Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 275 6 Defeats And 9 Robbery Swordsmen, New Punch Cards Are Refreshed

Xuanjian Lingshan suddenly boiled.

Qin Wusha and the others immediately showed excitement when they saw Tang Chen and the Nine Tribulations Juggernaut appearing on Wujiantai.

Needless to say, it must be the Nine Tribulations Juggernaut who wants to fight... the sword!

Gu Lin'er and the three daughters showed dumb, suspicious expressions, completely clueless as to what was going on.

"This is the promise that my uncle made to the Sword Saint of Nine Tribulations, to discuss the sword once a month." Ye Qingrou explained.

"I have heard of the name of the Nine Tribulations Sword Saint, and it is rumored that he is an extremely powerful figure of the older generation." Shi Lingmei's face showed a dignified look.

Ancient Lin'er and Seven Suns Holy Maiden shrugged lightly.

No matter who the opponent is, they don't think Tang Chen will lose.

On the Wujian stage.

Tang Chen and the Nine Tribulations Sword Saint sat cross-legged.

The former is indifferent, the latter excited.

Since the last time he lost to Tang Chen, the Sword Saint of Nine Tribulations was overcome with pain and finally made some progress in swordsmanship.

This battle, he is bound to win!

"Senior, it's still up to you to take the shot first."

Tang Chen smiled and waved his hand.

The Sword Saint of Nine Tribulations was not polite, his body trembled, and the divine might contained in Sage surged out like a flash flood.

When the crowd noticed this coercion, they all turned pale and hurried back several hundred meters to feel better.

However, Tang Chen's treatment of Sage's coercion was as gentle as a breeze blowing across the lake, his black hair fluttering, his eyes indifferent, and there was no pressure.

"It seems that the trip to Nanling has made you grow a lot." The Nine Tribulations Swordsman said with surprise.

"Maybe." Tang Chen smiled lightly.

call out!

The next moment, a substantial Immortal sword was formed on the top of his head, the index finger and middle finger merged, and he said softly: "Cut."

As if he had followed the law, he flicked two fingers, and the Immortal sword slashed, the heaven and the earth were silent, and all things returned to zero.

Nine Tribulations Juggernaut's eyes revealed solemn color, as if facing a great enemy, shouting: "Wan Lei!"


Dark clouds gathered, thunder roared, and thousands of thunder lights rushed down.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, the thunder and lightning turned into a divine sword, and Dao Yun Lingtian slammed into the sword of Tang Chen.


The void burst open.

A roaring sound echoed above the Xuanjian Lingshan, and the space was like glass, with countless tiny cracks appearing.

"Just talking about swords, can you cut space into such a shape?"

"This sword... I understand!"

"Little Master Uncle is mighty!"

A tsunami of discussions erupted from the silent Xuanjian Spirit Mountain.

From the elder disciples to the janitors, all of them were amazed at this shocking sword argument just after the collision.

Even the ancestors of Chunyang and the real Xuejian were stunned, exclaiming and eating melon seeds quickly.

Look at the Wujian stage again.

The Nine Tribulations Sword Saint's body was filled with thunder, and his pupils were surrounded by divine thunder, as if he had transformed into a thunder sword, and he said softly, "Tianlei!"

He raised his arms high, and the thunder light shredded the dark clouds, as if connecting the sky and the earth, slowly falling, and slashed at Tang Chen.

The Thunder Sword was violent and annihilated all things, as if all living beings were only blown away in front of it.

Countless people exclaimed, and everyone could see that compared to the last sword discussion, the Nine Tribulations Sword Saint really had a feeling.

However, Tang Chen closed his eyes, his ink-like hair fluttered in the wind, and behind him, a white-robed figure of Shengxue appeared, standing above the sky, like a god in charge of kendo.

"It's Uncle's Selfless Sword Heart!"

Qin Wusha and the others exclaimed.


Tang Chen's Jianxin smiled lightly, and cut out his sword with ease.

The thunder that everyone was paying attention to turned into thousands of fragments in an instant, scattered across the sky and the earth.

The whole place was quiet.

One by one opened their mouths wide, stunned.

