beautiful little girls... Facing her, my suggestion is not to approach her within fifty meters before Sequence Five. "

"You don't know a thing, hey!"

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