Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 953 What Kind Of God Is This Tang Sect?

Haotai seems to be disgusting Tang Chen by imitating the situation where he was blocked before.

Want to enter Longyuan Academy?

Yes, unless you can defeat the geniuses of Longyuan Academy.

Anyway, Tang Chen doesn't care about these things. You can tell at a glance how this person's guidance level is.

"You still dare to despise me, and I will let you know what despair is."

Haotai heard Tang Chen's ridicule, his face was slightly cold, but his heart was mocking.

How could Zhang Boren not know the level of the four of them, in the Saint Immortal realm, there is more than enough.

Therefore, Haotai only needs to send the Saint Immortal Tianjiao under his own guidance, and he will be able to win the victory in one fell swoop.

At this moment, a handsome man walked out, cupped fist and said, "Vice President, let me play."

"Nangong Ming of the Nine Gods Cold Palace."

When everyone saw this person, they suddenly said in unison with some surprise.

The Nine Gods Cold Palace is one of the Immortal Dao Lineages.

On the other hand, Nangong Ming is one of the arrogances in the Nine Gods Cold Palace. He has a deep grasp of the way of water, has extraordinary combat power, and is quite arrogant.

Haotai saw that it was Nangong Ming who took the initiative to ask Ying, and nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, let these wild foxes see what is the real powerhouse."


Nangong Ming raised a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth and nodded.

He jumped up, stood in the void, glanced at Zhang Boren and the others lightly, and said, "Who is willing to take the lead and suffer a defeat?"

"Feng Yan, play with him, don't kill him." Tang Chen yawned and waved.

Feng Yan respectfully said, "Yes, Tang Sect."

When Nangong Ming and the others heard this, they all looked unhappy, so arrogant?

Feng Yan has a strong physique and a plump body. Every muscle seems to contain infinite divine power, and the void trembles in the dance.

He was born with a dragon body and has a relationship with the Buddha. For example, the dragon Venerable in the Buddhist family is alive, exuding an indifferent Buddha light.

Nangong Ming's pupils glowed blue, and said in a low voice: "It is said that you tore up the invitation letter, but I want to see how you grow outside!"


He squeezed the Dharma seal in his hand, and his body was full of Immortal energy. In a single thought, the image of a tsunami in the sky was thousands of meters high, terrifying and terrifying.

The raging current, the furious sea and the mad waves, instantly enveloped Feng Yan in all directions, and he lost his way of retreat.

Feng Yan did not panic at all, but slowly closed his pupils, as if he had given up the fight in the eyes of others.

In fact, the golden dragon pattern of Buddhism appeared on the surface of his skin. When he opened his eyes, the word 'Swastika' was branded in his pupils, which was holy and powerful.

With a puff, Feng Yan broke into the raging sea alone, like a moth to a fire, seeking his own death.

"Is this person crazy? He didn't dodge and contend, but rushed in directly?"

"Hahaha, it seems that you don't understand your own physique."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's too miserable to encounter the wrong guidance."

The geniuses behind Haotai were sneering.

But only Nangong Ming did not have any joy, instead he showed a solemn look.

In the surging tsunami, Feng Yan was like a dragon entering the sea, and he came with the situation and killed him quickly.


Nangong Ming gave a clear whistle, and grabbed his hands towards the tsunami.


The tsunami exploded, shattering like thunder, trying to completely stop Feng Yan.

However, Feng Yan was thoughtful, dancing with his hands, rolling the torrent, and merging with his own dragon body, turning it into a pale golden dragon bell, guarding the whole body.

The pale golden dragon bell was bombarded by the current, and cracks appeared on the surface, but it did not explode.

Feng Yan seized the opportunity, moved like a thunderbolt, rushed out of the shocking waves, his palms contained the supreme Buddha way, and every inch of his skin was chanting Buddhist scriptures.


Nangong Ming didn't have time to dodge, he gritted his teeth, but felt an incomparably strong divine power, his arms snapped and flew out.

Feng Yan stood up proudly, and with one move, he eliminated the people who fought.

Nangong Ming was embarrassed and didn't get any benefits at all.


The scene exclaimed, unbelievable that it ended like this.

Haotai's original smile instantly collapsed, revealing a gloomy look, and coldly glanced at Nangong Ming.

"Feng Yan is back, Bai Ren is up." Tang Chen said softly.

Feng Yan returned respectfully, and Zhang Boren stood with his hands behind his back, standing in the void, looking directly at Haotai with a sneer on his lips.

Haotai saw that it was Zhang Boren and shouted in a low voice, "I have to take him down, or what will my face be like!"

"I come."

Liu Wei from Gu Dao Zong came forward.

He holds a golden war sword, shining divine light, rippling in all directions, spreading a domineering aura.

Zhang Boren held the Moon Spirit Stick in his hand, cupped fist and said, "Please enlighten me."

"Don't talk nonsense, those who get rid of them dare to tell me!" Liu Wei sneered.

Zhang Boren was broad-minded and just smiled faintly.

As far as the attitude between the two is concerned, Zhang Boren has already won too much.

Many people whispered that Liu Wei was really impolite.

Liu Wei squinted his eyes and took one step forward. The tyrannical and ferocious divine power swept through, and every time he drew out a point from the golden sword in his hand, the light became stronger.

The entire void trembled, as if afraid of the birth of this knife.

"Knife Promise!"

He snorted softly and drew his sword out. The bright golden shadow of the sword danced in all directions, reaching thousands of feet in length.

The light of the sword slashed the sky above, slashed the ghosts below, and fell to Zhang Boren.

Zhang Boren, who has cultivated the way of stick, should also keep moving forward.

His eyes were dignified, his mouth and nose swallowed the Immortal breath from all directions, and the dance of the Moon Spirit Stick was as solid as a golden soup, standing still.


The golden shadow saber slashed down in anger, but at the moment of contact, it was swept away by the moon spirit stick, splitting the earth into a ravine.

Liu Wei's expression changed slightly, and he wanted to change his move.

But Zhang Boren slammed, the Yueling stick smashed into the void, and with the help of this force, the bullet flew out and lashed at Liu Wei.

The Yueling Stick contains divine power, and it bursts with the color of a blazing sun. Zhang Boren raised his head high and shouted softly, "The Yang Stick is knocking on the sky!"

The power of a stick shakes the sky and the earth, and before it hits the ground, the ground below Liu Wei is already sunken.


Liu Wei's pupils were bright, and he reluctantly used the golden sword to change his moves, turning rigidity into femininity, and using softness to overcome rigidity.

But before this force was formed, he was hit by Zhang Boren with a stick. Liu Wei retreated violently, his back slammed on the pure white stone pillar, and his face was painful.

The audience was silent, and everyone felt particularly incredible after seeing Zhang Boren's combat power.

How long has he been eliminated, can he still be so strong?

"Impossible, Yehuchan wouldn't do this!" Haotai couldn't help but whispered to himself.

Zhang Boren looked at Haotai coldly, cupped fist and said, "I have such achievements, all of which are directed by the Tang sect."

"Me too." Feng Yan also walked out and said respectfully.

They were able to unilaterally crush Liu Wei and Nangong Ming so powerfully, thanks to Tang Chen's guidance.

Shuanghai and Zeng Ye said in unison, "Tang Sect also gave me some guidance. If you don't believe me, you can send someone to fight!"

The students of Longyuan Academy looked at each other in shock when they saw it.

What kind of god is this Tang Sect?

Is his understanding of the Great Dao stronger than the teachers of the entire Longyuan Academy?

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