Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 955 You Are True, Sir, Just Say That He Is Not Good At It

Longyuan Academy, Feihong Terrace.

The sky is high and the ground is wide, the trees are full of trees, and the strong breath of life spreads in the ten places of Nine Heavens.

The old dean sat cross-legged at the highest place, with an expression like a mysterious cyan glow, as if he wanted to ascend.

And around Feihongtai are sitting cross-legged geniuses from many forces.

Ye Tianming, Liuli King, Chen Jingze, Huangqi and other figures, hundreds of figures did not make a sound, waiting quietly for the old dean.

In the distance of Feihongtai, Tang Chen and others also came, and they happened to see this scene and sat on the ground.

"Master, what's so good about this person?" Little Qilin stuck his head out and asked in a mutter.

Tang Chen smiled and said: "Collection of the strengths of other families, to make up for their own shortcomings."

All the acquaintances who heard this sentence rolled their eyes. This sentence really flattered the old dean.

"Sir, you're right, just say that he's not good enough." Yi Qing shook his head in disdain.

When Tang Chen was about to speak, he noticed a wave of fluctuations, and with a shush signaled everyone to stop talking.

Feihong Taichung, Qingxia rises to the sky, mysteriously rotates, and deduces one ancient character after another, and the vicissitudes and subtle atmosphere are floating.

An ancient character made Phoenix Feitian.

An ancient word turned into a real dragon.

More ancient characters form a treasure vase, which contains all things in the world.

The old dean looked solemn, pointed out the solemn fingertips, and the ancient characters disintegrated, telling the mystery of these avenues.

Many students were fascinated, sometimes frowning, sometimes closing their eyes, and fell into contemplation.

Tang Chen nodded secretly, this old dean really has something, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sit in this position.

But to him, the old dean's sermon was too obscure, requiring students to spend a lot of time on their own.

So Tang Chen felt sleepy after watching it for a while, too boring.

"You scumbag, how long have you been sleepy after watching?" Jin Liezhang asked contemptuously when he saw it beside him.

Everyone laughed and thought Tang Chen was a little cute.

Tang Chen rubbed his eyes, got up and said, "Let's go, let's go, this is not for me."

"Tang Jiao, why isn't it suitable for you?" Peixia Mingjun asked with a delicate and beautiful look, her beautiful eyes blinking lightly.

Tang Chen yawned and replied, "Except that Realm was taught by my master at the beginning, I was self-taught."

Everyone was speechless after hearing this. Is this Versailles?

Self-taught and able to hang and beat a large group of people, speaking so calmly, is really a Versailles master!

Tang Chen and others left, less than half a cup of tea, when the old dean came to an end.

Haotai whispered: "President, Tang Chen is gone."

"Hmph, how can Yehuchan understand these profound mysteries?" The old dean raised the corners of his mouth and said with a touch of disdain.

He overlooked the increasing respect of many geniuses for him, and his inner satisfaction was gradually ascending.

Only Haotai was still so unhappy and hated, so he had to find two students to scold him to vent.


Longyuan Academy, East Immortal Court.

In a leisurely and quiet courtyard, Tang Chen lives here and will not leave for the time being.

Because he thinks that this place is very likely to have systematic prostitution again, after so many years.

Tang Chen's nose has long smelled the breath of prostitution.

"Hey hey, can't you tell me?"

Xiao Meilong ran out of the master ball, and asked with a smirk.

Tang Chen chuckled: "I didn't have time before, but now I have."

"What a lovely girl." Peixia Mingjun was surprised when he saw Xiao Meilong while holding the brewed dragon flower tea.

She came to serve Tang Chen voluntarily, serving tea and water, pinching her waist and beating her legs.

Xiao Meilong drank the dragon flower tea and showed a happy and lovely smile. Life is like this, and there are no regrets.

Seeing her quiet down, Tang Chen smiled and put his mind on the secret law table.

"Extract the secret table." He secretly said in his heart.

After the extraction, Tang Chen used the Secret Magic Table without hesitation.

In an instant, what his eyes could see changed drastically.

It seemed that a three-dimensional image that others could not see was formed in Tang Chen's mind, but his eyes could see clearly.

Imperial heaven-defying work!

Nine Cycles Tian Gong!

Great Celestial Immortals!

Dragon Spirit is perfect!


Martial arts, Cultivation Technique, esoteric techniques, esoteric techniques, Immortal techniques, etc. are all-encompassing, and Tang Chen's eyes are dazzled when he sees it.

And every one of them is extremely terrifying and precious.

"My mother, how to choose this, there are too many!" Tang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry in his heart.

He didn't expect that he would have such a day, because there were too many secret martial arts and he couldn't choose.

To be honest, if it wasn't for not allowing it, he would have wanted it all!

Suddenly, the three-dimensional image was automatically converted, and it was recommended that Tang Chen's current secret martial arts be suitable.

"Three Pure Swordsmanship."

"Haotian Ancestral Art."

"The Demon Body of the Canglong Realm."

He muttered inwardly.

Needless to say, Sanqing Sword Art is one of the sword art.

But Tang Chen can completely create a brand new sword technique by himself, so he didn't choose it.

The Demon Body of the Canglong Realm belongs to the martial arts of body refining, and for him, it is too small to be chosen.

In the end, only Haotian Ancestral Art was left, which happened to be similar to the scope that Tang Chen wanted to cultivate.

"Well, just him."

After thinking about it, Tang Chen nodded decisively.

The Haotian Ancestral Technique in the Secret Law Table was selected.


When Haotian Ancestral Technique poured into Tang Chen's body and the ancestors in the mysterious Immortal realm, the thoughts in his mind exploded like a Galaxy Cluster.

Xiaomeilong and Peixia Mingjun were staying together, and suddenly noticed a breath of supreme majesty spreading from Tang Chen's body.

At this moment, the sky above Longyuan Academy suddenly changed, the sun and the moon were dark.

The rivers, rivers, and waterfalls seem to be affected by some kind of influence, and they are slowly stopping.

"What's going on? Who realized the ancestral technique!"

"This is definitely the breath of the ancestors, there is nothing wrong!"

"It must be only the ancestors of the Immortal realm who have such power, but it is even more terrifying!"

The creatures of Longyuan Academy were horrified, as if they were not facing an emperor, but the whole world.

Even the old dean Haotai and others turned their heads in shock, not knowing where it came from.


Suddenly, the body of a ten thousand zhang emperor stands on the sky, it is the master of the sky and the earth, and it is in charge of all things.

The phenomena of the sun and moon, stars, wind and rain, thunder, beast shadows, swords, etc. are all lingering around this ancestral body, and the terrifying aspects of ancestral techniques have evolved.

" do I feel like I'm facing the master of the Three Thousand Domains."

"This kind of ancestral technique has never been seen before, who created it!"

"When did our Longyuan Academy hide such characters?"

Teacher Elders were shocked and wanted to know the truth.

Only Jin Liezhang and the others showed the look of rubbing their chins, and said in unison: "Isn't it the stinky boy Xiao Tangzi again?"

Because no matter what strange thing happens, everything is pushed to Tang Chen, there is absolutely nothing wrong.

For every 100 strange things, there are at least 99 involving Tang Chen.

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