Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 972 Get Out Of The Realm Of Heaven, You Are Not Welcome Here

The Longyuan Academy and the outside were completely silent, and everyone's eyes widened.

They didn't expect that the dignified Immortal Yadi would be crushed by Tang Chen's body.

Innate Chaos Body + Dragon and Phoenix Celestial Immortals are really terrifying, even the Immortal body of the Immortal family can't bear it!

bang bang bang...

Tang Chen's face was cold, his iron fist was stained with blood, and he smashed Immortal's chest one after another.

The blood spattered three feet, which was terrifying.


Swallowing Immortal Yadi was bloody, constantly reforging, and roared: "You bastard, how dare you hurt my Immortal body!"

"Shit Immortal, still talking big, get out of here!"

Tang Chen is arrogant and unparalleled, his voice is like a dragon's roar and a phoenix, his right leg kicks and swallows Immortal's body like a heavy hammer, and sneers.

With a puff, half of Immortal's body exploded in the sky, his flesh and blood flew, and his bones splattered, which deeply shocked the hearts of countless people.

"Ancestor!" The arrogance of the Immortal clan couldn't help crying.

Swallowing the remaining half of Immortal Adi's body, Immortal energy surged and turned into flesh and blood, but his complexion became paler and paler, and the savage color climbed to his face, like a ghost.

He was trembling with anger, if it wasn't for his own combat power, he might have been kicked to death by Tang Chen.

It is unreasonable to swallow Immortal Yadi, once a strong man, but now being unilaterally suppressed and beaten by Tang Chen.

"Heaven swallows the ancestor body!"

His voice was like thunder, and he roared out, echoing in Nine Heavens.


The void seemed to be shattered, and the body of ten thousand feet appeared, swallowing the Immortal gas from all directions.

This ancestral body has no facial features, only a black hole spinning wildly, which can not only devour Immortal Qi, but also engulf the souls of living beings.

Swallowing Immortal Yadi jumped into the ancestor's body, as if he was desperate.

Tang Chen said softly, "I'll give you a chance to release your ancestral skills. Don't let others say that I don't respect senior."

"Silence Ancestral Technique!"

Swallowing Immortal Yadi was so angry that the seven holes were smoking, and the emperor swallowed the ancestor's body and shouted.


Immediately, the Immortal Qi within a radius of ten thousand miles seemed to be a vacuum, and it was completely extracted.

The land that was once lush and full of life withered down.

The green grass turns into fly ash, the pine turns into rotten wood, and everything disappears completely like loneliness and death.

"Did Tang Chen create an ancestral technique?" Jin Liezhang suddenly asked.

The others stared at each other, stunned, as if not yet.

Last time they asked Tang Chen if he had created an ancestral technique, but the latter didn't answer and pretended to be mysterious.

Because Tang Chen did not create ancestral techniques, he never said a word to them.

Tian Tun Ancestor's body stands in the sky, and its power is huge, like a mountain in the sky, out of sight and out of reach, and shouted angrily: "How long have you stepped into the Immortal realm, you want to create ancestral techniques and dream!"

"That really disappoints you, I have already created it." Tang Chen smiled.

Everyone was shocked, has it been created?

The reason why Ye Aotian was able to create so quickly at the beginning was because it was not complete, and at the same time, he still had the insights of his predecessors.

But Tang Chen is different, he doesn't need to create his own ancestors at all, just follow the system.


Suddenly, the light of chaos rioted, breaking through the past and the future, only the present is eternal.

Chaos shattered, revealing a body that was as high as 10,000 zhang.

Once he appeared, the visions of the sun, the moon, the star, the wind and rain, the thunder, the beast shadow, the sword and so on evolved one after another.

In an instant, the space within a radius of 10,000 miles seems to be fixed, no one moves, and there is not even a trace of the flow of time.

"It's him, the emperor who appeared in Longyuan Academy that day!"

"It turned out to be the embodiment of the ancestral skills and ancestral body of the Tang religion. I was wondering who it would be."

