Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 127: party of 7

At three o'clock in the afternoon, rays of light rose up in the palace like a giant's residence, and the justice, the hanged man, the sun, the devil, and the magician projected blurred silhouettes dyed with a hint of red.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~ Good afternoon, the devil first..." Before Audrey's second greeting could leave her mouth, her eyes suddenly swept to the figure sitting at the very end.

It was a stranger in a black robe with a hood, and he was equally illusory and hazy.

"Who is this?" Audrey was a little puzzled, but looked at Mister Fool with joy. She grew up watching the Tarot Society little by little. She felt honored for the growth of the Tarot Society. Yan.

"It should be Forsi who joined last week, is it Hugh this time? No, no, the height doesn't match. Judging from the width of the shoulders and the sitting posture, it should be a male..."

Audrey silently maintained the audience status, trying to analyze something from this new member, but Mr. Fool leaned back leisurely and said in a leisurely tone:

"This is a new member, Mr. World."

"Hello, Mr. World." Audrey greeted politely, and the other members nodded in turn, but Mr. World didn't seem to appreciate it, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Mr. Fool told me that you can issue quests and collect materials here, right?"

"Yes." Audrey nodded gracefully, "But you have to wait patiently. Next is Mr. Fool's reading time."

Hearing Audrey mentioning reading, The Hanged Man immediately bowed humbly and said:

"It's still six pages this time, and the last page is for you next time."

"Okay." The Fool nodded lightly and looked at Mr. Demon again. Noticing the Fool's gaze, Snow immediately said respectfully:

"I also memorized a page of Roselle's diary this time."

"That's not Roselle's diary..." Mr. Fool complained in his heart, but he was still looking forward to the two of them manifesting the diary. As always, Snow, who had fewer pages, took the lead in completing the manifesting and sent the diary to Mr. Fool's hands—

"On July 4th, the evil spirit transformed by a high-ranking Beyonder had a chance to retain the memory and consciousness of his own life! Although I myself can be regarded as reviving the soul, this discovery still excites me."

After reading the first paragraph, Mr. Fool immediately recalled the evil spirit in the underground ruins the night before. Although there was no real contact, the nightmare and the powerful sense of oppression still left a deep impression on him.

However, he is still at the Tarot meeting. Seeing that Mr. Hanged Man has also brought over his six-page diary, Klein continued to look down—

"On July 6th, after a brief exchange with a certain puppet lady, I learned that in the Rose School, there is a certain method of transforming oneself into a spiritual creature in the event of death, although this It is very dangerous, but it can be regarded as a life-saving trump card. However, this method is only suitable for the high sequence of the prisoner pathway... Maybe I can try to improve it... Just before I got a secret art teacher marionette..."

"???" Klein used the clown's ability to control his expression to prevent himself from becoming "the old man in the subway. Some speechless.

However, compared to the lace news of the predecessors, Mr. Fool is more curious about this life-saving trump card. Although he has been resurrected for the second time, he also finds that the speed of his recovery is slowing down. Next time, or next time, maybe He would really die, and no one would think too many ways to save his life.

Klein thought so, and turned his eyes to the last paragraph of the page—

"With the assistance of the Secret Art Tutor Secret Puppet, I have developed a highly versatile undead secret technique, which I named [Standard]. As for its principle and mastering method, of course I will not use it. Write it down in your diary!"


Klein looked at this senior in the diary, and his expression suddenly became stiff. A feeling of suffocation that he wanted to vomit, but he didn't know how to vomit suddenly came to his heart. In order to relieve his resentment that was stuck in his throat, he took He picked up the six-page diary handed over by Mr. Hanged Man.

Looking at the strange and unruly Chinese characters, Klein read it silently.

Pages of diary contents flowed before his eyes. Klein knew that Roselle's daughter mentioned by the Patriarch ancestor was called Bernadette, that she seemed to become a big figure in the mysterious world, and that Roselle had participated in a An extremely secretive organization hostile to the true creator, and a blasphemous card with sequence zero secrets.

However, because he had already learned the secret of Sequence Zero from the Diary of Panredax, Klein did not struggle for too long. He suppressed the surging thoughts in his heart, tapped the edge of the long bronze table, and looked sideways:

"Mr. Demon, you did a good job. You solved Beckland in less than a week. According to the agreement, what kind of remuneration do you hope to get?"

"Beklang is dead?" Alger's eyes on Snow became more and more complicated. Although he had suspected for a long time that Mr. Demon had considerable resources and strength, in less than a week, he had solved a country's ambassador. This kind of power still shocked him.

At the same time, he also noticed that the attitudes of justice and the magician seem to be different. The state of the magician is very normal. It should be because he is in Loen, so he has already learned the relevant information, but justice looks proud... She really has a deep friendship with demons.

Alger felt that he seemed to be isolated, but as a "pirate" drifting at sea, he could not have any trusted friends to recommend. UU Reading www.uukanshu. If com wants to form a gang at the Tarot Club, it is obviously not a good choice to be the magician recommended by Justice in Loen.

Then, only the sun is left...

A large number of workplace palace battles flashed through Alger's mind in an instant, but in the next moment, these complicated thoughts were gathered again. He looked at Mr. Fool in the thick gray fog, and said respectfully and humbly:

"I'm sorry, I just contacted the good people and didn't help."

"This is an entrustment, not a help. Don't worry about it." Mr. Fool chuckled and turned his attention to Mr. Devil again, but he was praying madly in his heart, hoping that Mr. Devil, who was not short of money, would not issue a price he couldn't afford. remuneration.

Mr. Demon thought for a moment, but bowed slightly and said:

"Dear Mr. Fool, you have already provided me with a lot of shelter. I shouldn't have asked for more, but recently I am in urgent need of money for some reason, so I hope to use this credit for 8,000 gold pounds."

"Crack!" Although Mr. Fool was still moving in all directions, Snow felt that he seemed to hear a broken heart...

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