Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 693 11 Star Infinite Gloves, I Caught The Technology Thief Of The Shrimp Household

Ye Xi and Ye Liangchen on Bai Yu Calabash looked displeased.

Sure enough, the four dynasties are all waste and cannot be trusted at all.

"See, this is the means of transportation I told you about."

Ye Liangchen's eyes were cold and he said softly.

Ye Yi looked at Zu Chenzhou and nodded with satisfaction: "It's really a good idea, it's expensive, and the materials I've never seen before."

Ye Liangchen's feet are like old trees rooted in the white jade Calabash.

The power of Qian Lie Jin body was injected into it, the speed increased sharply, and it was dyed with a layer of golden color, beautiful and dazzling.

"Tang Chen, I have a crush on your spaceship. I'll remember to hand it over later and save your life."

Ye Xi stood with his arms crossed and smiled.

The tall, rich and proud master and the girls showed contempt, really not wanting face.

Tang Chen glanced at their white jade Calabash, and said softly: "Where is the ragged transportation tool, you dare to fly in front of me."


His Wanhua Indestructible Gong works, and the immortal Dao pattern shines with supreme brilliance on his back, which is injected into Zu Chenzhou.

In an instant, Zu Chenzhou's speed soared again, slightly shifted his position, and the giant sword aimed at Baiyu Calabash.

Ye Xijian frowned deeply and shouted, "Tang Chen, you dare!"

"Is there anything in this world that I dare not do?"

Tang Chen grinned.

Zu Chenzhou swept away violently, but the size of the behemoth had an unmatched speed, rushing up.

The giant war sword pierced directly through the white jade Calabash.


The white jade Calabash shattered on the spot, and the Celestial Immortals were rippling with light, beautiful and desolate.

The cultivators who were chasing after saw this scene completely dumbfounded.

"Ye Yi and Ye Liangchen's Calabash was stabbed?"

"I'll drop a mother, this Tang Chen is really brave enough!"

"It's really not afraid of making trouble, my dear."

They were shocked.

in the void.

Because the white jade Calabash exploded, Ye Xi and the two were thrown into the air.

Although there was no injury, it was a huge shame for the two of them.

"Be careful next time, don't fly around like flies in front of me." Tang Chen glanced at them indifferently and sneered.

With a wave of his hand, Zu Chenzhou quickly rushed to the dome Immortal Palace.

Blue veins appeared in Ye Yan's brows, and he took a deep breath, actually suppressing the anger, and did not speak insults.

Ye Liangchen scolded loudly: "Bitch, when I catch you, you must cramp and peel!"

"Go, there is time to play with him!"

Ye Yan's eyes were full of anger, but he still said in a deep voice.

The two followed closely behind, not daring to slow down too much.

It's a pity that Zu Chenzhou was too fast and disappeared all of a sudden.

When Tang Chen and Ye Xi were racing, all the cultivators also flew in, and they were unwilling to let go of the treasure.

Only the Thousand-faced Demon Monarch walked leisurely through the void.

Lin Jing also planned to let the adults kill Tang Chen, but he was so slow, what was he going to do?

"My lord, aren't you interested in that treasure?"

he asked cautiously.

Thousand-faced Demon Monarch smiled evilly, and said, "The value of this group of people is much higher than that of the Holy Immortal treasure, so you need to figure out your own positioning."

Once he devours the Thousand Lie Gold Body, or the Innate Chaos Body, then the combat power can definitely double up.

So, he wasn't in a hurry at all.

Anyway, in the end, if you can grab it, you can grab it, and if you can't grab it, forget it.

Lin Jing didn't dare to ask more, for fear of being swallowed up by the Thousand-faced Demon Monarch.

In fact, he thought too much.

Thousand-faced Demon Monarch simply dislikes him.


Dome Immortal Palace.

Zu Chen's boat flew by, and the speed was so fast that Ye Yi and Ye Liangchen behind him couldn't catch up.

After logging into the Immortal Palace, Qionglou Yuyu quickly passed by below.

Gao Dafu wondered, "Don't you stop to look for treasures?"

"Those are all gadgets, and the really valuable ones are in the deepest part." Tang Chen replied.

The deepest part of the Immortal Palace is a huge palace, showing a purple-gold color as a whole, noble and gorgeous.

The brilliant visual sense is blowing.

Zu Chenzhou slowly stopped.

Tang Chen and Jin Zhan felt the Yiyuantong Immortal mirror and the binary Immortal hairpin vibrate gently in their hands, indicating that they have arrived.


"The host has arrived at the check-in location, is there a lottery draw?"

system hint.

Tang Chen secretly said in his heart, "Lottery draw."

The huge roulette wheel was spinning in front of him, and the various rewards were drooling, but unfortunately he couldn't stop at the desired position.


"Congratulations to the host for drawing the Eleven-Star Treasure: Infinite Gloves!"

Tang Chen froze when he heard what he had drawn.

What a shit! ?

He blinked, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

[Infinity Gloves: The weapon used by Thanos in the Marvel Universe can use the six Infinity Gems to the ultimate combat power. Even if there are no gems, it is a terrible weapon. 】

After seeing the introduction, Tang Chen covered his heart and secretly said, " Thanos is actually me, and I will become a family planning expert one day."

It's self-evident how scary the Infinity Gauntlet is.

But even if Tang Chen is extracted now, it is most used as a carrier of martial arts, and hitting someone must be very painful.

It's just that the infinite gloves lacking gems are like the bridegroom looking at the empty wedding room in the bridal chamber, feeling unbearable loneliness.

Therefore, Tang Chen has to spend more free prostitutes and draw more prizes.

See if you have a chance to collect six Infinity Stones and become Thanos on another world!

"Huh? Something's wrong, the Avengers, Thanos, destined?"

He thought of the organization names of Mu Yi's people, and complained to himself.

In any case, Tang Chen, who had drawn infinite gloves, still felt quite happy.

Eleven-star treasure, absolutely not fake.

At this moment, Jin Zhan bumped into Tang Chen's arm, and said softly, "Those two who are holding back are here."

Tang Chen and the others turned their heads to look, and sure enough, Ye Xi and Ye Liangchen came in the form of Changhong, but their expressions were extremely ugly.

"I can still catch up, my physical strength is good."

Tang Chen teased.

Ye Yan's pupils were cold and cold, and said coldly, "Tang Chen, those who have offended Huanggu Sacred Body since ancient times have never had good results."

"Then I'll wait and see." Tang Chen was in a good mood and shrugged.

There are dense and obscure patterns on the surface of the Purple Gold Palace, and only those who are in charge of key items can enter.

Tang Chen turned to look at Gao Dafu and Master Ao Lingqing, and said softly, "I'm going in with Jin Zi, be careful not to be attacked."

"Don't worry, I caught the technology thief of the shrimp farmer, don't worry." Gao Dafu waved his hand proudly and proudly.

Tang Chen smiled at the girls and handed Zu Chenzhou to Gao Dafu.

One yuan pass Immortal mirror, two yuan Immortal hairpin, three yuan gold bracelet, four yuan wooden comb flew up, escaped into the purple gold palace, and tore a hole.

The temple door is open.

The four of Tang Chen swept in as if shrinking into an inch.

At this time, the troops of the four dynasties, the princes and the cultivators also arrived, but there was no way to get in, so they could only stay outside.

"One step too late." Prince Cang Minglong gritted his teeth.

Gao Dafu stood on the deck and sneered: "A group of weak chickens, do you still want to be rushed by this leader?"

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