Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 959 There Is No Help, Let Him Transform, I Will Come

Cao Chong was originally in an extremely weak and Dao heart unstable state.

Haotai did not persuade him, but instead intensified his abuse, which caused his mentality to gradually go to the stage of explosion.

Once Dao heart is unstable or enters an extreme situation, cultivators will spawn Hearts Demon.

Hearts Demon is something that everyone will have, but it has been lurking in the deepest part of the heart for a long time, and it will be released instantly at a certain moment.

"Cao Chong, why are you listless, are you alright?"

"Come to my side tonight, please... Cao Chong, what's wrong with you?"

"It should be in a bad mood. It's not that you don't know the vice president."

Cao Chong was walking dead, his eyes were dull, and words were still in his mouth.

Even when someone greeted him, there was no response.

Many students are good friends with Cao Chong, but they still do not realize the importance of the matter.

When Cao Chong returned to the palace where he lived, he collapsed to the ground as if he was boneless.

There was a faint black aura lingering all over his body, which was cold and cold, and it continued to spread out.

Cao Chong stared straight ahead and said to himself, "I have failed my father's expectations of me, and the brothers even said that they would take me into the forbidden area of ​​the dynasty, but I couldn't do it."

Gradually, the aura produced by Hearts Demon became more and more majestic, and even directly affected the entire palace.

The hall trembled, and the students who lived nearby rushed out, feeling this wave of fluctuations, and their faces changed.

"Not good! Cao Chong's Hearts Demon is derived and will be eroded!"

"Go and invite Vice President Haotai!"

"Which of you have treasures such as pure jade dew water, suppress the Hearts Demon first!"

The students cheered.


Someone's fists shook violently, knocking the door of the palace into the air.

Immediately, the black aura gushed out like a tide, and was suppressed by the treasure, revealing Cao Chong's figure.

However, at this moment, Cao Chong was trembling all over, constantly emitting white light feathers, and he was transforming into the Dao!

The Hearts Demon is mysterious and mysterious, and what will happen is unpredictable by others.

"Suppress, quickly suppress, Cao Chong is going to transform!" When others saw it, they roared violently.


The release of the power of ancient characters, talisman paper, formation, etc., forced Cao Chong to hold back, preventing him from directly transforming into Dao.

As soon as Haotai heard that Cao Chong derived Hearts Demon, he also showed a look of disdain and impatience. Does the little thing know what Hearts Demon is?

But when he came and saw Cao Chong's condition, he realized that he was going to be in big trouble.

"Get out of the way!"

Haotai hurriedly reprimanded, and quickly approached Cao Chong, with hazy divine light floating in his hands, chanting scriptures to suppress Hearts Demon.

But it's good that he didn't come, and it made Cao Chong's Hearts Demon even worse.


The black breath was shocked, and Haotai was shaken and almost fell to the ground.

"It's over, go and invite the dean!" He screamed with a panicked look for the first time.

The little prince of the Heaven and Earth Dynasty was insulted by him until he gave birth to the Hearts Demon, so don't think about living in peace in this life.

The situation here suddenly became restless.

Huang Ping'er and Xiao Qilin just came back from cultivation and passed by. When they saw the excitement, they approached and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, I heard that the Hearts Demon is derived from Cao Chong of the Heaven and Earth Dynasty, and he is about to transform into the Tao." The student replied.

The pair of senior brothers looked at each other and hurried back to the East Immortal Pavilion.

Because the relationship between Xiao Qilin and Cao Chong is not bad, he is a cheerful and smiling little prince.

"Brother Chong!"

Suddenly, a roar spread thousands of miles in the sky.

Everyone understands that Cao Chong's imperial brothers and Tianyong ancestors are here!


East Immortal Court.

Inside the courtyard, Zhang Boren, Zeng Ye, Shuanghai, and Feng Yan were cleaning the residence of the Tang Sect.

Immortal Dragon King and the others sat helplessly on the futon, waiting for Tang Chen to speak.

However, they said they were disgusted, but their bodies were extremely honest.

Tang Chen's understanding of heaven and earth surpasses that of the teachers and elders of the entire Longyuan Academy.

"Be kind to me, who dares to mess around..."

Xiao Meilong held the sundae in her pink and chubby little hands, hummingly threateningly.

Immortal Dragon King and others hurriedly nodded and said, "We understand, you don't need to say anything."

Tang Chen saw this scene and laughed. It was like an old mother escorting her child to school and threatening her with a toy.

Just when he was about to speak, Huang Ping'er's little Qilin broke in, panting and hurriedly said, "Master, please help me!"


Tang Chen stared at the two disciples, stood up without hesitation and said.

He doesn't need to ask any more questions, there must be urgent matters when the two come.

Xiaomeilong sat on the shoulders of Tang Chen with a swipe of smoke, and the latter left with everyone.


Now Cao Chong's palace is crowded with people, and there is a huge situation. Even the old dean came in person.

The old dean had a solemn expression on his face, and said solemnly, "Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with me."

He comforted the ancestors of Tianyong and the princes and princesses of the Heaven and Earth Dynasty.

Ancestor Tianyong and others were anxious to follow the ants on the hot pot and looked at Cao Chong worriedly.

The old dean approached Cao Chong, his palms and fingers lingered with cyan light, he slowly pushed away the black aura, trying to get rid of Hearts Demon.

But as soon as he came into contact with Cao Chong, his complexion changed drastically, Hearts Demon was too deep.

How much pressure does this have to bear?

He scolded Haotai tens of thousands of times in his heart.


The old dean cast the supreme ancient scriptures in front of countless people, to resolve the Hearts Demon and forcibly suppress it.

But under the gaze of countless people, the aura of this Hearts Demon burst out, as if it could no longer be suppressed.

"How could this happen!" Tianyong Patriarch asked anxiously.

The old dean sighed softly: "There is no help, let him transform."

The princes and princesses of the Heaven and Earth Dynasty were furious and stared at Haotai.

Haotai's face was pale, his lips were trembling, and he finally paid the price for his own mistakes.

Countless students sighed and feared, sighing at Cao Chong's pain, fearing that they would also have Hearts Demon.

"I come."

Suddenly, a god-like voice sounded.

The crowd slowly opened up, and Tang Chen Immortal walked out slowly.

Ancestor Tianyong saw Tang Jiao, he knew very little about this, and hurriedly said: "Tang Jiao, please save this child!"

"it is good."

Tang Chen replied in one word.

Just this one word makes many people present feel a sense of security.

The old dean narrowed his eyes, what daddy can't solve, you have the ability to do it?


Tang Chen took out the Taohua sandalwood, and after igniting it, slowly white smoke drifted out. It was fragrant and indifferent.

When everyone heard it, they looked shocked, this is a good thing!

"God stabilizes the three souls, seven souls are self-determined, the sky is clear and the earth is bright and the Dao heart is quiet..."

Tang Chen recited the ancient scriptures, and what he did was not to suppress the Hearts Demon, but to release the Hearts Demon.

Now that it has reached such a serious level, it is up to the rescuers to be able to guide them.

The scent of Taohua sandalwood was drawn between his palms and fingers, and it was ethereal, encircling his five fingers, stunned into Cao Chong's nose and mouth.

Vaguely, the trembling frequency of Cao Chong's body slowed down, and the white light feathers on the surface no longer appeared.

Everyone almost held their breath as they watched, their eyes widened.

It was only at this moment that they let out a heavy sigh, and it was all right!

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