"What kind of ancestral technique is this, I have never seen it before."

The strong men gasped, completely surprised by Tang Chen's ancestral skills.

Tang Chen Immortal, however elegant, smiled lightly: "Haotian Ancestral Art."

Haotian Ancestral Body gradually transformed into a noble robe, wearing a crown, like the master of the three thousand realms, containing supreme divine power, and is an existence respected by all living beings.

"No matter what kind of ancestral technique you are, I will break it with one blow!"

Swallowing Immortal Yadi was shocked, his ancestors were constantly shaking, as if he was about to disintegrate, but he still shouted through gritted teeth.

He consolidated the ancestral body, and the ancestral technique of annihilation rolled towards the Haotian ancestral body like the wind of Death.

Tang Chen didn't even integrate into the Haotian ancestor body. He pointed out and said softly: "Destroy."

The originally closed pupils of the ancestors of Haotian suddenly opened, the heaven and earth shook violently, the sun and the moon avoided, and they dared not hide their edge.

The body of ten thousand feet took a step forward, his tongue burst into thunder, and he said that he was drunk!


When Haotian Ancestral Body drank, the ten thousand paths revolved, Immortal Qi reversed, and the Ancestral Body that swallowed Immortal Yadi collapsed.


It is simply and directly destroying the past.

The ancestral body of Tiantun was destroyed before it approached the ancestral body of Haotian, revealing the body of Emperor Immortal.

With a whimper, he fell from the sky, his body burst, and the Immortal blood exuded a poignant and beautiful blood.

The scene was silent, and everyone looked at the Haotian ancestor body of the Tang Sect with dry throats, just drinking, and it was solved?

Tang Chen is quite satisfied with Haotian Ancestral Technique, at least he didn't give himself Losing face, and his performance can be given 10 points.

"Tang Jiao, it's good to bully and bully a little bit, and if you have any grievances, you will solve it later."

Ancestor Tianyong and the others saw Tang Chen's eyes, hurriedly approached, and whispered.

Xiong Zun Beast Ancestor whispered: "Yes, unless you can defend a small border in place of the Immortal clan, that small border will become a foreshadowing."

Others agreed, and they had hatred and grievances until the attack of the alien tribes stopped.

Tang Chen thought for a while, waved his arms, and the ancestors of Haotian dispersed, calmly said: "Get out of the realm of heaven, you are not welcome here."

Immortal Tianjiao suddenly woke up, hurriedly picked up Immortal Yadi, and immediately fled.

Swallowing Immortal Yadi was roared by Haotian Ancestral Body and lost his will, especially leaving an indelible shadow in his heart.

The Immortal family is really unlucky, and an accident will definitely happen to Tang Chen.

The Immortals fled in embarrassment, leaving behind two idiots, Wu Qingyi Zu Haotai.

They originally wanted to rely on the Immortal clan to take back the position of dean.

It's good now, not only did they have no chance, but the two were also kicked out of Longyuan Academy.

No one interceded for them, but looked at them playfully.

"It's really good, and Yin & Yang are so mad at Tang Jiao, they deserve it."

"Hey hey, I almost harmed my emperor's brother, and this is retribution."

"Why are you still looking at the two bereaved dogs, go back to cultivation."

Students or some teachers laughed.

Tang Chen didn't even look at it, and said softly: "The irrelevant people leave as soon as possible, and it is easy to get hurt when running around."


Wu Qingyizu hesitated to speak, but saw that even Ye Aotian and others left without speaking.

This time, it really fell apart.

For this kind of person who only makes trouble and damages Longyuan Academy, Tang Chen will never keep it, it's just a scourge.

After Tang Chen returned to the yard, he immediately turned his thoughts to the ring, wanting to see how Mu Yi was doing now.

You must know that Mu Yi has a heavy responsibility and must inquire about the information of the alien clan.

In this way, his mind, Tang Chen, can be taken at will, and he can also have fun playing The Sims.

"Huh? Interesting."

Suddenly Tang Chen raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth.

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