Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 930 Are You The Only 1 In The Immortal Realm?

Tang Chen's words shocked countless people, how despised Ye Aotian dared to say this?

The ancient ancestors, the ancestors displayed, are absolutely terrifying.

Ye Aotian entered the ancestral body with his body, and sneered when he heard the words: "It seems that you need to know the difference between the ancestor Immortal realm and the holy Immortal realm."


The ancient ancestors of the ancient world stood upright in the sky, and they were omnipotent if they could pick the stars and catch the moon and suppress the stars.

When it raised its arms slightly, the entire Qingliantai finally collapsed unsupported, and the majestic Immortal energy came in like a surging river, lake and sea, and was included in it.


The arms of the ancient ancestors shone with golden rays of light, auspicious colors, colorful rainbow lights breaking through the sky, majestic and shattering divine power.

Appearing in the sky at this moment, any ray of light that scatters can easily kill the Holy Immortal realm.

"Tianhuang Ancestral Technique!"

The majestic and mysterious voice sounded, like the divine power that evoked the golden glow.

The golden Immortal light is like the power of the judgment of the gods. Wherever it passes, everything is broken and everything is destroyed, and it thunders down towards Tang Chen.

Half of the entire Qingliantai turned into a faint blue smoke and dispersed in an instant.

Everyone was stunned, such ancestral techniques were truly terrifying.

"The first three thousand I Wudi!"

Tang Chen looked directly at the ancient ancestors body, the momentum was like a volcanic eruption, and he shouted.

His silver hair turned into ink, and it fell down his back like a waterfall. His body was full and powerful.

The appearance of red lips and white teeth is the demeanor of a beautiful young man.

Ancestor Chunyang, who was watching the battle, was in a trance, as if he saw the child when he first saw him, so arrogant and strong, he would never give in.

Tang Chen's eyebrows are heroic, arrogant and arrogant, the flesh and blood formation is bright, and he shouted: "Chaos formation!"

At the same time, the infinite glove in his hand clenched tightly, and the weakened version of the power gem shone with purple divine light, increasing the power of the magic circle.


Suddenly, the void almost took on the shape of a depression, and the chaotic energy poured out like a collapsed dam, disturbing the sky.

, Chaos Beast is bloated and fat, its seemingly slow body is as big as a Star, and its ugly appearance makes people see its terrifying combat power.

It roared, and the majestic light of chaos exploded like a star, frantically swallowing Tang Chen's Immortal energy.


The battle between ancestral techniques and chaotic light is not only a fight between spells and magic circles, but also a change between Dao and Dao.

The annihilation of every inch of light has a way of being derived and then broken.


The chaotic beast roared wildly, as if it was mad, the chaotic light spewed out and turned into a bright glow, but instead extinguished the ancestral technique of the ancient ancestors.

The huge body of the ancient ancestors was smashed into a frantic retreat, trampled on the ground, the mountains collapsed, and all dissipated.

At this moment, there was complete silence.

Everyone's mouth seemed to be able to stuff a lot of eggs, and they were dumbfounded.

The Saint Immortal realm leapfrogged the ancestor Immortal realm, and it wasn't that it didn't happen.

But the key point is that this ancestral Immortal powerhouse is the ancient Sacred Body, so who else can compare to him!

The Ye family's entire clan almost didn't open their eyes, and even wanted to close their eyes for Meditation and then open them again. Is it the wrong way to open their eyes?

"Ye Aotian's ancestral skills actually failed!?"

"No, his ancestors are still in the early stage, so it's normal that he can't exert his real power."

"However, do you think the early stage is not strong? Or is the Tang religion too strong?"

The cultivator was boiling and saw an unimaginable battle.

Ye Aotian in the body of the ancient ancestors began to doubt life a little, this is impossible, how could his body of the ancient ancestors be defeated by a holy Immortal realm.

The Chaos Beast dissipated, showing the appearance of Tang Chen's handsome young man, mad and arrogant.

He looked at Ye Aotian with contempt, and grinned: "This is what you call ancestral body and ancestral technique? I really don't know what is called."

