Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 989 Any1 Who Has Been With Tang Chen For A Long Time...Will Be Assimilated

The two tomb robbers, Tang Chen and Xiaoyanghua, were not right, they were archaeologists walking back and forth among the ancestral tombs of the Immortal tribe.

Once the Immortal tribe also participated in the slaughter of the alien tribes, and many people died. After recovering the corpses, they buried them in the ancestral land.

So this is a good thing for Tang Chen and the two of them, and the resources in the tomb are rich.

And the number of ancestral tombs is very large, enough for them to wander for a long time.

In a tomb, Tang Chen was watching Xiaoyanghua crack the pattern. Although the speed was slow, it was better than stability.

Because once this pattern erupts, Xiaoyanghua will turn into ashes in an instant.

This is also a test of whether Xiao Yanghua has listened well during this time.

Tang Chen felt that this child had many merits.

"Yes, arouse the yin in the tomb and bury this fire lotus, be careful." He squeezed the Buddha's anger fire lotus and said softly.

Xiaoyanghua took the Buddha's Furious Fire Lotus and squeezed the seal in her hand. The yin in the tomb was like a sea of ​​rivers and rivers, and it belonged to his palm, forming a very subtle imprint.

He placed his mark on the corner of the tomb, and the obedient Buddha's wrath and the fire lotus also followed in.

Xiao Yanghua's face was dignified, sweat overflowed, her arms quickly swiped in the void, and the tomb scriptures and techniques changed, covering up the fluctuations of the Buddha's wrathful lotus.

After all this was done, he breathed a sigh of relief, and it was finally done.

"It will definitely not be easy at the beginning, and you will get used to it gradually." Tang Chen smiled lightly.

Xiao Yanghua nodded firmly and said, "Tang Jiao, I understand, I want to become the strongest archaeologist."

"Ruzi can be taught." Tang Chen was very satisfied.

For some reason, the creatures of the three thousand domains, including the ten thousand domains outside the domain, are unconsciously getting goosebumps, if something is rising.

Tang Chen scoured most of the resources in the tomb and left with Xiao Yanghua.

Tombs are generally cleaned outside, and no one will come in.

Just because the tomb is the place where the ancestors are buried, you cannot easily step into it, which is a kind of disrespectful thing.

So Tang Chen is not worried at all, just take it.

When they shuttled through the ancestral land, they could perceive that there were strong men patrolling, all of them were in the Holy Immortal realm.

The two did not pay much attention to it and continued to the next ancient tomb.

The woods are rustling, and under the bright moonlight, it seems like a group of demons dancing with their teeth and claws, and their reflections sway in all directions.

Tang Chen used his heavenly eyes to look at it and frowned slightly.

Seeing Tang Jiao's expression, Xiao Yanghua's fingertips lingered with dark green light, and they touched the ground.

Dark green light swept toward the ancient tomb ahead, and there seemed to be a ray of vigor inside.

"Tang Jiao, is there a living person inside?" he asked in surprise.

Tang Chen nodded and said, "Many people from the Immortal clan are all in the tomb, Closed Door Training, only because they are clean and undisturbed, and they can arrange large formations."

"Then do we want to change one?" Xiao Yanghua suggested.

Tang Chen thought again and again, shook his head and said: "No, just him, if he encounters difficulties, he will retreat, and he will not dare to face it directly in the future."

Besides, with him around, even if someone is there, as long as he doesn't wake up, it won't be a big deal.

The two secretly cracked the ancient tomb, and then sneaked in.

The ancient tomb is huge, with a high dome, and a black coffin is suspended in the center. The Immortal strong people are inside Closed Door Training cultivation.

Xiao Yanghua's hands and feet trembled slightly, her heartbeat accelerated, and her throat and eyes were dry.

Tang Chen stretched out his hand to cover Xiao Yanghua's heart and said, "Your heartbeat is too loud."

Xiao Yanghua closed her eyes and took a deep breath, slowly exhaling it, calming and reducing her heartbeat.

Tang Chen was a little overjoyed when he saw that there were quite a lot of cultivation resources in this tomb.

He searched quickly, leaving only a small part.

When Tang Chen was about to leave, he turned around and rubbed his chin and looked at the coffin with a wicked smile.

"Seal the Buddha's Fury Lotus to me under this guy's ass." He laughed.

Xiaoyanghua is just stupid, this is too immoral.

Immediately, his dumbfounded expression gradually turned into a wretched one.

Anyone who has been with Tang Chen for a long time...will be assimilated!

One big and one small secretly planted Buddha's wrath lotus under the coffin. If it was detonated, the people inside would definitely be blown up.

The two left the tomb with laughter.

The people in the coffin are still cultivating with peace of mind, not knowing that the danger has been planted.

In the next several large tombs, there are also people who cultivated Closed Door Training, Tang Chen Xiaoyanghua painted Calabash by a scoop, and planted the seeds of destruction for the future.

When it was almost dawn, they returned to their resting place.

Xiaoyanghua took advantage of this time to refine Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, and Cultivation Base is changing with each passing day.

When morning came, he immediately went to bring tea and water to the Eight Supreme Immortals, and served them.

"Do you feel that the spiritual veins have become less pure recently?"

"No, you must know that the spiritual veins in our Immortal ancestral land, the dragon veins can be recycled."

"That's right, maybe I'm skeptical."

The talents of the Eight Supreme Immortals gathered together and talked about things.

Tang Chen heard the words, and was even more happy in his heart, and the War Fortress did a good job.

He guessed that it would not take long, this situation would definitely be known to the Immortal clan, and they would be ready to run away.


Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded.

I happened to stop by a small sunflower in a Great Hall and looked up quietly.

"Are you rubbish? Can't do this well?"

"What do I want you to do, drag me out and kill me!"

A familiar and disgusting voice from Tang Chen sounded.

The door of the hall opened, and the figure of Lord Di Qi Immortal walked out from it, his face was frosty, his eyes were cloudy, and he scolded the servant.

Tang Chen saw Lord Di Qi Immortal, and the killing intent in his heart continued to rise, but he was well controlled and did not radiate out.

The other servants whispered: "Emperor Swallow Immortal was defeated by Tang Chen's hands, and he was reprimanded by the ancient ancestor together with Lord Diqi Immortal."

Tang Chen knew, otherwise, how could this cheapskate be so angry.

"Sooner or later, I will let you know the anger of revenge." Xiao Yanghua left with her head lowered, and said coldly.

Lord Di Qi Immortal was in anger, not knowing that his biggest and most hated enemy was leaving right under his nose.

Night fell again, and it was time for the archaeologist duo to appear.

Tang Chen smiled and said, "Last night I aimed at a very distant tomb, there will definitely be something good."

"Hey, I think it's okay." Xiao Yanghua smiled.

The two rushed away quickly, but could not be known by others.

When I came to the ancient tomb that Tang Chen was looking at, I found that the pattern here was dense and mysterious, which was completely different from the previous one.

Xiaoyanghua is sweating profusely, not only needing materials to assist, but also spending a lot of time.

"I'm coming, you can observe carefully." Tang Chen took over and said softly.

Xiaoyanghua nodded obediently, and after a while, the perfect crack of the ancient tomb did not trigger any situation.

The two mixed in, but suddenly stood in place in the first step.

Just because in the depths of the ancestral tomb, there was a man with grey hair and silver silk, who was unparalleled in beauty.

"Ancient Star Ancestor!"

Tang Chen narrowed his eyes and thought to himself.

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