Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 938 Why Are You Not Crazy To Drive Out Foreigners And Protect My Rivers And Mountains

The millions of people under the collapsed ground have been pulled out one after another by the Blood Beast Legion, and then quickly taken away by the followers of the Immortal sect.

Although most of the cultists are unable to participate in the battle, the support work is particularly excellent.

The Blood Beast Legion even stopped all the demons at the periphery, and did not let them move forward at all.

The main reason is that these bloody monsters are not afraid of life and death, and they only know how to follow Tang Chen's orders and rush forward.

"What kind of monster is this? It's not afraid of death at all."

"The most important thing is that after the killing, there will be a large group of people coming up behind!"

"When will your Three Thousand Domains use this method!"

The demons of the extraterritorial strange clan were particularly surprised by this.

Tang Chen doesn't care what these demons say, anyway, they won't lose anything after they die.

On the contrary, they can also use the body of the demon to invade the Blue Underworld again.

"It is necessary to destroy the ancestor Immortal demon bone and break the channel for the rebirth of the demon." Tang Chen narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice.

His mind immediately ran and he ordered: "Da Fu, come and drive Zu Chenzhou, follow my orders and prepare to fire the laser cannon."

"it is good!"

Gao Dafu nodded heavily, turned around and swept into Zu Chenzhou.

The others followed Tang Chen and immediately joined the battle.

The demons seemed to have seen through Tang Chen's goals and thoughts, and shouted in unison: "If you want to pass us and kill the ancestor Immortal, you are not worthy!"

"I'm doing things, do I still need to ask you rubbish?" Tang Chen said with contempt in his eyes.

One mouthful of trash, one mouthful of trash, this is a great insult to the alien tribes, how could they be so calm and calm.

After Tang Chen closed his eyes, he instantly got in touch with the Blood Beast Legion.

The Blood Beast Legion also has two huge functions, one is to burn life to increase combat power, and the other is to self-destruct to produce the power of large-scale mass destruction.

But this will suddenly deplete the number of blood beast legions.

But Tang Chen doesn't feel heartache at all, anyway, the blood beast army is time-sensitive, and it will disappear automatically after a long time.

In this case, he might as well use the blood beast army to the extreme.

"Burning." Tang Chen said softly when he opened his pupils.

The entire Blood Beast Legion let out a hysterical roar, and a layer of crimson blood flames appeared on the surface of the body, and the combat power was soaring.

In the end, some demons could not be held back and were extinguished in place.

The cultivators who were fighting together were even more stunned when they saw this scene. Why did they suddenly explode?

The blood beast swooped and shredded the body of the demon with its claws. Wherever it passed, it was like a red torrent crushing it.

For a time, it became an extraterritorial strange clan that couldn't support it.

When most of the demons were extinguished, Tang Chen moved all the blood beasts, aimed at the ancestor Immortal demon bone at the end of the border, and shouted: "Break!"

Next, the blood beasts or human-shaped blood beasts can be seen in front of the eyes of the public rushing towards the ancestor Immortal demon bone, and they are not afraid of death.


The terrifying and tyrannical ferocity was released, shaking the land of Lanming Diguan.

Perhaps the self-destruction of one or two blood beasts is nothing.

But what if it was a thousand heads?

Ten thousand?

Fifty thousand?

The poignant fireworks bloomed like a blood-colored Lotus flower, and the body of the ancestor Immortal was heavily fluctuating.

The cultivators couldn't help sweating coldly when they saw it, and immediately they were filled with admiration and respect from the bottom of their hearts.

In order to achieve victory and expel the aliens, these blood-colored monsters did not hesitate to pounce on themselves.

The old monsters of the extraterritorial strange clan are directly stupid, even if they are outstanding people, there are so many geniuses that they dare not let people rush up.

"Tang Chen, you lunatic!"

Someone from the alien clan recognized Tang Chen and cursed.

Tang Chen grinned and said, "If you're not crazy, why do you expel foreigners and protect my rivers and mountains! Great wealth!"


With his cry, a huge behemoth was suspended above Lanming Diguan, like a steel fortress.

The star on Zu Chenzhou's whole body has been accumulating energy for a long time, shining brightly.


Gao Dafu stared at the ancestor Immortal demon bone, his eyes were red, and he shouted fiercely.

Every star of Zu Chenzhou spurted out a splendid light, gathered into a beam of star light, and slammed into Zu Immortal's whole body.


Ancestor Immortal roared furiously, roaring like thunder, shaking the entire Blue Underworld Pass.

Its bones cracked inch by inch, unable to withstand such a huge amount of damage, and completely collapsed in the past.

Seeing the destruction of the ancestor Immortal's demon bone, the Jin family's great ancestor and others showed a hint of joy, and quickly controlled the cracks and large holes.

Zu Chenzhou's light also dimmed, this strike is not often used.

Just because the charging time is too long, it is likely to be interrupted by others when it is used.


Lan Mingdiguan, who had fought so hard to the present day, saw that his ancestor Immortal's demon bone was destroyed, he couldn't help but clenched his fists and raised his arms and shouted with excitement.

Tang Chen looked at the disappearance of the last blood beast, and said in a low voice, "Thank you for your efforts."

He looked forward coldly, staring directly at the alien tribe.

However, the extraterritorial strange people were not angry or worried, on the contrary, they showed a strange smile.

"For a long time, you still haven't made any progress."

"It's just an ancestor Immortal demon bone, look at the way you cry with joy, haven't you won?"

"This time, it's just to say hello to you. You can't keep the other borders."

The voices of the old monsters are very flat, but they contain extreme confidence and cruelty.

The ancestor of the Jin family said deeply: "Your aggression will fail again."

"Then we'll wait and see." The alien tribe sneered.

Tang Chen saw that there was only a short distance between the two, but he couldn't move to kill them, feeling unwilling.

He said softly, "I will take back the realm that was once taken away by you."

"One inch of mountains, rivers and one inch of land will not belong to your invaders, but belong to our Three Thousand Domains." Tang Chen said in a strong voice.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The wild and arrogant laughter spread, but it gradually became quiet.

The cultivators also understand at this moment that this is just a fuse at the beginning.

In the near future, the alien tribes will quickly knock on the border, attacking again and again, until the border is broken, eroding the three thousand domains.

However, Tang Chen would never let them do this.

The enemy can do this, so can he!

"This time, it's really thanks to Tang Jiao."

"That's right, if there weren't so many self-destruction one after another, the damage to Lanming Diguan would be more serious."

"In this life, with him, the years will be peaceful."

When the elders looked at Tang Chen, their eyes were full of relief and expectation.

The ancestors of the Jin family smiled, this child did a great job.

Although the Lanming Diguan has not been broken open, the next repair work will be more troublesome.

And the death of countless living beings, this is the most heart-wrenching.

"These people have been contaminated with the evil spirit emanating from the ancestor Immortal's bones in the pothole just now!"

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly from behind.

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