Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 685 Close To Zhu Is Red, Close To Ink Is Black, He Learned Badly From Tang Chen

Emperor Qin, who was about to destroy Tang Chen in anger, was speechless by Jin Zhan's words.

The Cangtian Baxue family is definitely the top existence in the human race in the Three Thousand Domain Realm.

Emperor Qin had dared to reject Ye Xi's integration before.

One is anger.

The second is that no one is in front of you.

The current situation is that Jin Zhan is standing in front of Emperor Qin.

He didn't dare to make any objections.

"Bazi, I..."

Emperor Qin couldn't help swallowing his saliva and said astringently.

Jin Zhan said deeply: "What? Even I will be destroyed together?"

"Don't dare! I'm just targeting Tang Chen, not you!" Qin Di waved his hands nervously.

The masses saw that the emperor who was aloof in the past was now facing the Golden War without any majesty.

Tang Chen said with a smile: "I understand what you're talking about, let's do it."

After he finished speaking, he took out the binary Immortal hairpin from World Seed, and instantly solidified in Qin Emperor's pupil.

"Hurry up and hand it over, it was originally a sacred object belonging to my Great Qin Dynasty!" Emperor Qin couldn't help shouting loudly.

Tang Chen threw the binary Immortal hairpin up and down and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I found this in the Qingming Domain. I wasn't there at all the day I lost it."

Anyway, it was given by the system's daily lottery, and what he got for free, when has he ever done anything to give it back to others?

Emperor Qin was trembling with anger.

If it weren't for Jin Zhan, he would have been fighting Tang Chen long ago.

Hu Yan looked resentful and roared: "Father, kill him, this is the sacred object of my dynasty!"

"What are you, you dare to threaten my friend!"

Jin Zhan Zitong slid out like a sword out of its sheath, Shen shouted.


The azure light rushed into the sky and evolved into the Azure Dragon Dharma body, with a strong Dao rhyme, and a shocking dragon roar was emitted during the drifting.

Hu Yan's expression changed in shock, and he noticed a terrifying fluctuation, his body and soul were greatly oppressed, and he fell to the ground and trembled.

Emperor Qin's anger continued to surge, and he was bullied to the head by the two juniors. He couldn't bear it!

"Bazi, don't deceive people too much, this is the Great Qin Dynasty!"

he growled.

Jin Zhan put the Azure Dragon on his head, and said indifferently: "Too deceiving? Your prince insulted my friend first, but you should compensate us."

The corners of their mouths twitched slightly when they heard it.

You are so strong, and you still need compensation from the Qin Dynasty?

Many cultivators looked at Jin Zhan with suspicious and weird eyes.

In their impression, Jin Zhan has always been a straight person and would never do such a thing.

All I can say is... those who are close to the vermillion are red, those who are close to the ink are black!

He learned badly from Tang Chen.

"You... well, what compensation do you want!"

Seeing Jin Zhan's flaming pupil light, Emperor Qin gritted his teeth.

Tang Chen's lips moved, and the sound was transmitted to Jin Zhan, who immediately understood.

Jin Zhan said indifferently: "It is said that there is an ancient tomb of the Qin family in your Great Qin Dynasty. Let my friend go in and this misunderstanding will be resolved."


As soon as these words came out, there was an exclamation in the imperial capital.

They also did not expect that Jin Zhan would want to let Tang Chen enter the ancient tomb of the Qin people.

Qin Emperor was stunned, and immediately showed a puzzled look.

Qin ancient tombs do exist, but others are not allowed to enter.

Even Emperor Qin himself did not dare to say that he would come and go casually.

Because there is a corpse emperor who became a corpse emperor after the fall of the king, in the ancient tomb of the Qin people, unless you master Qin Hui, you can enter and exit safely.

He really didn't understand why Tang Chen wanted to enter the ancient tomb of the Qin people?

"Wait a minute, if he wants to go in, won't he die inside?"

Suddenly, Emperor Qin thought of this question, and his eyes lit up.

Once Tang Chen died in the tomb, wouldn't the binary Immortal hairpin be able to return to his hands?

He knew that Tang Chen was very strong.

But if Qin Hui did not enter the ancient tomb of the Qin people, it was simply courting death.

Emperor Qin felt that he was a great wise man!

That's it!

He couldn't be too excited, he frowned, and said coldly: "Okay, just as you said, if he dies inside, you can't have hatred in your heart."

"Don't worry, if I really die, it's just my food and has nothing to do with the Qin Dynasty." Tang Chen patted Yi Qing's back and smiled.

Emperor Qin looked at Tang Chen with bad eyes, nodded and said, "Okay, I will look at Ba Zi's face today and make an exception to let you in."

Everyone felt suspicious that they had heard it wrong.

Did Emperor Qin really agree?

"What can I do if I don't agree, the Qin Dynasty can't play the blood of the sky."

"I've heard of the ancient tombs of the Qin people, and there are corpse emperors in them."

"Good guy, isn't it dangerous for Tang Chen to enter?"

The monks have different opinions.

Emperor Qin led the way, Tang Chen and the others followed, heading to the palace.

Coincidentally, this farce fell in the eyes of Ye Xi and Ye Liangchen.

They came to the imperial capital of Great Qin long ago and watched the play the whole time.

"This Tang Chen will definitely die." Prince Cang Ming sneered.

Ye Yi said in surprise, "How do you say it?"

"There is a corpse emperor in the ancient tomb of the Qin people. The emperor who used to be in the Qin Dynasty took Yuehua to live after his death."

"That's why they dare to reject you, Third Master, and they can control this corpse emperor for a short time."

Prince Cang Minglong explained.

Ye Xi and Ye Liangchen nodded, it turned out to be the same thing.

"Xuan Immortal Battle Corpse Emperor, who gave him the courage?"

Ye Xi joked.

He thinks this is not bad. Once Tang Chen dies, the immortal hairpin doesn't matter, the statue of Emperor Dongzi will fall in the ancient tomb.

At that time, Ye Xi only needed to do a little trick, and let the Qin Dynasty obey obediently and present the statue of Emperor Dongzi.


Deep in the Daqin Palace.

The bright moon hangs high, shedding its soft brilliance, like a veil covering everything.

An ancient and huge mausoleum stands in the depths of the palace, as if an invisible mouth is swallowing the essence of heaven and earth.

Tang Chen and others followed Emperor Qin here.

Into the eye is the outline of the entire mausoleum.

"Once you enter the ancient tomb, you don't care if you live or die. Don't blame me for not reminding me." Emperor Qin turned around and sneered.

Tang Chen jumped off Yi Qing's back and said with a light smile, "Let's start, it's just a small mausoleum, can it stop me?"

Emperor Qin and Hu Ju disliked Tang Chen's attitude so much that they wished he would die in it sooner.


Emperor Qin was in control of the formation pattern outside the mausoleum, the light rainbow was slowly torn apart, and a cold and gloomy breath flowed out.

After Jin Zhan and the others noticed it, they even frowned.

This breath of death, yin, corpse, etc. intertwined, it really makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Be careful."

Yu Mian and the others called behind Tang Chen.

Peixia Ming Junyu held her hand lightly and said in a low voice, "Young master, please be careful."

"Thanks for caring."

Tang Chen nodded to Yumian and other beauties, then smiled at Peixia Mingjun, raised his footsteps and walked towards the ancient tomb of the Qin family.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he went straight in.

Darkness swallowed the latter figure.

Seeing him go in, Hu Yan said with a sinister smile: "You bastard, the flesh and blood that was devoured inside is not left!"

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