Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 967 Either Die In Battle Or Be Cowardly

Cangming Realm, Giant Spirit City.

Mu Yi followed Fierce Bear and others to the Giant Spirit City, in order to be able to participate in the Thousand Spirit Arena.

As long as they can win in the Thousand Spirit Arena, they can become the subordinates of the Giant God and Demon King without being defeated in a hundred battles.

For countless cultivators, this is a dream, and they worship the giant god and devil incomparably.

In the center of Djinn City is a vast ancient building, forged in blood and bone, full of visual shocks.

"Team battle or individual battle, choose by yourself."

"You can choose death battle or normal battle."

"Win all ten battles, win all fifty battles, and win all hundred battles, all are rewarded."

Outside the Thousand Spirit Arena, there is a strong cry from the Holy Immortal realm.

Lie Xiong and the others grinned and said, "We are in a team battle, let's go first."

"it is good."

Mu Yi smiled and nodded.

After he watched Lie Xiong and his party enter, he walked to the person in charge of the arena and said, "I want to participate in the personal battle."

"Ordinary battle or death battle?"

The person in charge was a woman, dressed in hot clothes, with black horns on her head, wings on her back, and asked without raising her head.

Mu Yi grinned and said, "Fight to the death!"

As soon as these two words came out, the people around them instantly quieted down, and then burst into laughter.

"Look at this person, but he is only in the Saint Immortal realm, he dares to fight to the death, tsk tsk tsk."

"Thousands of spirits arena are strong like clouds. With his appearance, he is only a black-patterned swindler, hehe."

"I just love watching the battle of the dead, watching how he died."

The cultivators were sarcastic.

Mu Yi neatly arranged his robes, showing a handsome smile, and said, "Either die in battle, or be cowardly for life."

The reason why he dared to be so bold is because of the thoughts transmitted by Tang Chen.

If you want to attract the attention of the giant god and devil, you have to win all battles.

It was a deadly battle that no one dared to choose. The person in charge unexpectedly glanced at Mu Yi and let him in after choosing to write it down.


Thousand Spirits Arena.

In a hot spring, there is a red liquid that is constantly surging.

The giant god and demon king was soaking generously, his black hair was like a waterfall, his expression was majestic, his slightly opened eyes, the light was like a torch, and the void trembled.

"Master, there are thirty-eight people who choose to fight to the death today." The person in charge outside Shicai walked in and said respectfully.

The Giant God and Demon King glanced lightly, and then said somewhat unexpectedly: "The black-patterned clan, people with such poor bloodline dare to choose to fight to the death."

"Yes, but he boasted wild words, died in battle or was cowardly for a lifetime." The person in charge replied.

The giant god and demon king narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded and said, "This person is a bit interesting, I want to see his fight."

"As ordered."

The person in charge leaves.

I have never seen such a genius as a giant god and demon king, but my favorite is a lunatic who is not afraid of heaven and earth.

Tang Chen just caught the person's interest, so he let Mu Yi approach.

In the huge and icy arena, shouts and shouts were heard endlessly.

The iron gate rose, and out of it came the blue flame saint from Tribulation Fire Rock.

He is about ten feet tall, with blue flames lingering all over his body, and the surrounding temperature is extremely high.

If it weren't for the protection of the ancient great formation around, countless creatures would be burned to death.

"Blue Flame Saint, burn the evil beast of the black-patterned clan!"

"Look at him screaming, hear him cry, hahaha!"

"Don't let him die so fast!"

The audience laughed wildly.

Because the arena generally involves things like 'gambling', it will be so intense.

On the other side, the iron gate was slowly raised, and Mu Yi walked out. There was no wave in the ancient well, and he looked at the blue flame saint faintly.

The blue flame saint sneered: "Do you know? There are no one thousand or eight hundred creatures that have been burned by me. The screams before death are so sweet."

"Waiting for you to burn me to death." Mu Yi sneered.

Tang Chen complained beside him: "Don't give me a loss, or my name will really be written upside down, let alone let me control you."

If Mu Yi really wanted Tang Chen to do everything by himself, the latter was afraid that he wouldn't be directly exhausted.


The blue flame saint controls the fire path, and the monstrous blue flame burns the sky and destroys the earth, almost covering the entire arena.

The flames were billowing, shining and dazzling, so splendid that people couldn't open their eyes.

"Burning the sea of ​​flames!"

The blue flame saint let out a long whistle, waving his arms, blue flames poured out from all directions, and pressed towards Mu Yi.

The giant god and demon king who was watching in secret said softly: "I'm really disappointed, I can only talk about it."


The next moment, the majestic and majestic qi and blood tyrannized, forming a field of mutual resistance with the blue flame.

Mu Yi twisted his neck, spread his hands and said, "It seems that you are not very good."

After saying that, he stomped his feet suddenly, the ground cracked, dust splashed, and his fists blasted out like a landslide.


This punch, shocking and terrifying, contained the divine might of a lion and tiger roar when it smashed out, shattering the blue flames in the sky.

With a puff, the blue flame saint was destroyed on the spot, and was killed by a single blow!

The audience was silent, with countless people holding betting tickets in their hands, their faces filled with astonishment.

Even the giant god and demon king showed a surprised look, which was beyond his own expectations.

"Who else, come and challenge me!"

Mu Yi was so excited that every piece of flesh in his body was shaking, and he said loudly.

This is the first time in a long time that he has the power to look down on others.

Mu Yi used to be a genius, but he was suppressed by Tang Chen again and again, resulting in no confidence.

Now that he came to the world outside the realm, he felt that the sky was sunny, the rain stopped, and he could do it again!

Tang Chen rolled his eyes and said, "Showing true love, you would have died long ago without me."

"Arrange an opponent for him, but I want to see how far he goes." The giant god and demon king said with interest.

After the order is given, the commander immediately goes to execute the order.

In the next fight, Mu Yi showed his combat power after being trained by Tang Chen, very powerful and fierce.

After ten battles, there are fifty battles!

The name of Mu Yi is becoming more and more grand in the Thousand Spirit Arena, and countless forces have thrown olive branches and invited him to become the core.

But he did not accept it, but continued to challenge.

When all the battles were won on this day, the entire Qianling Arena was bombarded with thunder, and the roar of the mountain and the tsunami sounded.

"Wooden god-tier! King of a hundred battles!"

"Since the establishment of Qianling Arena, there have only been five victories in a hundred battles."

"Mu Yi will become a new generation of Tianjiao in the world outside our territory!"

The crowd cheered.

Mu Yi was even moved to tears, and finally he was admitted.

Tang Chen was picking his teeth while watching. He was so drunk that he could even cry in such a shabby battle.

At this time, someone came and whispered: "Master Mu Yi, the giant god and demon king has received you."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Mu Yi patted the dust on his body nervously and nodded again and again.

Tang Chen raised his eyebrows, finally waiting for this day.

Walking in the silent passage, Mu Yi was nervous and had a stomachache.

Tang Chen really wanted to give him two feet, did he need it like this?

Really give him this sims master Losing face!

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