Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 936 You Are Here, And I Am Still 2 To You

The strong army supported Lanming Diguan, and the elders controlled the expansion of the crack.

No matter whether the words of the alien clan are true or false, it is absolutely impossible for this crack to completely open the nodes and coordinates of the border.

If not, then it will not only be an accident at the border, but also the three thousand domains will be in danger.

At this time, Lan Mingdiguan has become a purgatory on earth, with broken limbs, broken arms, headless corpses, and withered bodies, like the most frightening place in the underworld.

"Quickly protect them from leaving, don't stay here!"

The disciple of Jianzun Longmen, Elder, escorted the residents of the border to evacuate.


The dark shadows danced wildly in the sky, the demon Spiritual Qi flames were arrogant, and they kept laughing.


The disciples of Jianzun Longmen were red-eyed, and roared with martial arts to compete, making a sound of gold and iron.

But the power of this strike is so great that they vomited blood, flew out with a sullen expression, or died on the spot.

Thousands of residents screamed and waited like lambs to be slaughtered.

"Jie Jie, I haven't tasted it for a long time, let me try it!"

A demon let out a strange laughter, and the bloody mouth opened wide, as if it could swallow the mountains and rivers.

In the terrified pupils of the residents, this scene could only be reflected, and there was nothing they could do.

Those cultivators who were seriously injured or temporarily lost their strength were stunned and rushed over like crazy.

But when it was about to be swallowed, a layer of golden jelly enveloped the residents, blocking the bite of the devil.


The demon was surprised, and before he could finish speaking, the golden jelly turned into a fist and slammed down, turning it into powder.

Tang Chen arrived in time and saw that these people were disciples of Sword Master Longmen, he frowned and said, "Where is Xia Houfeng?"

He knew that Xia Houfeng was a disciple of Sword Sovereign Dragon Gate, and he had a very high talent, especially in kendo.

"Tang Jiao, my senior brother... He was killed when the ancestor Immortal demon bone came, to protect the master and them!" The disciples wept bitterly and sobbed.

Tang Chen's pupils contracted, and his fists clenched suddenly.

The so-called Tianjiao, geniuses will die if they are not careful in such ferocious battles, ruining their future.

He shouted in a low voice: "Take people away, and there will be supporters from the Immortal sect for free, and send them to other places to recuperate, let's go!"

"it is good!"

The disciple of Jianzun Longmen wiped a tear and escorted the residents away from the place.

At this time, the sky was originally dark, but it was dark red when reflected by the bloodstains in the border.

There is also a magic spirit pinching the seal in the void, the sky thunders, the vast roar, the thick thunder light tearing the sky, and the creatures on the border are angry.

"Go away!"

The demons shouted loudly, wanting to kill Jianzun Longmen and all living beings.

Jin Haoran let out a loud roar, his body glowing with crimson divine light, like a divine phoenix flying high, waving his big hands and feathers like red jade, showing a ring of slaying towards the sky.

The feathers broke the thunder, crackling, the sound was shocking, and a strong color erupted.

Jin Liezhang and Jin Zhan also joined the fight.

They were fighting with the Ye family before, so they were a little weak, but the momentum they showed was better than usual.

"One gasification and three cleanliness!"

Tang Chen drank in his heart and lightly stepped on the ground.

Two Taoist bodies came from the distant void, as if to represent the past and the future, entering the battle.

The top priority of everyone's goal is quite clear, that is to temporarily take away the creatures of Lan Mingdiguan.

Because once they fall, Blood Qi will be devoured by the ancestor Immortal and become a key resource for breaking the level.

"Tang Chen!? He's here!"

"Kill him, how many talents we have fallen into his hands before!"

"Don't let him go, we won't die anyway."

Suddenly, a large group of demons formed from the ancestor Immortal's demon bones saw Tang Chen, and their blood pupils flashed on the spot, wanting to retaliate for their previous hatred.

Seeing this, Tang Chen deity laughed wildly: "Hahahaha, come, a group of wastes come here to die, save me to find them one by one!"

His smile was full of icy coldness and killing. How many souls died here, all of them were innocent lives, but they were ruthlessly taken away.

Tang Chen is human, how can he not be angry when he sees this situation.

He picked up the sword and swept forward, the sword broke through the space and swept the heroes, showing Wudi's posture.

Now it can be said that a large group of demons are besieging Tang Chen, and the pressure on the others is suddenly reduced.

Jin Zhan wanted to help Tang Chen, but his body held his shoulders.

"Saving people is the most important thing, if we don't break the barrier, it's our victory." Tang Chen in the blood robe said solemnly.

Jin Zhan gritted his teeth, nodded fiercely, and quickly wrapped the creatures under the ruins and took them away in the Immortal God Realm.

The three ancestors of Chunyang are also doing support, trying to rescue all those who are still alive.


The demon leaped, the dragon howled shocked the sky, and transformed into a nearly ten thousand zhang black demon dragon with three heads, spitting fire, thunder, and rotten poison.

Three different divine powers instantly drowned Tang Chen below.

"Five Ferocious Dangerous Divine Formation!"

Under the commotion, Tang Chen's majestic roar came out.

The magic circle shone with aurora and was branded in the void.

Qiongqi, Yutou, Suanni, nephew, nine babies born, beasts in chaos, shake Yin & Yang.

The terrifying divine power caused many demons to retreat in shock.

They are indeed not afraid of death, but after death, they have to regain control of the demons of the ancestors of Immortal, which is a bit of a delay.

Qiong Qi is fierce and mighty, the body like a tiger squeezes the void and smashes countless enemies.

The scorpion was even more powerful, and his limbs shook, breaking the sky and breaking the ground.

Suanni swam around the Ninth Stage, and his hair spewed out endless thunder swords, tearing enemies apart, and even reaching his ancestor Immortal.

Nephew Lin lowered his body to protect some of the creatures, the divine sound roared, the void folded, and a bang appeared.

The Nine Infant Protection Pillar Tang Chen, the image of water and fire, disturbed the movement of the entire Lanming Diguan.

Countless demons fell on the spot and dissipated as blue smoke.

"The magic circle? I don't know what is so special about you compared to my killing circle?"

Suddenly, a joking voice sounded.

A terrifying murderous aura surged up from purgatory, turning into a carved void of a great formation.

Countless creatures were twisted into blood mist without time to dodge and protect, and were swallowed by the ancestor Immortal demon bones.

Tang Chen is driving Jiuying, his face is like sinking water, his pupils burst into cold light.

I saw a demon that was completely different from others. A dense blood-colored magic circle appeared in his internal organs and limbs.

Tang Chen suddenly remembered that Dijun Dongzi once said that one person, the one who killed the formation by cultivation, was in the strange clan outside the territory.

"The killing formation naturally has to be nourished with the blood of living creatures, which is different from your magic formation." The demon despised Tang Chen and sneered.

Tang Chen said: "Destroy!"

The five evils merged into one, the combat power soared, and the monstrous flood surged out, smashing the killing array in an instant.

The demon who mastered the killing formation was instantly stunned.

Before dissipating, he asked in a cold voice, "If it wasn't for the devil being unable to use my full strength, you would have died long ago."

"You're here in real life, and I'm still second to you."

Tang Chen waved his hand to break up the volatility.


Zu Immortal's demonic bones swayed wildly, as if he was about to rush out, releasing more demonic spirits, swept toward the sunken ground of Lanmingdi Pass.

Tang Chen's expression changed, it was full of living beings!

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