Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 923 If You Don't Take Action, I Can Still Fight 4

The violet sea was expansive, stirring the Ninth Stage, and the inner tyrannical and ferocious fluctuations shocked everyone present.

Tang Chen glanced at it and knew that it must be the Jin family.

There are so many things that have been caused by the flow of counterfeit goods, which has deeply affected Tang Chen's reputation.

Although he doesn't care about these fake things, he hates others to swindle and deceive under their own names.

Wang Yang dispersed, revealing the figures of Jin Haoran and Jin Zhan.

There are also guards of the Jin family, powerful and powerful, suppressing all directions.

"The one-hundred-year period begins in two days." Jin Zhan came and said solemnly.

Tang Chen squinted his eyes, this Ye family was really accurate enough, and after drawing himself out, he added so much time to Ye Aotian.

Jin Haoran looked around and said with a chuckle, "With such a big commotion, who is impersonating you?"

"The people from the Ye family have influenced my cultivation and prevented me from entering the Immortal realm." Tang Chen smiled lightly and shrugged.

Jin Haoran's smile gradually cooled down, and the Ye family really became more and more despicable.

Jin Zhan has a Killing intent in his eyes. If Ye Family does this over and over again, everyone will be extremely upset.

Seeing their expressions, Tang Chen patted the two of them on the shoulders and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Ye Aotian will definitely be defeated by me."

"But during this time, Ye Aotian will definitely step into the Immortal realm, you..." Jin Zhan said helplessly.

Tang Chen interrupted: "It's not like I haven't beaten the ancestors of the Immortal realm, so let's not mention these, do you guys come to me to go to the Cangxing realm?"

"Well, the ancestors said to gather first, and then rush to the Vientiane Realm together. This year's venue is at the Ye family's side." Jin Haoran nodded.

Tang Chen turned around and sent a voice transmission to the girls, saying that he was going to join the Jin family in the Cangxing domain, and they could bring Gao Dafu and others to watch the battle.

The girls said cheers, and returned to the Tianqing Domain with Xiao Meilong driving Zu Chenzhou.

Tang Chen and the others left the place quickly without any hesitation, leaving behind the cultivators with confused faces.

"The century-old period will be a battle of feuds between the Jin family and the Ye family!"

"In the past Qingliantai, many heroes of the Jin family have fallen. It's a pity, it's a pity."

"But this time it won't be the case. The curse has been lifted, and the situation will be restored."

The monks had a heated discussion.

However, some cultivators were filled with righteous indignation, saying that they would go to the Vientiane Realm to seek justice.

It is impossible for the stray waste to end so easily. Otherwise, the Ye family will dare to do so next time.


Cangxing Realm, Jin Family.

When the ancestors of the Jin family learned of the Ye family's conspiracy, they also hated it.

"Two days is not enough for this kid to make a breakthrough." The second ancestor of the Jin family sighed softly.

The patriarch of the Jin family stared at Tang Chen softly, and said, "Child, there is never fairness in the world, we can only rely on ourselves."

"I understand, and I don't necessarily need time to make breakthroughs, don't worry." Tang Chen smiled and replied without worry.

He silently glanced at the cultivation booster he got from the daily lottery. As long as he used it, his time to break through his ancestral Immortal state could be greatly reduced.

But now Tang Chen doesn't want to use it, and wants to give the Ye family a big surprise!

When the ancestors of the Jin family saw Tang Chen's expression, they all showed relief. This child has never been defeated by any disadvantage.

"Ancestor, the location is..." Tang Chen asked.

Jin Tianba said softly, "Vientiane Realm, Qingliantai."


"The check-in location is refreshed, Qingliantai."

"Task requirements: Defeat Ye Aotian."

system hint.

The corners of Tang Chen's lips raised, this was what he wanted most.

After the Jin family prepared everything, they immediately rushed to the Vientiane Domain.

Tang Chen also observed Jin Liezhang and the others, and nodded inwardly.

Jin Liezhang is already the ancestor of Half step Immortal.

Jin Haoran and Jin Zhan are the Immortal Realm of Heavenly Rank, and their combat power is definitely capable of dealing with some ancestor Immortal Realm.

"This time, the Jin family will never think about the fall of Qingliantai in the past." Tang Chen secretly said in his heart.

Once cursed in the Jin family, he still has an unyielding aura, participating in the battle of feuds.

But more losers win less, and even lose a lot of heroes.

But this arrogance can never be given up because of the curse. Only in hard work can we find a bright road to breakthrough.

At this moment, the juniors of the Jin family looked at the backs of the strong people in the clan, showing a strong look.


Vientiane Domain, Qinglian Spirit Land.

The territory is vast, and all things are crowded. Immortal air is like rain and dew floating in the heaven and earth, with little waves, sparkling on everything.

There are small ponds one after another, green lotus blooming, emerald dripping, beautiful and exuding a faint fragrance.


The figures are chuochao, rushing from all directions.

They all came to watch the 100-year period between the Ye family and the Jin family to see who could win this time.

"Doesn't it need to be said, the Ye family must win, and I don't think it took a few years for the Jin family to lift the curse."

"The Ye family is sure to win. It is said that a few days ago, a vision appeared in the depths of the Ye family. It is only possible to enter the ancestral Immortal realm."

"Although the Jin family is very strong, I still choose the Ye family because they are too strong."

The cultivators' evaluation of this feuding war was almost overwhelming support for the Ye family.

Qinglian Lingdi even made a bet, and countless people chose the Ye family.

Only a handful of the Kim family had a choice.

Many strong people also came, and this battle has a great relationship.

At the same time, countless people who were deceived and hurt by Liuhuang arrived here and spread the Ye family's conspiracy everywhere.

"The Ye family must be fair today, Liuhuang is yours, tear down my ancestral tomb!"

"God's Ye family, daddy is dying, I need you to explain!"

"Bah, it's still called the ancient clan, and they all come up with these despicable methods."

Many unpleasant scolding remarks made many people speechless.

It was enough to see that the Ye family really annoyed such a large group of people this time.

However, the Ye family only needs to bite Liu Huang and be controlled by others, and it is enough not to admit it.


The void shook violently, and the Jin family arrived, attracting the attention of countless people, especially Tang Chen.

Not for other reasons, but because he is not from the Jin family, he will participate in this battle of feuds.

"There are really a lot of people here." Jin Haoran raised his eyebrows while looking down at the pergola.

Jin Zhan said with a sneer: "The Ye family did it to make my Jin family embarrassed, so that people can publicize it."

"Then this time, the Ye family will be completely defeated!" Jin Lie Zhang Yingwu is extraordinary, with sharp eyebrows, and said deeply.

Tang Chen smiled and said, "If you guys don't make a move, I can still fight four."

"Fart, isn't that your personal show!" Jin Liezhang and the three stared at each other.

The ancestors of the Jin family and their elders looked at each other and laughed.

Being able to compete without fear shows that Tang Chen and others are never afraid of any ancient Sacred Body, and the killing is over!

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