Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 893 Don't Let Him Go, This Stinky Boy Must Have Another Bad Idea

Ye Aotian's words made Ye Xi put away his luck.

Because he realized who he was going to deal with, it was the most cunning Tang Chen in the Three Thousand Domains!

When Gao Dafu and others saw Tang Chen vomiting blood again, they hurried over to support him.

Tang Chen struggled and said in pain, "I can still hold on, it's fine."

The girls have also followed Tang Chen for too long, and they have become familiar with each other, and they have also begun to have some acting skills.

The appearance of their crying pear blossoms with rain is simply heartbreaking.

Tang Chen secretly gave them a thumbs up, great.

He wants to deceive Ye Aotian to take action in a way of showing weakness, then there will be legitimate reasons to kill Ye Aotian.

It's a pity that Ye Aotian really deserves to be the first Sacred Body, his brain and combat power are beyond doubt.

Ye Aotian led his own servant and Ye Xi to about fifty meters away from Tang Chen.

Jin Liezhang and the others said with low eyes, "What do you want to do?"

"Tang Chen, I know what you're thinking, but I don't want to do anything with you yet." Ye Aotian said lightly.

Tang Chen said weakly, "I don't know what you said."

"The century is coming, you are so close to the Jin family, you will definitely come and fight you again." Ye Aotian said flatly.

He never likes to take advantage of others, and he has to fight with the top Tang Chen in a life-and-death battle to show his own combat power.

Furthermore, Ye Aotian not only wanted to defeat Tang Chen, but also took away his three emperor inheritances at the same time.

This is the arrogance and determination of the ancient Sacred Body, and ordinary people would not dare to do so.

Tang Chen said nothing, still pretending to be weak.

In fact, his heart began to feel a little disappointed, and it was a pity that Ye Aotian was not deceived by this.

"During this time, you still have the inheritance of the four emperors of Jin Liezhang, so keep it." Ye Aotian said indifferently.

After he finished speaking, he left the area with people without any lingering at all.

The space beast Misheng and the others in the distance, and the Immortal Dragon King of the True Dragon Clan, didn't say anything.

"How do you say? Can't you get on?" Shiguang asked in a low voice with dark eyes.

Mi Sheng was also struggling and lingering in his heart, and finally shook his head and said, "No, this is a trap, and with people like Jin Lie Zhang Ao Ling Qing, it is difficult for us to break through."

"Could it be that we didn't repay the humiliation we received back then?" Yuan Yang gritted his teeth bitterly.

Mi Sheng glanced at him and said coldly, "If you insist on this, just go."

He didn't want to care anymore, he opened the space door and left.

Shi Guang sighed, Tang Chen is getting stronger and stronger, and their chances of revenge are getting less and less.

Yuan Yang looked at Tang Chen angrily, and finally chose to save his life and didn't go.

The Immortal Dragon King of the True Dragon Clan looked at each other.

No one else plans to go, and they can't fish in troubled waters, so let's wait for the opportunity in the future.

"Hey, a bunch of cowards, they don't dare to take action, they deserve to get no inheritance." Tang Chen observed the surrounding situation and pouted.

Jin Zhan rolled his eyes and said, "Do you really think they are all fools? It would be stupid to jump into such an obvious trap."

"Gan, I've been using this curse for a long time. I want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. It seems that it will be difficult in the future." Tang Chen exclaimed strangely.

Everyone didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, it’s a miracle that such an obvious fishing trend can still catch the morning star.

But they also found it strange that the curse of the Ten Commandments would have no effect on Tang Chen.

Sure enough, no matter what strange things happened to him, it was not surprising.

Depressed, Tang Chen took out the character-searching instrument, and meditated on the three Immortal War Venerate. Suddenly, the route appeared, and he was still in the imperial palace.

"By the way, have you all gained something?" He raised his hand and asked.

Chi Lin and Jin Liezhang got the inheritance, and the rest of them gained a lot in the land of comprehension, and they all nodded with a smile.

Tang Chen nodded and said: "That's good, go catch that extraterritorial strange clan, don't let him go."

Everyone agreed and quickly chased after him.


Somewhere in the palace.

3 Immortal War Venerate the soul was hit hard, because the soul was ripped out of the soul by Tang Chen.

The damage to the soul is extremely serious. If he wants to recover, it will take a long time.

"Tang Chen, I must make you pay the price, just wait and see!" he growled coldly.

But what followed in his mind was the colic of his soul, which made him unable to bear the heavy breathing of closing his eyes.

After some relief, when San Immortal War Venerate was about to leave, a shadow fell in the air.

A majestic and sturdy figure stands in the sky behind San Immortal War Venerate, with bright pupils, as deep as a starry sky.

Ye Tianming came after him and said coldly, "I don't know what Tang Chen paid, but you can't go out alive today."

"Hahaha, the second Sacred Body of the dignified Ye family chased me in person. It's really a blessing for three lives." San Immortal War Venerate turned around and said with a self-deprecating laugh.

His drooping arm is communicating with the mysterious Immortal world, and he wants to take out treasures to help escape.


In Ye Tianming's indifferent eyes, a golden Immortal sword shone through the body of the three Immortal War Venerate, and the latter felt a terrifying power eroding in.

Three Immortal War Venerate struggled: "You..."

"Take my statue, I told you to repay this debt." Ye Tianming said indifferently with a golden light shining from his brows.

Three Immortal War Venerate is behind a cute golden baby holding an Immortal sword, which is the embodiment of the ancient Immortal body of the golden infant.


The monstrous sword light rose into the sky, and the body and soul of the three Immortal War Venerate were twisted into flesh.

After Ye Tianming did all this, he hurried to meet him without even looking at him.

On the other side, the route of the character search instrument in Tang Chen's hand suddenly broke.

"Huh? No more." He frowned.

Gao Dafu said suspiciously, "Is it because you have been useless for too long and have rusted and malfunctioned?"

"No, I used it for Chi Lin and the others a few years ago." Tang Chen picked it up and patted it, wondering.

Immediately, he suddenly realized that there are only two possibilities for the route to be interrupted, one is not in the Three Thousand Domains, and the other is Death.

The first one may be completely non-existent. There is no node or coordinate leading to the extraterritorial strange clan in the imperial palace.

Tang Chen sighed lightly: "Three Immortal War Venerate is dead."

"Dead? Who moved the hand?" Others were also surprised.

Jin Liezhang folded his arms and said, "Don't be so surprised. His soul was injured and he couldn't exert much combat power. Maybe he was attacked and killed."

"Well, it's a pity that I couldn't kill him with my own hands." Tang Chen shrugged.

Because the three Immortal War Venerate is really too Damn it, it actually has the remnant of the Emperor Dongzi, and it has been transformed into full of dirty Immortal blood, just to contaminate them.

Suddenly, Tang Chen saw the Immortal clan powerhouses surrounded by Tianchen Star Lord, but had not really escaped.

He rolled his eyes and said with a grin, "Let's get out quickly, or the Immortals will definitely bite us like mad dogs."

The corners of their mouths twitched, and this stinky boy must have another bad idea.

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