Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 940 Refining Jiuying Ancient Pill In Batches, I Recommend Tang Chen

Lan Mingdiguan was bombarded by strange tribes from outside the realm, which moved and shocked all the cultivators in the three thousand realm.

After that, starting with the Jin family and the Ye family, they invited many ancient demon clans, ancient clans, and Immortal Taoists to discuss.

The location is right in the Cangxing domain, the place where Cangtian dominates blood.

In the Holy See, where the Immortal sects prostitutes, Jin Zhan smiled bitterly: "Don't you want to listen to what they have to say?"

"What am I going to do, when I said that before, there must be many people who are dissatisfied with me." Tang Chen was playing against Xuan Guzi and smiled lightly.

Jin Zhan also knew that Tang Chen was really angry at the time, otherwise he wouldn't talk so much about life.

He had to sigh and said helplessly: "Then I'll go and listen, and then come back and tell you."

"Go, let's go, but I can probably guess the content. Gather the older generation and the strong to cultivate the new generation. Only in this way can we fight against the alien clan."

Tang Chen said without raising his head.

Jin Zhan murmured a few times and left.

Xuan Guzi stroked his beard with a smile and said, "Tang Jiao, you asked me to come here, you won't just play chess."

"Well, I'm going to make a large batch of Jiuying Ancient Pill." Tang Chen said directly.

Xuan Guzi was stunned, and then Didn't know whether to laugh or cry said: "You are probably the only one who dares to do this."

"Whether it is successful or not, you have to try it." Tang Chen smiled slightly.

In fact, he hadn't told Xuanguzi that he wanted to change the prescription of Jiuying Ancient Pill to see if he could increase the chance of stepping into the Immortal realm.


Cangxing Realm.

High mountains and flowing water, misty clouds and mist, the temple is located on the top of the pole.

Within a radius of hundreds of miles, there are strong people from the Holy Immortal realm or the ancestor Immortal realm.

In the palace, sitting one after another strong man.

Some received invitations but did not come, just because they went to the border to be stationed.

The Jin family, the Ye family, the real dragon family, the real Qilin family, and the space beast family were present.

Heaven and Earth Dynasty, Qian Zongmeng, Lingsheng Dynasty, Longyuan Academy, Xu Family, etc.

"Just say anything, don't waste everyone's time."

The leader of the Qianzong League, the leopard, had a head and eyes, beard and hair like steel needles, and his voice reverberated in the hall.

Xu Heavenly Emperor stood up and said softly: "I think everyone already knows about the matter of Lan Mingdi. The people of this generation of foreigners are very strong."

As soon as these words came out, many people's expressions turned cold.

Although I don't want to admit it, it's a real fact.

In other words, every new generation of extraterritorial alien powerhouses is terrifyingly strong.

"So, we briefly discussed it." Jin Tianba slowly got up and said.

At the same time, the people from Longyuan Academy also stood up, with white hair and white beard, wearing Yin & Yang robes, and the disillusioned colors of Star were rotating between their eyes.

He is the old dean of Longyuan Academy. He has survived for a long time, and it is because of this that he wakes up from Closed Door Training.

"Let most of the ancestors of the Immortal realm be teachers and gather teachers to guide the younger generation in Longyuan Academy."

"Collectively nurture children and let them climb to the top in the competition."

"Only in this way, will there be a chance to be level with the extraterritorial strange clan."

Jin Tianba speaks his mind.

After hearing the words, many people nodded, which is a good way.

The number of domains occupied by the extraterritorial strange clan, the outstanding people, the resources and the environment are not comparable to those of the three thousand domains.

So this method is currently the most suitable and most useful.

The emperor of the Heaven and Earth Dynasty, wearing a purple-gold crown and a white dragon robe, the breath of the ninety-five king suppressed Huanyu.

He held his cheek with one hand and said indifferently: "Who will lead so many teachers, otherwise it will be a mess."

"I recommend the old Hua Ling of the Qianzong League. He is 6,000 years old and has enough qualifications and prestige."

"Then I will also recommend one person, an ascetic monk of the Heaven and Earth Dynasty, who has crossed the world, traveled thousands of roads, and also has prestige and ability."

"The ancient ancestor of the Xu family and the ancestor of the ancient Yixiong of the ancient Kunmen are all good candidates."

The next moment, many people began to recommend candidates for commanders they thought were suitable.

When the old dean of Longyuan Academy heard the names of these people, the corners of his mouth raised a touch of disdain and ridicule.

He glanced at the Ye family silently and nodded without a trace.

The Ye family and the old dean of Longyuan Academy are old acquaintances, so they will definitely recommend him.

But Heavenly Emperor and the others were waiting for an opportunity, and that was the opening of the Jin family.

"I, recommend Tang Chen." Jin Family Patriarch whispered.

His words silenced all the voices on the spot.

All of them stared at the ancestors of the Jin family, as if asking: Are you sure you are not drunk?

The representative of the real dragon family who came to participate in the negotiation is Immortal Dragon King, who is already the ancestor of Immortal.

Xiao Meilong was next to him and pinched him.

Immortal Dragon King sucked in a breath of cold air and said helplessly, "I also recommend Tang Chen."

Guzu's words, if he dares to go home if he doesn't listen, he will be beaten.

Everyone was shocked, didn't the real dragon family have a grudge with Tang Chen?

"The real dragon clan and the Jin family are what my clan thinks." Feng Xulie of the real Qilin clan stood up and said loudly.

The three proposed to recommend Tang Chen, and this result greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

Why is it unexpected?

There is no reason for him.

Tang Chen is too young!

You must know that the powerhouse recommended by others just now is not famous and has great prestige, even thousands of years old.

Tang Chen is just entering the Immortal realm for the first time, and he has not yet cultivated his ancestral skills. How can such a young boy guide others?

"Impossible, he is too young to convince the public."

"I understand that Tang Chen is now known as the youngest leader, but this is not capital."

"His combat power is extremely strong, sweeping the same rank Wudi, but it is not known how well he can teach."

The recommendation was immediately rejected by many.

They had indeed heard of Tang Chen's teachings, but those were just Jin Immortal realm or Xuan Immortal realm, meaning little.

The Jin Family, the True Dragon Clan, and the True Qilin Clan frowned.

Especially Liu Bang of the space beast clan stood up and resisted with all his strength: "Younger leads the elders, what kind of manners do you have, and he won't even be allowed to teach at that time!"

Jin Tianba frowned, realizing that the space beast was venting his anger.

"Okay, the junior doesn't need to pay attention. I recommend someone who everyone agrees with, old dean." Xu Heavenly Emperor stretched out his hand with a light smile and waved it to the far side, softly.

Everyone looked at the old dean of Longyuan Academy, thought for a long time and nodded.

If I really want to choose one between Tang Chen and the old dean, it must be the latter.

This is why the Ye family wants to let the Jin family speak, to form a huge contrast.

There was a hint of pride in the old dean's eyebrows, and he smiled: "The old man will not disappoint you."

"If it's him, we agree." They thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Xiao Meilong glanced at the old dean, then looked at the Ye family, with a chubby little hand resting on his chin, and muttered: "This can be intriguing, it's really an infighting expert."

"Guzu, you can't blame me." Immortal Dragon King whispered.

Xiaomeilong spread her hands and said, "I'm going to drink tea. You are also going to Longyuan Academy."

She jumped off the chair and returned to the Azure Realm.

Only the Jin family, the real Qilin family, and the real dragon family showed displeased expressions, and finally shook their heads helplessly.

Tang Chen, who was far away, didn't know that he almost became the teacher of his opponents of the same rank.

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