Seeing this scene, the Jin family and the white prostitute Immortal jumped up and down even more excitedly.

Especially the great ancestor of the Jin family was also very excited when he saw Tang Chen at the moment, as if he saw the former parent and child, it was too similar!

The ancient ancestors said solemnly: "My ancestors are not at the early stage, so what are you doing!"

After all, his ancestral body burst out with the power of space trembling, purely to maximize the melee combat ability of the ancient Sacred Body.

The giant fist slammed down like a golden meteor, and every time it fell, the ground sank a hundred feet.

The remaining half of the Qingliantai creaked and broke one after another, terrifyingly abnormal.

Ye Aotian finally stopped covering up any strength and wanted to crush Tang Chen with the greatest advantage.


Suddenly, every green lotus in the Qinglian Spirit Land was gradually rendered in golden color, conveying the charm of the way of nature.

The golden lotus blossoms are in full bloom, splendid and beautiful.

A hazy and majestic golden mist floated across the Eight Wastes and Liuhe, and a heavy and thick divine might agitated the surroundings.

"Daolian Golden Armor God."

Tang Chen's star eyes opened and closed, and his golden eyes were beautiful, proudly said.

The golden mist is turbulent like chaos, and the huge arms are torn apart, like a statue returning from the distant ancient heavens, with the sun and moon on its head, and its feet on Yin Cao.

The sturdy and domineering body stuns all beings. The shape of the golden armor is no less than that of the ancient ancestors. The golden fist is directly attacked from the bottom up.


The fists smashed furiously, the golden light was bright, dazzling and eye-catching, and the terrifying sound of the collision was like a heavy hammer slamming into the chests of everyone, feeling dull and uncomfortable.

The huge stature of the golden armored deity was subjected to the divine power of the ancient ancestors, and it was almost inclined to lean down.

But it contains Tang Chen's will, strong and arrogant to maintain this posture of falling, and slowly stand up after a long time.

"The Wild Ancient Sacred Body is really powerful, and it is terrifying to cooperate with the Wild Ancient Ancestral Body." Tang Chen frowned and said in his heart.

He really has to admit the horror of the ancient Sacred Body, and he can indeed be called Wudi in the same rank.

Except for the ancient demon clan, the ancient clan, and the real genius of the Immortal lineage, no one can shake Ye Aotian.

The ancient ancestor's body lifts weight lightly and looks slow, but in fact it is slow and fast, and it shows the artistic conception vividly.

Its hands are clasped together to form a circle, and Yin & Yang are actually rotating.

"Yin & Yang life and death map!" Ye Aotian's majestic and indifferent voice sounded.

The picture of life and death, Yun Yin & Yang, soars to the sky, covering the Nine Heavens ten places, without any light.

Some are just terrifying divine power falling, Yin & Yang's life and death map is a vision of the ancient Sacred Body.

The road map rotates, as if under the power of this rotation, it completely dissipates.

"Geng Jinnan's hand!"

Tang Chen moved the god of gold armor, and the golden lotuses sprayed a thin golden mist all over the place. He raised his huge palm, exuding the color of dusk.

The giant hand in the evening, the colorful light is shining, and it does not hesitate to hit the life and death map of Yin & Yang.


When Dusk Giant Hand came into contact with Yin & Yang's life and death map, it was instantly transformed into a majestic Immortal Qi by the wheel, and it couldn't stop it for long.

The ancient ancestral body cooperates with Yin & Yang's life and death map, this power can make people despair.

Tang Chen frowned deeply, and Kunpeng's wings shook behind him, swept into the distance, dodging this strike dangerously and dangerously.

The Ye family finally breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that Tang Chen is not Wudi either.

"This is the combat power of the ancestor Immortal." The ancient ancestor said indifferently.

Tang Chen looked at him with a sneer, and said, "Are you the only one from the Immortal realm?"

He took out the Xiaolong Pill in his left hand, and his right hand grabbed the miniature version of the Celestial Immortals bone, ready to make a breakthrough!

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