Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 133: substitute

Seeing the respectful appearance of the boss, Porvoo immediately realized something, and immediately gave the younger brothers a wink.

Even the younger brothers who didn't want to understand what happened, immediately reacted after thinking of the previous boss's words, made a few excuses, and left the office with Porvoo, leaving the boss alone to face that man.

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"Don't be restrained, sit down." Snow gently stroked Lily's smooth fur and looked at Jiana with a gentle expression. Hearing his words, Jiana immediately sat on the sofa for guests and waited for Snow's words. .

"It's been developing well recently?" Snow still had a homely tone, but when Jiana heard the words, he was a little nervous:

"All relying on the protection of the Lord, there are now more than 300 official members of Enthusiasm, who control thieves and beggars in seventeen blocks, twelve bars and two hotels under their names, and twenty core members who believe in our Lord. ."

"How's the fighting strength?" Snow scratched Lily's chin and replied in a low voice.

"Just started praying, you can only use first-level spells, but as long as you pray sincerely, you should be able to improve soon." When Garner said this, he took a careful look at Snow, although it had only been a month since they met. , but such a convenient prayer can gain strength, and only a few people have developed, and there is some selfishness among them.

Snow didn't think there was anything wrong with Garner's careful thinking, but he still had to hit it.

So he nodded and said:

"I know."

There was silence in the office, and there were beads of sweat on Jiana's forehead. Although he wanted to kneel down immediately to admit his mistake, he seemed to be locked by some powerful force and couldn't move at all.

This stiff posture lasted for three minutes, and just when Jiana's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, Snow slowly opened his mouth and said:

"I have developed a spell, but no one has tried it yet. There is a certain danger in practicing."

"I'm willing to try." Garner said without hesitation. Although he didn't know the last chance from time to time, he obviously didn't have the capital to let go of the opportunity now.

After all, the foundation of [passion] is not his ability, not any special channel, nor his loyal subordinates, but from this gentleman and the great existence behind him.

Garner died, along with Cheng Na, Chuna, and Jaina. He wouldn't think that his code name [Basic] was really the foundation of the church.

"Of course you have to learn, but not now, this technology is not yet mature, I need a group of people who will not have any problems even if they die. Of course, to practice this kind of magic also needs to pray to my lord. Among them You have to control the stakes for yourself.”

When Snow said this, he lightly rubbed Lily, who was swaying on her knees. Garner waited for his movements to stop before nodding:

"I understand, but sir, can you know what the effect of this spell is? Will it be too dangerous? I mean to people other than the caster."

"Not necessarily." Snow shook his head, stretched out his index finger and tapped his head lightly, "The basic purpose of this spell is to seek a ray of life in the event of death. Simply put, it is to let one's soul It is closer to the state of evil spirits. After death, people can exist directly in the form of souls. As long as they find a suitable body, they can be resurrected again.

But in this way, the strength of the soul must have sufficient protection, but the human soul is too delicate. If the soul is strengthened by external forces, it is likely to have uncontrollable consequences. In the process, it may bring powerful and incredible Tricks may also die on the spot, so I need enough samples to test. "

"I understand." Jiana nodded, he already had quite a plan in his mind, Snow saw that he already had an idea, so he didn't do more questions, just said:

"The method of practice can be granted by praying to the Lord. In addition, this matter must be kept secret, do you understand?"

"Respect, sir."

Jiana lowered his head deeply, and when he lifted it up again, the man on the table had disappeared, along with the elegant black cat, all disappeared without a trace...


What Snow wrote in the diary before was not purely to fool Klein. He did develop an ability for resurrection. The only problem was that it did not come from any Rose School puppet, but from real babble--

That's right, this is exactly how the Hanged Man pathway actively transforms into evil spirits and seeks resurrection.

However, Snow does not have the personality of the Hanged Man pathway, and it is impossible to completely copy the experience of the Hanged Man pathway, but with the blessing of stealing the concept and the infinite spirituality of the one-foot hob, Snow got enough inspiration— —

The evil spirit of the Hanged Man is to awaken the fallen self in the spiritual body (the divinity that all things have divinity), that is, the spiritual body, and based on this, and in turn include One's own astral body, mental body, and etheric body can be combined without physical support. This is the essence of evil spirits.

Snow does not have the ability to directly awaken the fallen self like the Hanged Man, but according to the cognition of mysticism, the spiritual body itself represents the divinity that everything has divinity.

And from the perspective of the secret voyeur's inherited knowledge (what Old Neil said in the original book), meditation and potions themselves point directly to the spiritual body.

So Snow designed a purely theoretical meditation method through the enhanced brain of the erudite, which can slowly strengthen his spiritual body (divine) by consuming spirituality, and make it gradually merge with the astral body ( Heavenly soul), the mental body (earth soul) merge to form a so-called "substitute" (primitive spirit), while the etheric body (life soul) still maintains the connection with the body and ensures the activities of the body. When the body decays, It can be used as a substitute to accommodate the mental body that has lost its support, and form a spirit body that can move freely.

As for how long this spirit body can be active, it depends on the strength of the spirit body, but no matter what, it is better than dying on the spot.

However, this is only a purely theoretical meditation method. Although Snow judged that this idea is feasible through divination, and also confirmed that meditation and spirituality can indeed strengthen the spiritual body, but at the stage of accommodating the astral body and the mental body, the Nuo dared not gamble.

After all, this thing is a knife to your own soul!

However, Backlund never lacked people who worked hard for money, not to mention experimental spells, even if it was a ghost, some people rushed to do it.

Every evening in the Eastern District, people are homeless and can only be driven around like a corpse. An opportunity is more important than anything else, and even if the risk is great, it is always better than a slow death.

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