This scene is so familiar.

It was exactly the same as the last sword discussion!

All shattered with a single sword!

The ancestors of Chunyang and the real blood sword almost stared out of their eyes, is it still so simple?

They also thought that the Nine Tribulations Juggernaut had some insight in kendo, which should be able to cause some obstacles to Tang Chen.

However, the truth is so cruel.

Regardless of whether you have any insight, I will still cut it with one sword.

"Come again!"

The Nine Tribulations Sword Saint was not discouraged at all, and laughed.

Tang Chen smiled and accompany him.

Then, Tang Chen and the Nine Tribulations Juggernaut discussed the sword again, fighting for six consecutive battles.

It turned out that Tang Chen won.

Old Ancestor Chunyang was speechless.

The Nine Tribulations Sword Saint is purely seeking abuse!

This apprentice of my own is so perverted that it is unbelievable!

Gu Lin'er's four daughters looked at Tang Chen's eyes with brilliance, and could not wait to rush up to give a bear hug, it's so handsome!

"From today onwards, your swordsmanship is my goal!"

The Nine Tribulations Sword Saint stood up and cupped fist respectfully towards Tang Chen.

He lost convincingly.

He had lost all six times on the sword, and if he had to replace it with someone else, Dao heart had already collapsed and he was autistic on the spot.

But for the Nine Tribulations Juggernaut, failure is the best nourishment for success, and it will bring about a huge change in own kendo.

"Senior, you're welcome, your insights in kendo have also benefited the kid a lot." Tang Chen hurriedly bragged about business.

"Hearing you say that makes me feel better." The Nine Tribulations Sword Saint grinned.


There was warm and surging applause from the top and bottom of Xuanjian Lingshan.

The disciples and elders clapped their hands excitedly, it has been a long time since I saw such a wonderful sword discussion.

Moreover, many disciples had an epiphany in the discussion of swords, and vaguely touched the barrier of cultivation.

Surrounded by applause, Tang Chen smiled and looked at the blue sky.

Go home feeling good!


Bloody Battle Spirit Mountain.

Blood Front Immortal has returned safely to the bloody cave.

It was a particularly difficult time for him. He was influenced by Tang Chen everywhere, and he always achieved nothing.

For the grumpy real Immortal, it was like a bomb had been planted in his chest, ready to explode at any moment.

The real Kuangwu did not dare to provoke him, and said cautiously: "You... what are your plans next?"

"Beiyuan, if I keep running away, Dao heart will collapse completely, and I won't be able to face Tang Chen directly in the future."

Xue Fengzhen Immortal clenched his hands tightly and shouted with a grim expression: "This time Beiyuan, I will kill Tang Chen!"

Between the words, his pupils were filled with blood, and there was a sinister murderous intent.

"I think you still... I wish you a great victory!"

The real Kuangwu wanted to dissuade him, but when he saw Immortal's gloomy eyes, he was so frightened that he hurriedly changed his words.

"During this time, take good care of the Bloody Battle Cave."

After Xue Fengzhen Immortal threw a sentence, it turned into a rainbow light and hurried towards Beiyuan.

He is going to find his own chance, Ascension himself, and then get back everything that belongs to him!


Xuanjian Lingshan.

On this day, Tang Chen sat cross-legged on a futon for cultivation and was thinking about when to go to Beiyuan.

Ancestor Chunyang appeared and smiled lightly: "What is the good disciple thinking?"

"I'm going to go to Beiyuan, and I always feel that something big will happen there." Tang Chen first bowed and saluted, then explained.

In ancient languages, men aim in all directions.

For Tang Chen's choice, Chunyang ancestors never stopped

After a pause, he said, "Since you are going to Beiyuan, I will tell you a little bit of Beiyuan's secrets, which is about the battle of the state."

State battle?

Tang Chen heard this word for the first time, and immediately became interested.

The ancestor of Chunyang explained: "The battle of the state domain is the battle of the young Tianjiao in Beiyuan, and the location is in the Tiansheng space..."


"The punch-in location is refreshed, and the next punch-in location: Tiansheng Space."


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Updates to come!

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