Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 982 It's All Well Taught By The Tang Religion, So I Can Suppress The Alien Clan

The alien clan originally wanted to destroy the Yanchang domain to attract the attention of the three thousand domain creatures, but they never expected to be blocked here by others.

Moreover, Tang Chen's contempt made the Demon Fear Ancestor feel particularly useless and aggrieved in his heart, and he must be severely beaten in the face.

Because Tang Chen is the only person who dares to kill the alien race without pressure.

The palm of the Demon Fear Ancestor contained blood-colored light, and it turned out to be a small arena that was thrown towards the sky.


The bloody divine light bloomed, and a battle platform full of killing aura appeared in the sky, which was used for the battle between the two worlds.

"The Slaughtering Stage, who of you dares to come up?" The Demon Fear Ancestor said coldly.

Before leaving, Tang Chen glanced at it and pouted, "I changed the soup but not the medicine. It's the same as the last time. We haven't killed or caught it yet."

After complaining, he jumped into the distance as soon as he opened his legs, ignoring the affairs here.

Just because Tang Chen's main purpose this time is to find existences such as spiritual mines and cultivate the war fortress.

The Demon Fear Ancestor was even more angry when he heard the words, and said solemnly: "Kill them for me!"

"Yes, Ancestor." A man cupped fist with a sneer.

His name is Mo Di, and he is the direct grandson of the Demon Fear Ancestor. This time, he was brought out to experience it.

Mo Di appeared on the stage, his arm shook, his palm fingers condensed a pitch-black mountain peak, and strands of thunder light fell, shaking the sky, which was especially terrifying.

He said indifferently: "It doesn't matter who will die, or two or three people will come up together."

This attitude of contempt and disdain for the Three Thousand Domains made the students look gloomy.

Huang Ping'er put his hands on his back, jumped up on his toes, and said with a light smile, "I'm coming."

"Huangjian bloodline, it was you who killed Long Guanzi and others on the bloodthirsty battlefield?" Mo Di said with narrowed eyes.

Huang Ping'er wondered: "Dragon Guanzi? Who is it?"

He does have an obvious shortcoming with his master, and he doesn't know how to remember names, probably because of the dish.

Mo Di sneered, knowing that Huang Ping'er was arousing anger in his heart and would never be fooled.

"Today, you will die here." Mo Di's eyes opened and closed, his color suddenly changed, and he shouted.

His left pupil contains five colors, and his right pupil shines with aurora. Under the rotation, the world changes and the years change.

Many people present were deeply deceived by his move, it turned out to be Illusion Art!

Mo Di held a big bow in his hand, looked at Huang Ping'er whose eyes were gradually dull, and shot arrows with the bow.


The arrow was as bright as the sun, the divine power exploded, and he wanted to shoot Huang Ping'er.

The next moment, Huang Ping'er used the sword to refer to, and lightly pointed the arrow light, which was not affected by Illusion Art at all.

His heart is like stone, and he is not affected by any outside influence.

"One sword, kill you." Huang Ping'er said indifferently.

Mo Di sneered: "arrogant!"


After saying that, Huang Ping'er raised one arm to the sky, his sword finger broke through the sky, and the distant void showed signs of collapse.

An ancient figure was carrying the Divine Sword, walked slowly, and finally knelt down in front of him.

Huang Ping'er picked up this divine sword, and the sound of the sword shocked everyone.

Even the demon-fearing ancestor couldn't help but change color slightly, why did he have such a terrifying swordsmanship?


Huang Ping'er's voice was low, like an emperor's whisper.

The divine sword is falling, and the world, Yin & Yang, belongs to the emperor.

Mo Di's hair exploded all over his body, roaring to shatter mountains and rivers, turning into black peaks, and growing wildly, trying to block this sword.


The divine sword slashed everything, and the black mountain peaks were like a knife cutting tofu with ease, and Mo Di was also beheaded.

Mo Di was cut into two halves, blood-stained the killing stage, and he was killed on the spot. The audience was silent, and the geniuses of the alien tribe who had planned to cheer, froze in place instantly.

The Demon Fear Ancestor roared angrily and looked at his dead grandson with tears in his eyes.

"Next." Huang Ping'er said softly.

Xiao Qilin and the others said dissatisfiedly: "Senior brother, hurry down and leave a chance for us to play."

Seeing this scene, Jin Zhan and Li Huang nodded in relief.

The better the children perform, the better for the future of the Three Thousand Realms.

The killing battle stage, the fighting continues again!

Gradually, the cultivators also heard the sound and saw one battle after another.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Tang Chen.

He is looking for better spiritual veins, such as mineral veins, all over the mountains and plains.

Because making robots naturally requires ore as a basis.

Tang Chen used his sky eyes to scan, and finally saw a relatively good mineral vein, which was relatively deep and large.

"Red Elf Mine, it should be pretty good."

Tang Chen took out the iron ball from the War Fortress and threw it out muttering.

When the iron ball fell to the ground, it automatically disintegrated, turned into a small robot walking on all fours, and quickly drilled down.

The speed at which the war fortress devoured the red elf mine made Tang Chen's eyes instantly widen.

In less than a few short breaths, the red elf mine was nibbled clean.

After the war fort returned to land, it became a spherical shape again.

"Another big stomach king!" Tang Chen rolled his eyes and said.

Shi Potian showed his naive head from his body, and gestured with his golden fingers: Are you looking for me?

Tang Chen laughed and scolded: "Go back and go back, I have really become attached to the big stomach king in my life."

Don't talk about it, it's a bottomless pit.

Shi Potian is the King of Golden Slimes, the same kind that eats everything and can't get enough to feed.

Now that the fortress of war wants to really open, it is still unknown how many veins it needs to swallow to succeed.

"Is there any way I can make me feel good, and let the War Fortress start to operate autonomously." Tang Chen pondered.

Suddenly, he thought of the Immortal clan. Is the Immortal clan's territory large enough?

Is it rich in minerals?

Tang Chen looked at the war fortress in his hand, and suddenly showed the old fox's smile.

"I'll add an anti-snooping device to it and throw it into the Immortal clan's territory to devour the mines." Tang Chen confirmed instantly.

If the war fortress eats all the mineral veins in the Yanchang domain, it is indeed very sorry for the creatures in this place.

But it was different for the Immortals, Tang Chen hated them.

"Prostituting their resources for nothing is one of the billions of interest in destroying the Cangxuan Realm, but it's not too much." Tang Chen babbled and left.

When he returned to Zu Chenzhou, there was a scream in his ears.

There was a handsome young man standing on the slaughtering stage, with dragon energy lingering, phoenix brilliance flying, and his gestures and gestures were quite like an emperor.

He beat a person from the extraterritorial strange clan directly to the ground, unable to get up, and finally was detained and dragged to Zu Chenzhou's side.

"Shen Hui's future is limitless." Jin Zhan and Li Huang praised.

Shen Hui said solemnly, "I want him to be my servant, and there is no one to pull the cart."

"Yes, there is Shen Yun taught by Immortal for free." Tang Chen returned and laughed.

Seeing Tang Jiao, Shen Hui quickly restrained his vigour, and said obediently, "It's all because Tang Jiao taught me well that I can suppress the alien clan."

Tang Chen patted him on the shoulder, then turned his head to look at the ancestors and others, and said loudly: "Thank you for the servants sent by Lao Tie, our children like it very much."

The demon-feared ancestor shouted in anger, and the red eyes were about to stare out.

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